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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. This isn’t correct. For around the past 25 years or so UK State Pensions are ‘individual accounts’ based upon the NI contributions of each NI Number holder. There may be some pension credits awarded between married couple before that period, but they would have had to be married and at least one making NI contributions for that sharing to occur. A foreign national who legally works in the UK will be allocated an NI number and can therefore pay NI Contributions to build their own State Pension account. This includes the opportunity to pay Voluntary NI Contributions if they later leave the UK. Company Pensions are a different matter, the rights to a spouse/partner pension are governed by each Pension Scheme’s own rules. However, it is very likely that a wife will receive a pension from a Company Pension regardless of when they married. I personally know of one British expat in Thailand who had been single all his life who married his house maid on his death bed in order that she would get his company pension, which she did indeed receive. The general rule is a formal registered marriage, or civil partnership has to exist and be notified to the pension trustees. It is also always advisable that the pension rights holder completes an expression of wishes on which they tell the Trustees who they wish to receive their pension upon their owns death. Finally UK private / company pensions should never be listed in Wills, doing so has serious tax implications.
  2. But of a done deal when the court has the receipts for Trump frauds. But I do get your point, you just can’t stomach Trump being held accountable for his crimes. I suggest you buckle up for what’s coming.
  3. Except of course the court just found Trump liable to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars for the very frauds Maddow reported Trump had committed.
  4. It also provides no new evidence and no evidence that Willis committed perjury. Witnesses against her failing to provide the testimony her nay sayers hoped for leaves only the allegation of an ‘appearance of impropriety’.
  5. Total carbon dioxide is the issue. 1. Non human activity sources of CO2, stable production over millions of years. 2. CO2 Human activity produced CO2, rapidly increasing over a couple of hundred years. The environment does not ‘distinguish between the two’, it’s the total 1+2 that causes the retention of solar heat in the atmosphere and oceans. Temperature rises then accelerate the release of other greenhouse gasses. Plenty of good science on the subject.
  6. That might infringe the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
  7. And of course Trump in hock to foreign ‘shadow banking’ would be perfectly acceptable to MAGA, the possibility of conflicts of interest would not enter their minds, let alone even the slightest recognition of their own hypocrisy on the matter of ‘money to Biden from [insert foreign source].
  8. And another different perspective, not behind a paywall: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/16/fani-willis-hearing-testimony-2020-georgia-election-case
  9. There are Trump supporters on here and there are Trump supporters who give him money. I’m simply putting aside political differences and advising those who might be so inclined as to give Trump money not to do so. Think of it as a friendly gesture across the lines of political disagreement.
  10. Putin stated he endorsed Biden, you believed him, then posted evidence of your gullibility online for the world to see…. And just to be sure, you did it twice
  11. Government’s do not make money from taxes. Government’s collect taxes.
  12. I feel Trump supporters are missing the core issue in this news item. It’s not the $ magnitude of the Court’s ruling against Trump, rather how is he going to come up with the money to pay it. Putting aside all political differences, I strongly recommend Trump supporters keep their own money on their own pockets and let Trump pay his own Court penalties. He’s told you he is a Billionaire, in matters of what you do with your own hard earned cash, take him at his word on that claim. You need your money more than he does, or at least that should be your starting position.
  13. What matters is the declaration at the bottom of the form, directly above where the applicant signs their name.
  14. Believe what Putin says then post your gullibility on the internet for the whole world to see.
  15. No, but a large number of cards have just been removed from the bottom of Trump’s house.
  16. We don’t believe what Trump wrote. Nor, as it transpires, do the court.
  17. I missed a beat this morning. I had an early appointment so couldn’t watch the news of Trump’s latest loss on FOX. I feel somewhat aggrieved.
  18. Maddow was on to something, she did a detailed expose on the very frauds for which Trump has just been ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars + interest. Maddow was on the money. And the money has just been ordered to be taken off Trump. You should watch more Maddow and less Trump.
  19. Taxation is not ‘extra money’ it’s a redistribution of existing money. Extra money is created by growing the economy. There’s plenty of economic growth easily accessed by simply reversing the trade barriers the Tories inserted between the UK and its largest/closest trading partners.
  20. So you sum up the failings of 14 years of Tory Government, non of which had anything to do with Starmer or Labour and then you wander to of into a function future in which Starmer and Labour are carbon copies of Sunak and the Tories. The mind boggles.
  21. I wonder if Melania, who incidentally is seen with her husband much these days, is running the math on can Donny cover her pre-nup?
  22. The report on the economy comes from the Office of National Statistics, it’s an official UK Government report, the word ‘recession’ is the official Government assessment of the state of the economy. Absolutely nothing to with selling news. Yes the stock market has factored in the mismanagement of the economy.
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