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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. It has been reported that Brand knew the allegations where coming after he was recently contacted by journalists for comment. My punt is, Brand has known for a long time this was coming.
  2. So ‘the powers that be’ climbed into a Time Machine and went back to force Brand to behave in a manner that would, at an opportune moment, give cause for allegations of rape and sexual assault.
  3. Actually not so. In a rational world one is guilty as soon as one commits a crime. Within the administration of Justice, which may or may not be entirely rational, one is ‘presumed innocent’ during investigation and through to the point of a jury verdict. There is no presumption of innocence outside the justice system.
  4. From your linked article: “YouTube has suspended Russell Brand's channels from making money from adverts for "violating" its "creator responsibility policy". And "If a creator's off-platform behaviour harms our users, employees or ecosystem, we take action," a YouTube spokesperson said on Tuesday. So Brand has transgressed the terms of service he signed up to and you blame ‘lefties’.
  5. Legal jeopardy is perhaps one example. Anyway, why not just admit you inserted ‘morals’ without any basis in my comment you were referring to. Just admit you were wrong, it won’t hurt.
  6. Oh look I suggest ‘concerns’ and you drag up morals. My goodness you are being creative today.
  7. Explain we’re morals come into cancelling Brand’s shows?
  8. I don’t recall stating I know what happened or that Brand is guilty. On the other hand, I’ve not attacked or denigrated his accusers either. My view is the Met can deal with this, now they have a formal complaint they certainly will. As for the media and social media ‘frenzy’, that’s the flip side of the game and fortune Brand has made from media and social media.
  9. Perhaps Brand’s promoters have their own concerns over his behavior. Perhaps they think he should lay low and avoid the press. Perhaps they think Brand cracking jokes following such serious allegations is a bad look for their client. There are probably many other possibilities. But they all come down to Brand’s promoters, not some ‘lefties’ canceling his shows.
  10. Yes the event was canceled, and you dreamed up a reason why.
  11. Now flip the coin and imagine being a victim of rape, looking around and seeing other women reporting rape being referred to as ‘sluts’, see example above.
  12. It was you earlier today who didn’t know why women don’t report rape?
  13. Oh, he was mobbing outside the venue? Ir was he simply expressing an opinion you don’t agree with?!
  14. Do you have a link or any verifiable evidence of this situation you paint actually having come to pass, or did you make it up?
  15. ‘Regretted being sluts’? Let your misogyny shine why don’t you. Maybe you’re on to one of the reasons women are reluctant to report rape.
  16. I don’t think you understand that it was Brand’s promoters that called off his shows. Nothing at all to do with how they make money or your ‘lefty’ fixation and everything to do with it was his promoters who called the show off.
  17. Luke Pollard didn’t cancel Brand’s shows. Brand’s promoters canceled Brand’s shows.
  18. I do at least know where to find the answer. It was you who asked, but perhaps you didn’t want an answer.
  19. Sorry Johnny, Brand’s promoters work for Brand, their decision, nobody else’s. Also from the news report: “Brand also failed to appear for his regular 5pm live show on the video platform Rumble on Monday. “ Did some lefty get between Brand and his video camera that he uses to broadcast on his own platform? Go on tell us, we know it’s always somebody else’s fault.
  20. There’s swaths of academic research on the subject, this will get you started: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7298584/ AsuMing of course you want to find out the answer to your question.
  21. It was the promoters of Brand’s shows that cancelled them. Brand’s promoters are the people employed by Brand to ‘promote him’. Nothing to do with your ‘left’ fixation. Very first sentence in the news report: “The promoters of Russell Brand’s standup show have pulled his appearances over the next 10 days, while the actor and comedian’s publisher announced it was “pausing” all future book projects with him.” What winds up on your screen when you are reading my posts is too much detail sharing Johnny.
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