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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No he was not. Multiple people with whom he claims to have had this conversation have stated they have no recollection of Trump saying anything of the sort. Trump is (no surprise) lying. But he’s chosen a very particular and dangerous lie As discussed above.
  2. Do you accept Trump’s statement undermines NATO unity and hence increases the risks to all NATO members?
  3. Sending munitions to Ukraine is the only ‘talking to Putin’ that Biden needs do. Certainly beats standing in front of the world’s news cameras and declaring I believe Putin and not the U.S. Security Services. ‘RUssia, if you’re listening’.
  4. That was not the message. ‘Russia [Putin] do what the hell you like’ if I am elected U.S. President. Was the clear and unequivocal message.
  5. More specifically, the events Trump describes in his outrageous statement almost certainly never happened; a number of attendees at the meeting have stated they have no recollection of Trump saying any such thing. Which begs the question. Why did he say this now and who did he want to get that message to?
  6. Music to his master’s ears. “Russian, if you’re listening!’
  7. The U.S. does not have to pay for any NATO defenses beyond its own obligations. The Governments of other NATO nations are not so subservient to the demands of their arms industry as is the U.S.
  8. Why on earth would Scott wish to hitch his own political fire to a guy going to prison?
  9. Nothing anywhere in the OP or the DOJ Report the OP refers to substantiates your claim. Its why your baseless assertion owns you.
  10. Let’s see you try to here all others have failed. Please provide evidence, real quote and real link, of any assessment that Biden is not fit to stand trial. Or be owned by your own baseless nonsense claims.
  11. Perhaps not, perhaps they were very deliberately chosen with very deliberate purpose. Either way, they are test another example of why Trump is not fit for office. And they are definitely another example of Trump singing sweet words to Putin’s ear.
  12. We have documented proof the Trump was rushed to the Walter Reid Memorial Hospital in the middle of the night to be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test. Trump himself frequently discusses it, but we have never been told why Trump’s handlers thought that extraordinary measures was taken with such nighttime urgency. We also have documented records from firsthand participants that Trump’s own Cabinet considered enacting the 25th Amendment against him.
  13. Let’s take an example from his constant and rambling stream of conspiracy and lie laced conciseness: Trump has been impeached twice! The multiple criminal indictments against Trump are for real offenses, all of which have been handed down by Grand Juries. They are not ‘made up’ by anyone, Trump himself admits many of the offenses he is indicted for, his defense is he thinks he is above the law and cannot be prosecuted. Real world stuff, real world crimes, real world open justice , real world judicial process with real world appeals, challenges that remove any doubt of any of this being any ‘made up crooked justice’. Thaipo7’s frothing self stroked grievance is utter nonsense, but it’s all Trump supporters have left. Justice is coming for their crook.
  14. I’ve asked you before, I’ll ask you again. Please provide a quote from the DOJ report that states what you claim the DOJ ‘confirms’. Or be owned by your own baseless fabricated alternative to the fact based universe.
  15. Was it you calling others out for false statements which you identified as lies?
  16. But he’s right. Just one example businesses ripping off consumers, greeting is another.
  17. That’s not how defense spending ding in NATO works. Trumps financial backers in the U.S. arms industry want other NATO nations to spend more on U.S. made arms. Until Trump got behind Putin, Russia was a diminished threat, he’s now encouraging Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want'. Trump is playing with fire in somebody else’s house.
  18. That’s not actually what would have happened. Under the extradition treaty the UK has with Sweden, Assange could not have been sent to the U.S. without his extradition from Sweden to the U.S. having first been approved by both a Swedish and British court. A piece detail in extradition that blew a gaping hole in Assange’s claim he did not want to go to Sweden for fear of being sent to the U.S. He was in truth safer from extradition to the U.S. had he gone to Sweden. His purpose in not going to Sweden was clear, to avoid being held accountable for the alleged rape. “Once the British authorities enforce the UK Supreme Court's decision to extradite Julian Assange to Sweden, Sweden is bound by the so-called "Doctrine of Speciality" which means that Sweden cannot extradite him further to a third country, for example the USA, without permission from the UK.” https://www.aklagare.se/en/media/press-service/the-assange-matter/can-assange-be-extradited-from-sweden-to-the-usa/
  19. Gawd, what’s it like living in the conspiracy universe?
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