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Everything posted by firemans35

  1. Does Thailand have a law against filming people without their permission in a public place? Where I'm from if you're in a public place you have no reasonable right to privacy.
  2. Was he an investor or partner. There is a difference. Perhaps he was both or he thought he was both.
  3. So more strict visa policies will stop or reduce this type of incident?
  4. I wonder what the chances are that they will try skipping out of the country all paid for by the red bull clan. Or some mysterious accident.
  5. "liberal Harvard professor" He's still an intelligent man when it comes to law but I believe he is known more for constitutional law
  6. I personally heard him say it during an interview while promoting his book. At the time i stated this was election interference. No one listened. a few years later I saw this https://www.facebook.com/reel/1236006350395802 and since you asked that question I started to do a search for the video, there is loads of stuff but that exact video I don't have the time at the moment to search for. Possible later today.
  7. And I would be very happy to be free from her! I have a thai girlfriend whom I care for dearly but if we ever break it off I will never have another girlfriend. I love my freedom.
  8. Alan Dershowitz is whom I was mentioning, and I never said I was a Trump fan. I wasn't actually a big fan of the man, I think he failed at a few things and I wasn't going to vote for him. "I didn't charge Ms. Clinton with a crime because I thought she was going to be the next president of the United States and my wife and daughter wanted her to be the next president of the United States." James Comey Ex-FBI Director Fox News guest, "The verdict has handed Trump the election, people that were undecided will vote for Trump" Now I damned well am going to vote for him. Unfortunately I have only one vote. I'm absolutely positive this farce of a trial has sealed many other votes for the man.
  9. I've been watching a well know American law expert on tv who was following the trial, he said the judge nor the prosecution couldn't define or accurately articulate what crime was committed.
  10. No more than two years ago I read an article written by a Thai legal expert about foreigners forming companies skirting the system with the sole purpose of buying land to live on. The article said a true company must have employees, actually doing some business and all the documents taxes etc that go with a true business. If the Thai government found the company wasn't a true business the foreigner could have his land taken.
  11. Yeah I know my comment posted twice. I clicked submit but the was no action that let me know my comment posted.
  12. If I remember correctly technically each Thai shareholder is supposed to have a certain amount of money. I forget the exact amount but it was around 1,000,000 baht. I doubt this Thai has 270,000,000 but it's possible. No more than two years ago I read an article written by a Thai legal expert about foreigners forming companies skirting the system with the sole purpose of buying land to live on. The article said a true company must have employees, actually doing some business and all the documents taxes etc that go with a true business. If the Thai government found the company wasn't a true business the foreigner could have his land taken. Perhaps in the case of this article these companies were being formed with the sole purpose of skirting the immigration laws, the companied weren't a true business and were only formed to allow people to stay in Thailand.
  13. Wrong. I asked not because of the story we're all talking about. I asked because of the other person and the person you quoted.
  14. When does the red bull guy get to come home?
  15. In January 2012 I was tourist sitting on a bench in from of my hotel, the flipper house (Soi 7 I think)in Pattaya when I was approached by a man looking distraught and wearing a small backpack. He claimed to be a Norwegian man down on his luck, money stolen, no way to get home, he claimed he had tried begging for money at a Norwegian bar just down the soi, all he wanted was enough money to get to the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok. I knew it could be a scam but didn't mind so I gave him 140 baht if I remember correctly, he said thanks and took off. Fast forward two years. I was living in Pattaya on Pratnumnak Hill ( I think that was Soi 7 also) when I went for a walk. Just at the top of the street was a man looking lost carrying a small. I recognized him almost immediately. It was the same man from two years prior. I'm not sure if he asked for money I said "Oh I guess you never made it home to Norway. I gave you money because you said you need to go to your Embassy so you could go home." His only reply was "You must be mistaken." A few weeks later I saw him behind Big C Extra on central Rd acting the same way. Then not long after that I saw him with a group of other men talking. If it hadn't been laughable I would had a Thai friend call the Police.
  16. A Bosnian man she meet in a Bosnian bar in St. Louis Missouri.
  17. In the U.S. the typical height of a "Floor" is 10 feet. He went to the 29th floor which means he had 28 beneath so 280 feet, In Thailand the standard is probably 12 feet, I'm not sure but if so that's 336 feet. I did just a little looking online about how many feet it takes for a parachute to open. The one answer I will attached below says it depends on the type of jump and the parachute. Perhaps the jumper didn't know. It depends on what you mean by NEED to pull your chute. A BASE rig that’s packed properly and deployed properly can open pretty fast (100 feet or less). I’ve seen video of someone doing a BASE jump into a quarry filled with water from less than 100. He had just enough time to slow down before hitting the water. The guy helping him jumped in after him without a rig on and was fine. For most BASE jumping, 300 feet is the general rule of thumb, that gives you enough time for your chute to deploy and get to a safe place to land. If you’re talking about a skydiving rig falling at terminal velocity, it takes a lot longer. I pull at 3,500 feet above ground level. People I know with a lot more experience pull at the same altitude, I’ve met some that go down as low as 2,500, but not many and everyone thinks they’re crazy. If anything goes wrong, I want time to cut away my main and pull my reserve before it’s too late. Depending on your equipment and how it’s packed, it can take around 500 - 800 feet to deploy, a hard opening will open faster, but that’s gonna hurt. The last resort on a skydiving rig is an Automatic Activation Device (AAD). Mine is set to pull my reserve at 875 feet if I’m moving too fast. That gives me just enough time to pull my brakes and land were ever I happen to be. It’s a last effort to save your life and basically does it at the last possible second before you die.
  18. Not at all. I had a friend robbed at gun point by a Thai taxi driver.
  19. A few years ago the Chinese tried doing this in the U.S., to the best of my knowledge the U.S. Gov stopped it. Below are a few comments from others I feel is so true about Thai's and their government. "I wish there was a place to send these Thai politicians to grow a spine or grow a pair. No wonder self respect is one trait Thais aren’t aware of." "Nothing like demonstrating to the whole world that you are so inept, so pathetic that you give up your sovereignty to allow a foreign power to come in and look after public safety. Dont expect an average person there to realize how appalling this really is!"
  20. I've read two stories about this guy. 1. While PM he had many Northern people suspected of drug trafficking killed. No prison no trial. 2. There was an article about Japanese WWII gold being found in a cave, he said he saw it and it would solve all of Thailand economic problems, in another article he said he was mistaken.
  21. I had a wife that went missing for 2 weeks, came back a few days and was gone again. Didn't know where she was. Ended she had been in a few different places hundreds of miles apart traveling with her new boyfriend. Ha ha. Biggest C U Next Tuesday I've ever met in my life, not just because of this but because of many other things.
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