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F1 Visa Runner

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Posts posted by F1 Visa Runner

  1. OK so there is just too much information to weed through here, can anyone tell me...

    Do the new 'rules' start from October 1st onwards? In other words, I have been here for four months already and I am due to go to the border on Friday, so obviously I will be OK that time. When October comes around and I go again, will that count as stamp number 1 and I will have 90 days from that stamp, as long as I dont leave the country in that time.

    OR would you suggest that I go to an embassy and get a multiple entry visa for longer this month?

    Any help is appreciated!


    If people want to find out the details look in other threads. This thread is about the impact on Thailand.

    Was it Blam who said something was a little off topic? I think its ok as the impact is a wide understanding of everything going on here.


    You guys are forgetting that this does not apply to airport arrivals. Arrive at any Thai international airport and your stamps will not be scrutinized.

    They are only after the land crawling - stay ten minutes in cambo and come back in - visa runners.

    This was mentioned two or three times earlier or somewhere I dunno anymore.



    And to you... You just dont get it.. you dont know what you are talking about.

    Do you think Thailand is after you because you are a visa runner?

    No they are not. They are after something else, criminals or whatever.

    The thing is they are not doing it the right way. Their announcment is done wrong and raise insecurity among people. Not only foreigners but to thai people also. This is a third world announcement of good caliber!

    If they went out and said, "There are some new rules for tourists to follow... bla bla bla... You are still able to stay here all year around but we want you in a system which allows us to run check-up`s on certain people if we find that necessarry. The present system being used gives us no chance to do so."

    I disagree on how they are doing it. A plan could have been drafted to benefit thailand much better.

    30 days extensions should be available inside of Thailand, not free of cost.

    They could have made a system which said every 6 month, 6 th entry or similar, the tourist visa process will take you 2 working days.

    Thiis would just be examples but would make it better for everyone involved,

    foreigners (more easy),

    thai people (higher income for Thailand),

    immigration ( able to run check-up`s )

  2. .

    Good posts hotgeekus, Col. Mustard, ramidin, bendix, and others who realize that true tourists are much better for a country than a bunch of people who are just a zigzag away from being refused entry.

    Why hasn't this policy change been in the Thai press? Because 90% of Thai people couldn't care less. It's a non-item. They have their King, their culture, their family, their religion, and many other domestic problems, such as the violence in the South to be concerned with.

    The effect on the actual tourist industry will be very VERY small.

    Just look at what has happened in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui in the last 20 years. They are zoos now with foreigners in the cages, that's all. Surely tourists don't come halfway around the world to see that.

    Don't try to live here and pretend to be a tourist. Get the proper visa. If you can't get the proper visa, then Thailand doesn't want you living here. Just like any other country. Nothing to do with the current buzz word "xenophobia". Come back and visit anytime and you will be welcomed.

    You are surely welcome to visit your Thai condo anytime as long as you spend most of your time living elsewhere.

    'nuff said

    You are about as far off reality as it is possible to get!

    Do you seriously mean what you say or is it the joke of the century!??


    True tourists are much better for this country. What kind of crap bullocks is that. In average my friends holidaying here spend about 180.000 b each for a month including airtickets and accomodation.

    Lets see where 90% of money goes then.

    45.000 airticket ( just sometimes thai airways)

    20.000 accomodation ( 2-3 different hotel owners)

    15.000 food (various restaurants )

    7000 motorbike rent

    5000 day trips

    10.000 drinks (brought home to accomodation)

    40.000 party (bars, disco, girls)

    5000 at the beach (chairs, food, drinks, activities)

    10.000 stuff bought to bring home ( copy watches, clothes, souvenirs)

    Thats about it.. The rest all kind of things like photocopies, tel cards, gasoline, tuk tuk, massage etc.

    So what do you think about the true tourist?? Widely spreading his money around Thailand??

    Some of the above mentioned are due to revenue tax but far from all and the ones who are, do they pay what they should?

    Sit down and have a drink with a thai friend who pays revenue tax for a business he`s got and ask him if zik zak`ing his tax paid up is common.

