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Everything posted by wazzupnow

  1. i do not think you live in CM do you? this year was the most terrible ever it lasted 2 months this is about double of normal BKK has polution all year round it be of a different kind and on a global scale its even not worth mentioning
  2. the return off boss redbull these rich spoiled babyboys know they can get away with murder when theirs parents have money i think even with the new Pita goverment this will never change this is what Thailand is about some money here some money there and babyboy strikes again
  3. complaining about the smell? 1 carbon filter takes care of that but when those wacky tourist smoke it every where thats when it gets totally un acceptable stop this weed nonsence all the way forbid the use and burn down all farms
  4. you are right but they are soo cheap that its mostly kept among family members
  5. do not forget to take their bodies to the taxidermist for educational exhibit
  6. dropping the consciption is the best thing ever many countries did so before i was the one of the last guys in my country that got drafted than they started to exclude several years of birth for draft and after 5 years the draft was completely gone it only gives more job opportunity and better motivated soldiers halve of the army now would run to their mothers skirts after the first missile to launch
  7. not only the rich my wife paid an official an amount of 15000 bht only and her son stayed at home to become the baby he is now
  8. it can not be too soon to get this filth off our streets again we do not need to see these addicts on every streetcorner now cannabis is not even legal for 1 year and it destroyed most off the citycenters all over thailand it smells terrible everywhere those cannabis tourist from all over the world are a nusence for all self respecting people with their eyes popping out and stinking op the place its worst than the pollution in burning season and than there are people gathering signatures for keeping the cannabis on the street maybe we should start gathering signatures to ban it again i think this would be many more
  9. must have been all very little dogs you ever tried do strangle a bully? goodluck with that
  10. you looking for a straight forward haircut or one with happy ending?
  11. Prayut s last convulsions from behind the curtain
  12. and right you are what is more anoying as a Thai Policeman harrasing is their trademark
  13. same as last time i cannot leave U need me?
  14. all in 1 cel in bangkok hilton very good idea
  15. i for myself will be very happy if this happens we have seen the past year what we got from this ridiculous idea the cities are stinking from the weed abuse of many junkies with their eyes popping out of their head the scum of the earth is visiting Thailand now are these the quality tourists Thailand wants? anyway this nonsence will make other countries realize that when it is legal it goes crazy
  16. all the shops and growers will be on a suspicion list and paying big settlements if they get caught
  17. well safe or not safe the water around thailand is so clear and shallow they will always be able to hoist the thing up so why not another ridiculous tourist attaction
  18. >boss Redbull > is back another spoiled rich kid that gets away with murder
  19. we do not know that for sure unlike in the land of smiles in europa and UK it is forbidden to mention the perps nationalities be cause the govements do not wantn people to find out that 80% of crime comes from marocco
  20. not if you bring your own wife
  21. only 1 thing wrong with weed IT STINKS just like the goverment overhere
  22. i do not know about you guys but i have never seen a pickup truk that had 14 sets of safetybelts in the back not even 4 of them as the thai kindergarden cops (RTP) had stated only 4 persons in the back were alowed
  23. thay all carry knives so the only thing that makes sence is a gun
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