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Posts posted by Moon37

  1. On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 11:19 AM, cmarshall said:

    Bangkok Bank must have a contractual obligation with the US govt. to verify that the SS beneficiary is still living.  Expat beneficiaries pose a special risk of fraud to the SSA, since in the US the funeral directors have the obligation to inform the SSA of every death.  There is no such reliable notification of death available in Thailand. 

    Marshall: NEGATIVE, How about the body being repatriated with the US Embassy,


    The requirement for IAT direct deposit has been around for quite a while.  Bangkok Bank just recently brushed off the books and want to be in compliance.   Bangkok Bank NYC is the only bank in the US that can process IAT transfers direct deposits from the US to Bangkok Bank BKK.  At first it sounds like one just has to switch income source to social security and make sure their Thai home address is on the receiver's information.   Well afer researching is much more involved, limiting access to your funds etc.


    An International ACHH Transfer is not just a modified ACHT.  It'[s a system that validates point to point originator and receiver such that there is always a money trail. No US banks want to go through the extra effort to confirm that the originator Financial Institution is IAT compliant as well as the receivers'.  It's at least more than half as much manhours with the back and forth processing and confirmation.


    Right now the USG/s departments are the only institution that conducts all financial transactions through the complete IAT system.   Bangkok Bank is only using  Social Security as a method that they've figured out.  But checkout the form and proces by searching "social security sf 1199a direct deposit form". and its https://www.rfmsonline.com/downloads/forms/sf1199.pdf applicationt to the USG for approval.  And one has to have s a direct deposit account different from savings and needs to get permission from the Ministry of Commerce.


    How many ex-pat's  SS check are greater than $2100 approx. 65,000 THB),  So I ght to look at two iAT direct deposits per month :  SS and the DVA iAT DIrect Deposit process and searched DVA Direct Deposit Enrollment and at first found the DV Direct Deposit Enrollment  FM DVA 24-096 (Enrollment) Continue searching DFAS, CIVIAL SERVAT ETC ALL CAN HAVE IAT TRANSFERS THROUGT, if ONE WANTS.


    BOTTOM  LINE:  Marshall you conspiracy theory is bunk.    BUT, I'm not going to have my financial hands tied. I'm going to pay a little more and use Swift.   I've already got the Bangkok Bank account and Bank of America has been transferrigng to BB NYC for over 5 years. Just got to get it going by the 1 March as 1 Apr could be how long it takes to validate the move.


    Tough times ahead:  "Don't Fight it, just enjoy it!"



    "Speed is Life, Life is Speed:

  2. 11 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

    Given your experience, can you provide any insight into what kind of pressure might have caused the embassies to announce they would no longer issue affidavits and income letters? And why the four that stopped were willing to do so, whilst the others were able to carry on issuing them as usual? Surely if immigration was intending to change the rules on this, the embassies in question should simply tell them to issue a new order that the letters were no longer to be accepted, and they would comply.


    Immigration has actually managed to come out smelling of roses on this - I'm wondering if they tricked the four into believing that all the others would follow suit... early comments from the British embassy certainly suggested this would be the case.

    i'll add that to what I consider is more important,  WRT the 800/65:  12 months of 65K = 780 (virtually the same as the 800 in the bank).   let's say I don't have an extra 800 sitting around,  and I'm living off my monthly pension, SS, or disability.   I'd just try to make the 65K per month deposits which comes up to their 800K,

    (another way to say it, is if one has 800 to sit in a Thai bank, that 800 could be used for the monthly 65K).   

    I do agree that it's too coincidental that both the 800/65 effective 1 March and the Direct Deposit IAT rule (which if anyone can find a US bank that will send an IAT formatted Direct Deposit out of the US Borders, please let us know)  As of now the information available is that only the USG is using the Direct Deposit IAT.  And one's monthy security may or may not cover the $2100 (65K THB) .


    I will get back with you on what I can find out.




  3. 2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    I do use Bk Bank for both my Social Security check and VA Disability check.  "Deposited" in BK Bank, NY, transferred to Thailand. 

    Just1, to already have your monthly payments "direct Deposited"  a great start.  But we have to change my APO address with SS and DVA to my Local Soi address and IAT format for it to get through the New York branch and be accepted by Bangkok Bank here in Thailand. 