    I`ll tell you this, it is as common for a thai that has the ability do it as it is to take in a mouth full of rice.

    So what about the other kind of tourist. The super tourist, pro-tourist, all rear round tourist, un-true tourist, visa runner, visa hopper, border crosser or how I like to put it, The Ambassador Tourist!

    What is he worth to Thailand?? In average I would say we flush into this economy everything from 60.000-400.000 b a month. And the biggest difference, WE DO IT EVERY MONTH! That makes us actually 10 times more important than the true tourist. Pretty interesting numbers huh!?

    Then comes the other effect... The Ambassador effect. What do you think that one is worth?

    You see, you have no clue about what you are talking about


    Tourists dont want to come half way around the world to see Pattaya, Phuket and Samui which now looks like zoo`s!?

    I`ll tell you it is exactly what they want to come and see. Pick up the phone and phone up some travel agents in Europe and get it confirmed. This years high season is the highest booking on airline tickets ever seen to Thailand. They ones who dont want to see this went away a long time ago with a pack on their back!


    Thailand doesn`t want you here if you dont get a proper visa! What is that?

    I bet the finance minister would love to have me here if he saw my bank statements on whats brought in from abroad. I guess he would love the other guy too in this thread who brought in over 50 mill over a 10 years period,

    or the couple being here for 10 months having spent 35.000 US.


    You are welcome to visit your condo if spending most of your time living elsewhere!?

    Yeah you are ###### right about that. They would be out of their minds of happiness if you in the meantime stayed at Banyan Tree so the revenue tax paid went up!

    You havent got the slightest clue about a da#n thing going on in this country!

  3. And I suppose, F1 Visa Runner, you go round shaking hands and thanking all the tourists and foreigners that have pumped huge quantities of money into your country's economy do you?

    Thailand is far from perfect and might not in your eyes have contributed much good to the world but it also hasn't contributed as much bad to the world as many of our home countries.

    No I do not because there aint to many to shake hands with. You see where I come from we dig up the money from underneith and its called The Black Gold.

    My origin country is quite lucky to be in this situation right now and we are super rich! It could as pr today be equaled to all Thailands beautiful beaches and what that contributes to the country through tourists.

    My country was not rich some 60 years ago as we were quite a poor nation.

    Our oil.. pretty much the same as the tourist industry, foreign investments and foreigners have done to Thailand.. Just a different way around to wealth.

    Countries can not bungle too much with the source of where money comes from. Goes for all nations of the world.

  4. And the prize for the most patronising and shameful post on Thaivisa goes to . . . . . .

    Yes, Visarunner . . those little brown fellas should be grateful for all we do for them, shouldnt they? They can't survive alone.

    That post is a disgrace, and the attitude expressed in it is symptomatic of the farang arrogance perhaps the Thais want to get rid of.

    And rightly so, in my opinon.

    As far as I know those little brown fellas are of yellow colour. This colour colour blindnes of yours together with your previous posts and it it is obvious that you entered Thailand with something shading off from the sun too much.

    Maybe you should have entered this kingdom with some RayBans`s instead of a pair of welder`s goggles on.

    You are really fumbling around in the dark ain`t you..

    Take em off some now and then and have a look around.

  5. This whole situation raises a lot of other questions related to foreigners in Thailand. The country`s tourism to be 17 % of the GDP. This is a huge slice of the GDP and shows this country to be totally depending on tourists and foreigners. Then comes all foreign investments in every form.

    I would say the Thai people should stay in a constant "Wai" for us foreigners. They should be so thankful for all the trillions of baht that have been pumped in here and if it wasnt for this I would like to see where Thailand would have been today.

    We all being here contribute a lot to this country`s wealth wether it would be

    sticking a couple of thousand baht into the pocket of an old senile family member in Isaan,

    making a manufacturer plant with thousands of employees,

    screwing girls down a Nana,

    sending beautiful photos we all take with our digiatal cameras to friends and family all over the world,

    talking about this country,

    The fact is that even most criminals contribute to this wealth by living here.

