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tinca tinca

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Posts posted by tinca tinca

  1. 20 hours ago, welshguy said:

    Its quite sad really.


    Thousands of lives are ruined each year on Thai roads.


    Its going to take years and it will be a monumental task, to drastically reduce the number of road deathes/crashes in Thailand.


    Training? Virtually non existent.


    Road  "sense"? Virtually non existent


    Driving dangerously overloaded? Happens all the time.


    Children driving motorbikes, with 2, 3 or more on the motorbike? Daily occurence?


    Wearing of crash helmets on motorbikes or safety belts in cars?  Everyday occurence.


    Driving whilst drunk? Very common , wear an amulet , and "I safe"!  This DOES happen.


    Tailgating?  Seems to be a very common  thing.


    U-turns?  Where does one start?!


    Stopping at a red light?  Not foreverybody.


    "Policing" of roads etc?  Very little, and not effective at all.


    People sat in the back of pick ups?  Daily occurence.


    Etc. Etc.


    I could go on and on, but Ive got a dentist appointment soon!


    Im in no way suggesting its an easy task to achieve ...........in any country.......in Thailand though....it will be a huge task to get the number of deaths on Thai roads down to an "acceptable" level.


    In the U.K. for example...drink driving was much more common in the  60s and 70s....it took years and years of action, to get the drink driving level down...Thats just one factor.......Thailand has MANY factors to take into account....God help them..............They certainly need it....surely........ something has to be done to stop or at least lessen the number of crashes/deaths on the Thai roads?

    i am SURE you have forgotten some points.........!!!

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  2. On 12/14/2020 at 12:24 AM, Banana7 said:

    I'm considering purchasing a new pickup truck with an all-in price less than 900,000 . Any recommendations? I prefer the double cab/ 4 door with automatic transmission, 2 wheel drive is ok.


    Are there usually year-end bargains, maybe demonstrators, or remaining 2020's before the 2021 vehicles arrive?


    Those Ford Rangers look nice, especially one with a new 2.0L engine and 10 speed transmission.

    so go buy the ranger.....why ask for opinions regarding other pickups ???????????????

    • Sad 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:



    in usa DMV manuals, there is a general rule called the 3 second rule...some say 4 seconds...


    the amount of time needed which includes decision to break and amount of time for breaking distance covered...


    it follows the law of physics and proven in ample empirical studies...



    surely depends on how fast one is going.....3 or 4 secs passes very quickly.......

  4. 17 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Well, that just about says it all.......  What is it now, 13,000 plus dead since January on the roads and everyone's bricking it over flu that's supposedly killed 60........   

    sunday was eating at outside table....was there for about 2 hrs.......must have seen 400 to 500 motorbikes zooming past.....i would say.....350 NOT WEARING crash helmets but ALL WEARING masks......saw one copper pass by.....he had helmet.......NEVER stopped any one not wearing helmets    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. On 12/11/2020 at 1:53 PM, Pattaya Spotter said:

    How easy is it to drive from the ferry landing on Ko Chang to the resort areas on the island? I've read and seen videos that the terrain is quite mountainous in places and that the road is not in good condition in others. During non-rainy season, will a standard sedan have any difficulty getting around the island?


    Also, is there a secure mainland parking lot at the ferry terminal to leave a car while staying on the island?

    easy to drive koh chang.......

    if your driving a model T might be hard on the gears........

    • Haha 1
  6. On 12/9/2020 at 2:35 PM, colinneil said:

    Banana7 you have to remember where you are, things are different here.

    I have been buying french fries ( chips to us English folk), they have been priced @69 baht per bag.

    Recently i looked freezer was empty, further along another freezer with a BIG sign, saying buy 1 get 1 free, so of course i got 2, at the checkout i was charged 138 baht, so i questioned it.

    Manager says, it is buy 1 get 1 free, but you charged me for 2, no price is 138 baht for 1, no bloody way says i, they have been 69 baht for several months, so now you double the price and claim 1 is free, BS.

    Amazing Thailand.

    mek yer own chips mi ol' mucker.......I DO !!!

    • Haha 1
  7. On 12/10/2020 at 10:30 PM, teacherclaire said:




    Not only the roads are dangerous. No ordinary girl/ woman would go out at night alone.

    There're no coppers around. If something happens, you're on your own. Many Thais have loaded guns in their cars and pull the trigger before they lose face.


      Always stay calm, never show somebody the middle finger, even when they deserve it. Never get into a fight; even when you beat one, he'll be back with ten others.


    Be careful when people are too friendly and have something that you can use as a weapon. You might have an excellent iron to jack up your truck or similar.


    Don't drive long distances at night. There are often cars, trucks, and other vehicles on the road without light. Then you can bet money on dogs, buffaloes, and other animals. 


    Stay at places where other people are, never in a remote area you're not familiar with.


    Don't drink out of an offered glass or bottle; it could be spiked. And do not be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 


    And get an LED light with a long cable that you can attach to your cigarette lighter. Should you have problems with the car, you have at least light.


    Buy a can of fluid when you have a flat tire. You only fill in the can at the tire's valve and the tire is good to go. It allows you to drive some km to change the tire, or get it fixed. 





    dont vehicles have spare wheels ??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. 6 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    Do they want tourists or not? Why so paranoid?  Nepal has a good system. You arrive, buy a visa at the airport for 15,30, or 90 days. Then you can extend up to 5 months per year. If you want to stay more than 5 months a year you need a different visa.


    Nepal, btw has not quarantine. Hopefully i'll get my vaccine  soon and be in Nepal by May.

    this is a place called thailand.......a fifth world country.....run not by educated government officials !!!!

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