    Direct Deposit application and approval.  Right now everyone is trying to figure out the 800k/65k pm with Immigration, I doubt that Bangkok Bank is working with Immigration about this Direct Deposit from a USG IAT with both effective 1 April 2019.  I'm going to go to one of the top three Bangkok Branches as the document stated When I researched deeper, there was some info on getting the US Embassy involved to make a statement to the Bangkok Bank for the US citizen to get a "Direct Deposit Bank Account".  And this can eventually be teamed with our savings account.


    Also, there was a statement about not using the 'microbranches' like in the malls etc.


    I worked in the US Embassys in London and Tokyo for 10 years and am familiar with who does what.  I'll get a Direct Deposit application and take it to the Commerce Section and see how many "deer in the headlights' responses, I get.  In the beginning, withdrawls from the Direct Deposit account have to be in person etc.   


    Given this occurs, there will be a huge "condos, cars, and plenty of women wanting..."   I


    I have not heard about this from any other country and do not know who has to comply with the IAT rules.




  4. 18 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

    Well have you corresponded with the embassy? Complaining on this board will accomplish nothing. If you want your voice heard where it'll count then get to it.




    Husker,  Better yet, the  SOURCE who vets the US Direct Debit ransfers into Bangkok New York before forwarding them into Thailand.t    I have known Ms Geoge for five years when she walked  me through moving my monthly stipend from BOA to BB New York and then to my BB Savings Account here for only $3.50 each transaction.   I have talked to her three times since Christmas to get clarification on what I had initially heard and confirmed before I posted.   


    The short is their is some US regulation that has been overlooked about methods of sending money outside of the Borders of the US.  It's initial purpose is to prevent money laundering or at least have money trails on Originator and Receiver Bank Accounts.  Some how it has been noticed and resurfaced.  I believe it is is probably the US because Thailand could not have calculated how many of us will maintain the 800K THB or the 65K pm and thin out the population of Americans.  There was no discussion about other countries.


    Fortunately for mi, I have three US Govt payments per month (Pension, Disability & Social Security) which are already being directly deposited. .   For me, aside from the hassle of doing all the defined paperwork on the Thai Immigration, Bangkok Bank will be overwhelmed with new account applications and relief of some regulation that farang cannot have Direct Deposits deposit accounts (probably because you can only withdraw 3 months apart and farangs don't work that way).  


    My issue is that I send a lot each month for my condo to begin with,.  Adding the extra 65K THB is either just short of one direct deposit (so I'd have to use two and I don't want that mujch coming into Thailand.  And my other concern, is that the IAT has to have your personal home address here in Thailand.  This is George's way of confirming and proving any audit that these direct deposits are legally going outside of US Borders.   (At least one of my three accounts, I cannot let the Gov't agency know that my home address in Thailand).


    I encourage every Doubting Thomas to call +1 (212) 422-8200. Through the options and Ext 4.  She usually answers on the first ring, but if not as for Gerogie.  She is obviously from the South and very calm and clarifies however long it takes.  I've had at least one call over an hour,.


    Good Luck 


  5. On 2/1/2019 at 4:44 PM, Just1Voice said:

    I'm just glad I can show a monthly income into a Thai bank for well above the required 65K a month.  With recently printed out deposits from my bank for the past year.  

    Just1,  That was then, this is now!  I have been using BoA and USAA to transfer funds through Bangkok Bank's New York branch to my Bangkok Bank Savings account.   


    Bangkok Bank is the only provider in Thailand offering a direct deposit services into a Thai bank account.  And Bank of America has posted FAQs on IAT's at http://corp.bankofamerica.com/documents/16303/235019/IAT_FAQ.pdf


    However, effective 1 April 2019 the New York branch and Bangkok's Banks will implement some significant changes such as:  forcing a significant amount of effort in both the US and Bangkok Bank to have your IAT set up correctly via "International ACH Transaction" (IAT) from your country to your Bank here in Thailand.


    I'm not going to list all the conditions that need to be met.  Here is a Bangkok Bank Link which is very detailed.  I also went over a .pdf of it and highlighted the key points (It was actually a very good way for me to understand)  I personally believe that this was instigated on this side of the pond.






    Bottom Line: One has to use Bangkok Bank (unless you prefer Swift etc).  I cannot confirm but I've heard consistently that US Banks do not want to send funds overseas so they don't have to conform to sending funds as required by the NACHA and OFAC regulations if they did. Fortunately the US Government does all it's direct deposits IAW the IAT format. So for us Yanks, it's the USG and Bangkok Bank.