    Thailand has never lost a single satang on criminals living here. They might missed out on some taxes paid but have a look at Bandidos case, nobody wants them here.. but they did bring into Thailand some 3 billion baht. These money is now spread all over this green carpet.

    You see.. we all contribute in a way or another.

    It is limited how much money you can make on exporting rice around the world,

    and like one said in a thread on this forum some time ago, "what have the thai people ever done for the worlds community"... its about nothing..nada..zero!

    The truth is that the average thai doesnt have a clue about what social economy is and what it takes to build a nations economy.

    If all thais soon dont pull themselves toghether and stand up to get this country back on track things could be bad here.

    Sometimes I think " Why the heck do they let all this crap happen here, they must be total stupid these people!

    Honestly, they should have a decade or two with no tourists at all, foreigners pulling out investments and so. Then they might would have learned. The westerner can always hop around the world exploring new destinations.

    The beaches will still be here when they all had figured it out.

    The cheap charlies would have <deleted> ball here if they stayed though. The price level on all kind of services would drop to a minimum :o

    Our new name should be,

    The ambassador Tourist or said in another way, a very high ranking tourist. :D:D:D

  6. when children observe adult behaviour patterns on a regular basis it becomes the 'norm' to them.

    a child who watches adults smoke cigarettes all day every day will see nothing wrong in adopting that behaviour.

    a young girl exposed regularly to the antics of beer bar greeters or go go girls will see that as normal female behaviour.

    kids seeing adults in beer bars or pubs sucking on beer bottles all day will have the wrong message imprinted into their heads and when those adults are falangs then the association becomes extremely negative indeed.

    these places should be away from schools , preferably strictly zoned , and not open to the street.

    Tax - last I checked thats what Parents are for - teach their lil ones. Do as you are told, not what you see. :o

    Anyways I don't think most people who frequent those spots are up at 9am - more like afternoon. :D

    Exactly taxexile, perfect said ! And thats exactly the reason for why the thais are the 3rd most drunken nation in the world. They just get that Sengsom, Mekong, Singha or Chang bottle plugged right into their mouth after being born. This will in fact be the new navel string!

    You want to blame that shit on the farangs too. Give me a <deleted>#KIN break!

    It more likely that they will learn other things from having foreigners around. What about seeing foreigners jogging around town.. throwing garbage where it should be.. being a little more fashion up to date.. no nose picking.. etc..

    From your posts it sounds like you regard tourist areas as schools where thai people learn bad behavior. For that reason you should head straigth up to Bangkok Hilton prison and ask the inmates where they learned all their shit. They sure didn`t grow up in any of thoses places.

  7. Bendix and nuff said, you guys wouldn`t understand much about a country`s social economy and how it all is connected would you.

    If you guys seriously think this whole shit is only about the tourist living here all year round you must be way out of ya mind!

    But do you really know what kind of amounts many of us pro-tourists actually are pumping in to this country??

    I am pumping hundreds of thousand baht into this country every month. Every single satang coming from abroad. I spend and use more money every month than 30 thais on average income would do.

    Of the tens of thousands being here there is no doubt that many spend a lot of money! 10-50 times more a month than the average thai.

    Have you two rocket scientists ever thought about many of us are being taxed in other countries?

    Not wanting to be taxed in two countries at the same time?

    Want to keep it that way as to 1 million times better pension systems thailand could ever offer?


    Do you see us pro-tourist farangs to be to hard on the public systems... Seen many farangs taking the green bus in bkk.. or using public hospitals..

    If there is someone who doesn`t get anything free in this country it would be the one with white skin.

    So you wanna know a little about where I pay my tax,

    That would be all the money I am every month pumping into Thailand all over the country.

    It would be the almost everyday 100 b to bribe a police officer when driving a big bike in bkk and when just doing nothing wrong.

    It would be getting my friends and family from abroad to spend their hollidays here.


    I am a <deleted> ambassador for this country right now! Could you imagine all of us being the opposite... no you wouldn`t understand it could have the slightest impact on Thailand would you.

    The better name for us would be,

    The Ambassador Tourist!

