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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Yes I did read the tweet. Here’s the problem. There’s a target. There were measures in place to hit the target. Those measures have been removed. The target is said to still remain. The question arises, how is the target to be attained?
  2. So come on, what’s the ‘new approach’? Or is this inaction man admitting he’s got nothing?
  3. Well he’s named in the court filing as a prosecutor witness. Maybe he’s concerned Trump’s extremist supporters might be directed to his home or family.
  4. The Democrats don’t face any big decision, they can sit back and enjoy the blood sports going on in the Republican Party. Matt Gaetz has said: “We will have a government shutdown and it is absolutely Speaker McCarthy's fault. We cannot blame Joe Biden for not having moved our individual spending bills. We cannot blame House Democrats. We can't even blame Chuck Schumer in the Senate” While Chip Roy was a bit more graphic, I’ll leave it to the DM to explain: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12541667/amp/Republican-Chip-Roy-says-colleagues-going-eat-s-sandwich-deserve-it.html
  5. Did I call you any of those things? Or was it some internal guilt thing speaking for you?
  6. Target voters are the voters a party hopes to win over. There’s already pushback against this latest crackpot idea of Sunak’s from within the Tory party. Don’t get me wrong, Sunak dreaming up crackpot ideas as his party falls apart is to my mind a result.
  7. Clearly somebody leaked Sunak’s latest brain fart of a policy idea. The question is who? Was it a lefty, woke, tree hugging member of the Labour Party? Or was it someone close to Sunak who is privy to his policy decisions? It seems someone is either not happy with Sunak’s latest madness, or they are not happy with Sunak and his latest madness.
  8. I wonder if you understand the concept of ‘target voters’?
  9. Business leaders aren’t happy: ”The auto chief said business “needs three things from the UK government: ambition, commitment and consistency. A relaxation of 2030 would undermine all three”.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/net-zero-rishi-sunak-2050-2030-b2414879.html
  10. Here’s a curious thing. I’ve searched every post in this thread, nobody, absolutely nobody who is a member of this forum accuses Brand of being a rapist in this thread. There is however an accusation of others branding Brand a rapist, here it is: Methinks someone complains too much.
  11. But here’s a thing. Starmer modified his policy ideas following Truss’ vandalism of the national economy, clearly stating policies must be fully funded. Sunak is thrashing around trying to come up with something, anything at all, that will reverse his party’s abysmal polling data. And here’s another thing. Who does Sunak think he’s going to attract to vote Tory with this latest U-Turn? The anti environment vote is already firmly in the Tory bag, he can only alienate voters who are concerned about the environment and galvanize opposition to Tory anti-environment policies.
  12. Which of the policies Sunak says he is going to U-Turn on are paid for by Government? Money spent on new technologies is money circulated in the economy on which taxes are paid. Perhaps Sunak wishes to let energy companies off the hook for their share of the costs.
  13. But I didn’t. I even told you that you were responding to a misquote. But you persisted. My goodness admitting your error is difficult for you.
  14. Details matter Johnny, here’s a detail for you: Look very carefully! Now if you feel you are up to offering an apology I’m all ears. And I will be gracious in acceptance.
  15. Did SpiderMike use the word rape? Or did he just say ‘guilty’? Rape is only one of the accusations against Russell.
  16. Really Johnny, you can do better. Here’s your post, go see what you were actually replying to and less of this offering another post as some kind of justify for your error: Let’s have a bit more honesty from you. We all make mistakes, it’s no big deal, admitting your won’t hurt, too much.
  17. You responded to a post that was attributing a quote to me, that was not from a post I made. Simple.
  18. I know what ‘Due Process’ is, but unless there is a ‘process’ written into the terms of service then no ‘due process’ can exist. If you allege that Brand has not been afforded due process you first have to demonstrate there is any due process to be applied.
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