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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Oh so it was Khan who decimated the police force and wiped out community policing! Except it wasn’t. And seems to have been busy promoting knife crime across the rest of the UK: https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN04304/SN04304.pdf
  2. Have you got a link to the detention procedures to back that up?
  3. Oh so was Khan that decimated the police force and wiped out community policing. Who knew?!
  4. I don’t in anyway dispute your personal experience, the higher numbers of immigrant staff in London is not surprising. I spent most of last year in the UK, in weekly and often daily contact with the NHS; local GP surgery, regional hospital and a university hospital, none of which were in London. My observations over that period were in line with the NHS data I linked. But things have changed, EU staff are now almost entirely replaced with Asian and African immigrants and the use of agency staff has been stepped up, refer link below. Furthermore, the numbers of nurses in training has not been stepped up, despite the shortages and despite the predictable loss of EU staff. Count yourself lucky you aren’t nursing in the UK, pots and pans were banged on door steps in recognition of the sacrifices and hard work of NHS Staff but it’s not been followed up with pay and improved service conditions. These days doctors and nurses don’t even get free parking at the hospital were they work. Nobody could ever accuse the current UK Government of not wanting to pay agency rates, the usual reasons are widely reported: https://www.rcn.org.uk/news-and-events/news/uk-32bn-agency-spend-could-have-paid-salaries-of-31000-nurses-051223#:~:text=Findings from a Freedom of,shortages to keep wards open.
  5. This doesn’t suggest the ‘hate’ you were referring to: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/news/uk-attitudes-to-immigration-among-most-positive-internationally-1018742-pub01-115
  6. This being locked in a jail cell with a transgender person, it’s an odd leap to make from Drivers License data, is it something you wish to discuss?
  7. It might not be necessary if the house of cards gets toppled by Trump’s inability to raise funds to pay his legal penalties.
  8. Small boat arrivals are a tiny fraction of immigrants and if the Government enacted the existing laws, cleared genuine asylum seekers and deported bogus asylum seekers, they’d be an even smaller fraction of immigrants. I have provided a link to data doctors, nurses and other health professionals above. Refer comment above regarding bogus asylum seekers. Why would doctors and nurses build houses for anyone, other immigrants are doing that in large numbers: “Construction was the most common industry for those born in the EU2 countries and non-EU European countries Of adults born in EU2 (Romania and Bulgaria), 17.6% were employed in construction and of those born in non-EU European countries, 14.8% worked in this sector.” https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/articles/migrationandthelabourmarketenglandandwales/census2021#professional-occupations-were-the-most-common-occupations-for-several-country-of-birth-groups These people are known as ‘British Citizens’. Maybe knife crime has something to do with taking police officers of the streets, the Tories were warned by the Police Federation of the inevitable consequences of doing so.
  9. And yet the actual NHS data indicates the UK is doing very well at attracting medical professionals. Not that I expect facts to get in the way of blind nonsense.
  10. In response to your broad negative generalizations and misinformed nonsense: Here’s some facts: ”The reported nationality of NHS staff varies substantially between staff groups. Overall, 18.7% of staff report a nationality other than British. For doctors this figure is 35.0%, and for nurses it is 27.2%.” https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-7783/CBP-7783.pdf Do you speak for all the good folks of Chicago, New York and Denver or just those whose opinions you imagine?
  11. You are referring to the most wide used and accepted form of ID used in the U.S. The hate here is clear, hence the support for the policy from the usual quarter.
  12. Being in social housing does not mean that the tenant is being supported l, vast numbers of people in the UK rent: https://www.statista.com/statistics/544709/tenants-among-population-uk/
  13. Didn’t the UK vote for taking back control and remind me, wasn’t immigration one of the things the voters were told would be for under control? And is this a new thing, or did it exist over the past decade or more?
  14. That’s the NHS that would collapse without foreign staff from cleaners and porters up to surgeons and consultant doctors.
  15. It’s culture wars. Make right-wingers’ sorry lives feel a bit more bearable by stroking their hatred for transgender people.
  16. Since transgender people proudly serve in the military, ‘marching off to war’ seems a fitting term for you to choose.
  17. Because of course Transgender people are all sex attackers targeting women. I suggest you talk to a doctor or midwife about what actually happens. A right to privacy.
  18. The first mention he gets in this thread. Now who was it banging on about Godwin’s Law a few days back?
  19. Didn’t Trump state that he has $400million in cash? If so there’s no ‘somehow’ about getting $83 million. Other than the ‘somehow’ I don’t think I believe him.
  20. I suspect the real consideration is protecting the trade route. Oil tankers being targeted is a threat to global oil prices, which would impact everyone, regardless of who’s flag the ship was sailing under.
  21. British TV does not. Thank you for sharing your imaginative ramblings.
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