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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Fortunately for Justice, the accused doesn’t get to set the trial date.
  2. The ‘Trump’s going to get away with it all’ jerk-around sells well while Justice ticks on.
  3. Why would you, my post is entirely accurate. Something else is obviously bothering you. I suggest you ask your question of yourself, you might find out what that something is.
  4. I’m more concerned that in 20 years time teachers might not be able to use books in schools that aren’t first approved by Christo-Fascist sensors.
  5. Point out anything in my post that you find to be inaccurate. Give it your best go.
  6. Maybe s/he is very good at banking, hence getting on so well.
  7. Mid April is just fine. Pleasures are always best when savored at leisure.
  8. You’ve obviously run out of sensible arguments hence your resort to crude innuendo.
  9. The remarks by Rowling are widely reported. It’s her remarks that are offensive. She’s been informed of her ignorance but has yet to respond.
  10. All you need now is evidence of crimes against all these ‘globalists’. And if crimes have been committed, then what precisely is wrong with investigating and prosecuting those crimes?
  11. The Guards on display are performing ceremonial duties but are all members of the Guards Regiments, all of which are fully trained and equipped fighting regiments. There have since 2017 been female guards on Royal duty: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queens-guard-buckingham-palace-first-female-megan-couto-second-battalion-princess-patricias-canadian-light-infantry-a7808261.html https://www.householddivision.org.uk/the-guards
  12. I don’t swallow the ‘he’s going to get away with it all’ lure.
  13. I think it more likely voters will baulk at sending a convicted criminal to the White House.
  14. A way to keep him out of court hasn’t been found. Why assume a way to keep out of prison will be found?
  15. You aren’t speaking for me. I’m looking forward to the trial. The evidence and testimony coming out is going to be fascinating. Above all, will Trump take the stand? Will he try to make some kind of coherent comment outside the court? Get this show on the road.
  16. Great job by the cop. Took control and got rid of the problem. I do hope someone asks these girls to reflect on their behavior towards a serving member of the military, they absolutely would not get away with such behavior towards a Marine Corps Guard at the White House.
  17. I doubt anyone thinks a guilty verdict is ‘inevitable’. I believe it is the evidence that will impact the jury pool, although misinformation and even threats of violence might very well play their part. However, I expect many in Trump’s MAGA camp thought it inevitable that Willis would be removed from the case, and of course this would be the prelude to Trump ‘getting away with it all’. We can look forward to their reaction in the coming hours, once the talking points have been distributed.
  18. I called this right. I said from the very start it was a nothing burger. I normally ask the burger flipper to go light in the relish, but on this occasion I’ll have all the relish going. One more slap down for the constant ‘Trump is going to get away with it all’ nonsense. Get to Trial Fani. It’s well past Trump’s prison time.
  19. A couple of interesting things about this latest Gove brain fart. Firstly it has absolutely no judicial weight, it’s simply a means for Ministers to run a black list. Secondly, it might be reasonable to assume that extremism is a matter of concern to the Home Office. It seems Gove got the wrong end of the stick with the ‘Home’ bit, because this latest nonsense was put together in the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Perhaps Gove realized he’s failed on levelling up and housing so he thought he’d try his hand at dealing with Extremism. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-levelling-up-housing-and-communities
  20. A housing requirement that could have been filled in the past 14 years but was not. Certainly the tax receipts from 400,000 immigrant households could have helped pay for building more houses.
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