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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nah, they’re too busy burning books and hating on stuff they don’t understand. Oh and ‘re-education’…: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/wisconsin-ap-republican-madison-republicans-b2261275.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna137715
  2. Actually it makes him an American Citizen. Get back to me if I said anything different.
  3. Firstly many of the statues were erected and parks named, decades after the individuals had died, so hardly period appropriate regulation. Secondly many of the ‘flawed’ attitudes were already being challenged as unacceptable while these individuals were alive. America was built by countless millions of people, much of the work and wealth generation by slaves, so let’s celebrate those people, not their ‘flawed’ ‘owners’. Perhaps the removal of the Native Americans is something more troubling.
  4. Did Rosa Parks ever claim that to be her mission and if not why do you suggest she failed to do something she never attempted to do?
  5. From Trump’s own mouth: ”I would encourage them [Russia] to do whatever the hell they want” Trump supporters cheat loudly. I wonder who else was listening?!
  6. The NYP would hardly say otherwise, doing so might upset their owner.
  7. Not all voters are rightwing Republicans. Many are not indoctrinated to hate.
  8. He’s not hiding from the cameras and has spoken on camera to denounce the partisan portrayal that Hur delivered. Where’s your boy these days?
  9. No, it’s an observation that you clearly don’t feel comfortable with.
  10. Beat Trump in an election by millions of votes and deliver on campaign promises. Job’s a good un.
  11. Did anyone ever claim Biden was the most popular President ever? Loyalty, or rather fealty is a characteristic of cults.
  12. As has been discussed many times, Democrats will vote for the Democrat candidate whoever that is on the day. There is no ‘Biden Cult’. The same cannot be said for MAGA.
  13. What’s even funnier is, he didn’t. And you don’t understand the difference.
  14. If Biden were as bad as a bet for the 2024 election as Trump supporters would have us believe, they’d be keeping very quiet about it until Biden is locked in to the candidacy. Oddly, they’ve been doing their best to get Democrats to change Biden out for another candidate.
  15. = taking offense for future offenses that have obviously not yet happened and might never happen.
  16. What? How is a specific reference to people who have been convicted and imprisoned’a broad brush’?
  17. You clearly don’t understand the meaning of ‘mens rea’ in considering criminal prosecution.
  18. So a recording and transcripts of a recording are automatic guilt. Please put a pin in that.
  19. Thomas Jefferson lived to 83, John Adams lived to 90, Ben Franklin lived to 90 and Charles Carroll lived to 95. You might need to look up who these gentlemen were.
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