    Today $2,077 is equal to 65,000 THB. Not too many Social Security monthly payments are that high.  And, if your divorced, that may cut into your pension and then there's the possible disability benefits.  One may just have enough in one monthly payment, but have to use another check to make sure the badth rate doesn't get you. And then you're bringing too much money into the Land of Smiles.

    Best to all,


    Bangkok Bank IAT Detailed Information.pdf


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    • Thanks 1
  6. This was too spot on I have to share an article from MSN Lifestyle titled 30 telltale signs your Marriage is over   (AND I'M NOT EVEN MARRIED YET!)

    I was  married for 26 + years (US) and divorced almost 10 years ago.  I've now been living with my Thai Fiancé for almost 5 years.  Proposed last year (Spring) and have been slipping the wedding from that fall, and now out to the beginning of Summer.    


    I was gobsmacked when I read this list of 30 signs and I have to admit, I've got well over half of these signs (ever so subtle) and am thinking about my pro's and con's.   I've attached the full article (Word 5 Pages) and am just listing the 30 headers only.  I'd like to hear some similar stories and I'll try to match (Fortunately, 


                                   30 Telltale Signs Your Marriage Is Over



    No one ever said that marriage is easy. Every couple goes through rough periods now and again. Disagreements and arguments are bound to happen, especially as the pressures of work, money, and children come into play. But how do you know when it’s time to call it quits with your partner—for good?

    1.       You’re not having sex


    2.       You’re always fighting and bickering


    3.      You’re not communicating anymore


    4.       Your partner is cheating—and isn’t sorry


    5.      Therapy isn’t working


    6.       Your partner doesn’t want to make it work


    7.      You’re daydreaming about being single or with another partner


    8.       You and your partner give each other no respect


    9.       When you seldom resolve your differences


    10.  Friends or family notice the conflict in your relationship


    11.  Your children are suffering because of the toxic situation


    12.  You or your spouse put your children first—always


    13.  Your partner develops addictive habits


    14.  Abuse of any kind


    15.  Your partner is moving money between accounts


    16.  You’re leading separate lives


    17.  You choose your phone over your mate


    18.  You disagree about whether or not to have children


    19. You feel like you can’t grow as a person while in this relationship


    20.  When it’s no fun anymore


    21.  You’re ignoring your gut feeling


    22.  You’re preoccupied with the problems of others


    23.  You’ve stopped fighting


    24.  You’re having an affair, either emotional or physical


    25.  You feel controlled


    26.  You and your partner have totally different agendas t


    27.  You got married for the wrong reasons


    28. You keep secrets


    29.  You aren’t interested in participating in your partner’s favorite activities


    30.  You feel lonely

















    30 Telltale Signs Full Document 5 pages.docx

    30 Telltale Signs with Headers only.docx

    • Thanks 1
  7. Mike,

    I don't speak thai either, but I've learned to cut & Paste Line into Notes then into excel.  Run the thai column through multiple

    translators as they make no sense most of the time.  Especially your messenger msgs are partial sentences and are difficult to follow.


    I've attached an excel with no pride in validity.  1st sheet is two translations with your partial sentences. using Microsoft Translator (the one with four Japanese hiragana characters in it's icon) and the other with Google Tranlator (but it puked on me and being that it's free, I probably have to wait (or you can copy/paste/translate/cut/paste


    On sheet 3, you have a much more comprehensive translation as Bing puts all the partial phrases together and you can see a smoother translation.  How ever because each 3-5 lines of messenger text are translated into one line of English (or so) I've highlighted the start stop dates and times. because you'll want to crosscheck the multi-line sentence translation with the full sentence to help make sense.


    I didn't read it other than to keep track of translation points and I haven't even figured out who is who.

    Good Luck,





    Life is speed, Speed is Life!

    • Like 1
  8. I've got a 2017 PCX 150 and have had battery problems, but it was because of my incorrect use of the key fob. 

    Refer to this recent link with step by step on how to approach disarm , arm and depart.  I had it all backwards and was draining my battery




    And the battery will last seven days or seven weeks without using




  9. IN-DEX Soi 63.  Back on the right they have rolls of the anti-skid matting that you cut yourself by the meter.  Not very expensive.  Remember, when using the anti-skid matting, it doesn't have to match the full size of your carpet.  (so you can use about 2/3 the amount).  I've even cut the center out of my 2 x 3 meter carpet for a small carpet.   You can spend more on the anti-skid matting for your foot comfort.  It's very noticeable as you walk on carpet without a thicker anti-skid vs hard floor.


