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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Apparently he’s big on Christian teachings, family values, morality and of course law and order.
  2. Trump comes down on the side of Putin….. again. Anyone else see a pattern?
  3. I’ve said for a long while, it is firm belief that any member of this forum who’s assets are greater than their liabilities is wealthier than Trump. I strongly advise his supporters don’t send him a single penny of their own hard earned money. The poor excuse for a man is a grifter.
  4. I’m not defending any criminals. I’m calling out the dehumanization of immigrants. Not the same thing, but nice try, have another go.
  5. I don’t agree with you on much but in this I do. Health is everything and you have my very best wishes for the fullest of recoveries, as does Kate or indeed anyone suffering ill health.
  6. Who was feeding his support base lies, anti-science bunkum and attacking those who were advising sound and proven medical science?
  7. Ah the astrology. What do the tea leaves have to say? Or indeed the chicken entrails.
  8. So COVID turned up in the final year of Trump’s failed presidency and you wish to compare the COVID death count from that one year with the following 3+ years of Biden’s first term of office. And all the while it’s killing Republicans at a higher rate.
  9. Oh there was me thinking that when you referred to ‘voting numbers’ you had been counting ‘votes’. There have been a number of special elections that haven’t been going the Republican way, so I doubt you were referring to them. Perhaps best to wait until November. Remember Dolf, vote and vote early.
  10. Almost an essay. Differences of opinion make for good debate. Trolling, not so much so.
  11. Since you have provided no reference we can non of use be sure if that number wasn’t simply dreamed up. However, whatever the real number it is clear Republicans died at a higher rate. It seems ‘stupid’ can be fixed after we all: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/political-party-affiliation-linked-excess-covid-deaths
  12. Sorry so don’t speak illiberal hate mongering. Try this instead: The American Dream - built by immigrants.
  13. You missed the bit about decimating public services, failing in their own feeble promises and the habitual Tory sleaze. You ‘obviously’ Cristal ball stuff would be baseless except for being built on your own bias.
  14. I thought the truth nobody wants to admit would be the obvious eating disorder.
  15. And the subject Chip Shop is owned by Chris Kanizi.
  16. I guess that’s why Biden is raking in donations way above the Republicans feeble efforts.
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