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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. = taking offense for future offenses that have obviously not yet happened and might never happen.
  2. What? How is a specific reference to people who have been convicted and imprisoned’a broad brush’?
  3. You clearly don’t understand the meaning of ‘mens rea’ in considering criminal prosecution.
  4. So a recording and transcripts of a recording are automatic guilt. Please put a pin in that.
  5. Thomas Jefferson lived to 83, John Adams lived to 90, Ben Franklin lived to 90 and Charles Carroll lived to 95. You might need to look up who these gentlemen were.
  6. Or some such other nonsense that Trump supporters believe that justifies trying to overthrow the election.
  7. ‘Alleges’, the report ‘alleges’. Or have you all of a sudden gone all guilty because alleged?
  8. The plan was to illegally stop the certification of the election. Trump, like all cowards, was willing for others to ‘fight like hell’ and put themselves at risk for his benefit,
  9. Tell that to the Trump supporters already convicted, already doing time.
  10. It’s running it if time for both Democrats and Republicans to choose another candidate. Keep that in mind in the weeks ahead.
  11. I’ll choose who my ‘pals’ are, if you don’t mind. It if you have any disagreement with my statement you have quoted let’s be having it.
  12. Carlson did Putin a solid offered him a platform to spout propaganda and Putin made the best of it. Absolutely no surprise whatsoever.
  13. And when he became aware he still had them he reported himself and immediately returned the documents.
  14. Biden hasn’t gotten away with anything. He cooperated and returned the documents, didn’t hide them, didn’t lie, didn’t conspire with others to break the law.
  15. Yes there was, it’s part of the judicial process you don’t like your boy Trump being held accountable to. But we’ve discussed that in the past. And we’ll discuss it again in the future.
  16. Did Hilary storm the Capitol in attempt to stop the election being certified? Did any of her supporters do anything to stop the election being certified?
  17. We should have a thread in the BLM riots, this isn’t it. Your whataboutary is noted.
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