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tinca tinca

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Posts posted by tinca tinca

  1. On 1/10/2021 at 10:12 AM, sandyf said:

    Last two years I have paid for the flu vaccine, about 350 baht, fairly close to the UK.


    Asda has a pharmacy service in 255 stores nationwide. Its flu jab costs £8 (up from £7 last year), but it remains the cheapest option outside the NHS.


    am asking price here not from bloody asda....!!! and a flu jab is free for over 60's I THINK i n UK anyway

  2. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    Giddyup lie down quietly for 20/30 minutes, stay off here, as that is a sure way of raising your BP.

    Take your BP again, if possible with another BP machine.

    If after that your BP is still near 200 get yourself off to hospital, and yes they can give you something to bring it down, done it for me before.

    Most importantly... Keep calm, worrying about covid will only make it worse.

    Stay safe, stay calm, and good luck mate.

    well said Doc Grumpy.......!!!!!

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, giddyup said:

    The last couple of days my blood pressure has shot up to dangerous levels, just checked this morning and it was 200/98. It's never ever been as high as that, normally it's around 140/80. I do take medication, Losartan and Metoprolol which normally keeps it under control, so not sure why it's so elevated at the moment. Problem is I'm worried about going to hospital because of Covid 19, but at the same time I can't risk leaving my BP at such a dangerous level. What can I do to try and bring it down? I guess my other question is what can the hospital do to bring it down immediately.

    the obvious answer is go hospital......WHY ASK US ON HERE....we are NOT doctors, though there might be one or two....

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