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Everything posted by wazzupnow

  1. ooh my Buddha boring boring boring boring boring
  2. i am sure this will before 100,000 red shirt storm the bastille
  3. anonimous member now i get it a real coward maybe?
  4. pottheads united this disgusting habbit of smoking pott or even tobacco should be banned from public places and it is so simple to enforce it at low cost and great happiness for the honorable members of the RTP put a fine on it from 5000 bht wich is collectable by the arresting officers and allow them to keep this money themselves the last is what makes it effective and inspires our noble cops now L.O.S is turning in to a different meaning before Land Off Smiles now Land Of Stinking
  5. i guess his thai sounds like a squeeking monkey thats why they do not understand him ow you are the worst
  6. since when are ladyboys transgenders?? i thaught they was gays in dresses
  7. planet of the apes will do lets not make a planet of the thais please
  8. WHY? am i not surpriced about this? after being diagnosed with prostate cancer in thai hospital and charged 100000 bht to take it all out i went back to Europe before this happend because of covid and went to AVL in Amsterdam (1 of europe best cancer hospitals) and diagnosed harmless so covid did something positive for once and saved my sexual appetite was this greed or envy because of dick size?
  9. if this means the return of thaksin i am all for it maybe it also means thailand will once again return to to be LOS (land of smiles) and no longer be LOB (land of bull<deleted>) anyway it will always be LOC ( land of corruption wich is fine by me) anyone can use this to each and other advantage anyway in other countries corruption is on higher levels ,here in thailand it starts at the lowest levels(our neighbourhood cop) issnt that so cute?
  10. nothing good coming from that country been there seen that i feel sorry for all decent people living there (there are a tiny few) the rest is devils living in a hell on earth no wonder they flock all over the earth scamming people
  11. democratic goverment thailand 555 only way to get rid of these old gangsters is a funeral
  12. nah the thai army is a playground bangkok hilton is the place
  13. this is typically thai upbringing boys are little kings do not tell them any rules and see what you get trow the parents in jail so these babies will starve to death
  14. typically double standards policy here if you are not 1 off prayut s gready dinosaur maffia you need to be a perfect virgin not having lived a life before not made any money to survive in short a newborn clone i would love to see all the gready moneygrabbing stuff from these senators to be publiced this book would be bigger than any bible or koran
  15. it is not their fault why would they work they never got stimulated for it most young people( even up until early 40 ties) living at home with mum (who is the root off all evil ) cooking caring for them and never asks them to leave their computer why work when you are not hungry?
  16. ow man this old geezer really has a DREAMJOB making a huge pay sleeping who does not want that
  17. i am so happy for years i thought i was the only person noticing this
  18. i wonder what they will find under that drivers seat? an iron bar? or worse?
  19. why even publice this it happens all day long and this is just a small iron bar i once have been run off the road by a big truck after i confronted the driver at the next gasstation he waved at me with a machete sorry no You tubers around to film this all (professional 555) drivers in Thailand are armed with bad attitude and hardware this is common knowledge small stature + big car = big ego you must beware of this if you want to survive a visit to LOS
  20. prayut still working behind the curtain to keep the country in control trying to get one off his old demented buddies to act for him look at the guy he should be in a retirement home not in a goverment
  21. been running severall guesthouses for the wife never had 1 problem ever just do it who cares and iff they come just let the wife take care off them a nice meal a few beers does wonders never paid any shake downs too i am talking about the last 10 years now and in the heart off CM city i know its great to say for the vinager pissers you need workpermit bla blah blah for those guys i say PLEASE get a life
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