    Best Moon


    • Like 1
  10. After 40 years ('78 -'18) with a US farang wife of 26 years in the middle ('83- '08) I''ve had enough Thai relationships to be smart enough - ya think? not to have proposed to my current fiancé.  Now, my eyes are open and I'm concerned about the Wills and that I want to keep my two daughters at the 50% each of my hard earned of 38 years of work.

    Divorced US farang 10 years ago, came to Thaiaind  in 2014 to retire after 38 years of work.  Absolutely not a single thought of ever marrying again.  Well, in early '15, I met and fell for a beautiful, educated and 20 years of white collar work at a manufacturing plant.  My first assurance, was that on our first date, we went to a bar with a pool table.  She had no clue on how to hold a pool stick or even how 8-ball was played (interpretation: she's never been a bar girl or such).  So now she works a marketing job 9-5 and that gives us our space. She almost over-stayed her 6-month Visa to live with a guy (marry) in an agreement that she would be the Nanny for his kids and be the wife on paper as well as when ever he would want.  But, now I knew up front her goal.   But honestly, she has helped and supported me through several situations and I have never felt so comfortable and content in my life.  Now, I'm 63 and she's 45.  I have two daughters 33 and 30.  She's met them and has been acceptive and everyone. 

    I am a well intended good guy.   And for her, the perfect sucker.  It started out paying for her daughter's college.  And then I felt so sorry for her family's living conditions in Isan which had no side walls and made from scrap wood, that I paid off their debts on their land so they wouldn't ask my tilac for money every  month.  I had the properties put in her name and built them a 9 x 12 3 bdrm, two bath and a huge living/dining room (with a support beam in the middle).  I don't know of anyone who would build the home before the marriage, but now I know one and it's me.  However, at the end of the day It was worth it, either way I would never regret doing that for her family..  

    Fast forward a bit and I propose in early 18 with ideas to marry in Nov.  Well, right after proposal, I've been laid up with a  medical situation and home bound still. Then slipped it to early '19 and now to mid-'19.  We both agree our pattern and lifestyle have changed. 

         OK,  I think I gave TMI.  THE WILL: I had not even looked up what I have to do to get married with all the required documentation.  My only sources were my friend getting a divorce and ThaiVisa so I got up to speed on the Sid and Sod and was good with the divorce conditions.  But I barely glance over the post-living rules of property division and the hierarchy etc.  The other day I commented to her that my shelf live and use by dates are well with-in the next 10 years (right now I''m in the 70% to last five year modality rate)  I said she'd find another man and start all over again.  Of course she countered that she could never love anyone else again  (bakwan, bakwan and on).  But then she commented that she would need a house to live in after I'm gone and that there are some nice ones in Bangna that the sooner I get one, the more money I'd save by buying sooner.

       Then the Light Lit.  In the US, one has to do a new will after re-marrying.  Right now, it's 50-50 for my two daughters.

        She's hoping to get enough of a chunk of my $1.5M to live well after I'm gone.  But, I spent 38 years working with the intent of my daughters getting everything.

    1.  Can one write the Thai will to be more like a divorce?  Where she only gets what she had before, where as the Thai Will puts her ahead of my daughters?.

    2. Normally, in the US, the spouse get's 50 % as I sorely know from mine and she still get's half of my pension.  So can one write the US will so she gets to keep all the wonderful memories we've had?  And how much $$ is right?  And the longer I live the numbers will change so everyone in her extended family will have new iPhones and then some.

    All this last week, my gut is telling  me that I'm basically paying her to be my wife.  And for living with me less than 10 years and me paying for everything during that time..  She's used the phrase, if you really love someone wouldn't you want them to be taken care of and have no worries.  You've already given your daughter's an upbringing and paid for their colleges.

    But when I'm with her, I feel great, but how much is that feeling worth.   Some people say not to worry because I'll be retired from life and can't do anything, not even worry.

    OK, don't hold back.

    Thanks in advance.



    Life is speed, speed is Life"

    • Haha 1
  11. Emdog,  Get them to give you policy page and reference or write  you a letter that they cannot transfer funds to a foreign account. And threaten to move your money (the taxes are never going to disappear).   Also, wrt income dividends on non-Roth IRAs, I just cashed mine all out last Dec (as I started Social Security this Jan) and now the money I moved to Saving is tax clean as I paid an unbelievable amount of tax.  I'm glad I saw this article as I'm engaged now as well and we were thinking about a third each (two daughters and wife) on death.  But I hadn't thought about divorce, and she knows where everything is.  It's my understanding that one has to make out a new will in the US if they marry again.  After my first wife of 26 years wiped out 50% of assets and 50% of my US Military Pension for life (and then up to 55% if I pass before her).    My two daughters (31,34) would not be able to get near that with the will as still written.  My friend suggested that I put everything I could into a Transfer on Death (ToD) or Payable on Death (PoD) accounts.   So,I added my daughters to everything 50/50 and all they have to do is show up at the institution with my death certificate and identification.  You're right that it is difficult to get the bank to work out the signature cards, but you might want to check out this.  I'm definitely going to look at a new will situation and try to match the Thai pre-nup.   Life is Speed, Speed is Life!  Moon


  12. It is true that the actual Bank Book is not evidence.  It only goes back so far if you forget to update it regularly.

    Because I don't have the 800K THB in the bank and I only transfer from my BOA to Bangkok Bank in NY (a US Bank at $3.50 per transfer) and then BB BKK, I wanted to know how I could prove my transactions as I had forgot to update my bank book and not to sure if iBanking computer statement would be good enough.  I went to Bangkok Bank to find out and they printed out my last year's in and out transactions, stamp, sealed, signed for 300 THB.  That would be the evidence.   (All freelance thinking as I don't know for sure)

  13. Having worked in two US Embassy's for 8 years (not in the Consular Section) the Consular Section and American Citizen Services is the biggest income the State Department gets in return for being there.  At $50 a shot, that will significantly reduce this peripheral income and the US DoS will do it's best to keep it going.   

  14. I just renewed my non-O for a year last week.  And I came prepared,: Had all the forms typed the night before with back/ups, the US Notarary signed and the Mil Ret and SS Letters to equal the total I put on my note.  I brought copies of rental renewals, I've always just relied on the US Embassy note only, but this year, I've been worried about these "here and there" postings like this one.  I had also just built a house up in Udon for my fiancé's family (and brought all the receipts to show that I had 2M+ THB come into Thailand. The lady only looked at the US Embassy note and asked "Do you make this much every month?".  And I casually answered yes.  I thought because I typed up the US Notary and put the monthly amount in type vs hand writing, I was out of the norm.  She then had me sign all my PP pages and then took me to another desk.  She did the same and now, like you had me draw map of where I live.  (Way too easy).  I asked if I had any problems or not enough information, and she responded "actually, too much".   Then I went to the third desk lady supervisor and again asked to draw a map of where I live.  And then, everything was ok, pay, stamp and off to the multi-reentry.  It's odd to have to draw a map.  Why would a somewhat well dressed (long pants, button shirt) (handsome - Ha!) having their 5th year renewal be a fraud?  And I had the address written down to the street zone xx/yy, condo name and apt number etc.  I had no idea why this "drawing a map" more than once could vet some one.  Anyone else have this? (ps.  Once you're forced to have the 800K in the bank, the best way to get it out of country is "gold swiss or pamp", because my bank system in is only one-way.  Speed is Life, Life is Good.


    • Like 1
  15. I have my SS check deposited in my US Bank and then use the following system to get it in my Bangkok Bank account.

    This is a very easy solution for transferring funds from your US bank to Bangkok Bank.  

    Bangkok Bank’s New York branch is a US federally chartered branch functioning as a wholesale bank.

    I have a monthly amount sent to an account I set up between my US Bank account and a Bangkok New York.account

    The money does not stay there and is automatically forwarded to my Bangkok Bank account here (for only $3.50 per transaction)

    Their website explains it all.

    http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/InternationalNetwork/InternationalBranches/USA/Pages/Content2.aspx Edit: New link https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/Transfer-money-from-US-to-Thailand-via-Bangkok-Bank-NewYork-branch (they revamped their website on 25 Aug)


    The Bangkok Bank New York

    29 Broadway, 19th Floor

    New York , NY, 10006

    1-212-422-8200  (This lady is very helpful)

    email.   [email protected]

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