  8. Hey francois!

    How's about we turn off the electricity from 1-5pm and close the gas stations at 6pm. Oh yeah, that's Burma, sorry. Everything else you mentioned was Burma, so I just thought...

    Hey I know, no ice making at night! That makes about as much sense.


    On a lighter note. The 15-17 foreign owned corporations that were told to stop building their new Tescos, Carrefours, BigCs, 7-11s, etc. have told the "caretaking" ruling party to go eff themselves. Let's see how that plays out.

    Also, today, a (small) Swiss investor shifting 225 million Baht into Thailand for business purposes has dropped out of his hotel backing deal here in Phuket. 'Too risky' were his exact words. I guess that's just chump money for the Thais. Another read my lips, No backpackers!

    'Forbes' Magazine, of the USA, was one of the first media conglomerates to get their hands on this bit of visa news, and is now mulling whether to give a 'cautionary' flag to Thailand for the tourist/business travel sector.

    TRT is throwing out the baby with the bath water. Get ready for the economic hit Thailand! Bar owners, teachers, dive instructors, indeed. What a stinking cesspool of BS that is.

    Blame the farangs! Taksin's favorite motto.

    'Old and in the way' in Phuket

    This can be the next reality yes.

    As a young bloke and I must at least have brought into Thailand 15 million baht over a 4 year period on tourist visa and all coming from legal assets.

    Most of it spent.. Spent on what?

    Rental contracts, private and ltd comapnies operated

    In every thinkable small shop or shopping centre buying all kind of things you need

    Lots of thai products in Chiang mai

    Phantip plaza

    Nana plaza

    Most thai people owned restaurants

    Buying new and used motorbikes

    Buying cars

    Fillling them up with gasoline

    Repair shops

    Giving my ex-girlfriend a 500.000 b business which now gives her approx 10.000 b a day in profit.

    My ex-gf is employing 10 thais because of this

    My ex-gf family

    Park fees

    Visa extensions


    VIP bus companies

    Accomodation everywere in Thailand

    Beach chairs

    ...... and the list goes on forever.

    Its all spent widely on all the small people to big ltd companies like Honda that pays a lot of revenue tax.

    This money is no everywhere in the thai system.

    Doesn`t matter where in the system the money is now but the money being in the thais system for sure matters!

    As the above shows this is also the fact of many being here on tourist conditions. It has been simple and easy being here which also means its simple and easy to break out if you have had enough. If the system wasn`t like this and I dont know if I would be here in the first place.

    I belive this 15 million brought in by me matters

    Now I dont got much of a chioce though as we are soon waiting for our first "luk krung" :o

  9. Well.. the new rulus are not much different then the Schengen Visa.

    We still can travell to THL, but the Thai can't to a Schengen country without filling in a truckload of paperwork, prove of (sufficient) income, prove residentie (hotel:etc) copy of return ticket. etc etc, How about the U.S?? even worse.

    If you like to stay longer, do it the proper and legal way....I know it's a lot of hasle aswell, but worth it and if you not want to put your energy in aplying for the right visa then...........you probably have no bussyniss LOS. then ......?????

    This would not be a rocket scientists comparison would it.

    If the borders where open into schengen in the same way as it is into Thailand,

    Do you think poor thais and people from poor countries would come to spend their forune in Europe...... or maybe go there to take all the jobs offering themeselves with low labour cost??

    Think twice before posting nonsense like this.

    Most all year round tourists actually brings in a lot of cash to this country to the benefit of thai people.

  10. For all those who want to change this new policy:

    I have just gone down to the office at my apartment block, where I have stayed for three years. I have requested that the owner (a Thai) of my particular apartment, managed by the Condo Management be informed of my request to reduce rent from B13000 to B8000 from November. I explained the logic behind this, i.e. numerous vacancies from October onwards.

    The management staff HAD NO IDEA that this was going on and from first thinking that I was being my usual nutcase self, they all started talking about whether this would be a problem generally (The Condo itself owns over 75% of the units).

    Now if everyone did this in the next few days, maybe the message could get through to sopme powers that be??

    Thats the way to go! Post up a new thread on what every farang should do so things would really start moving.

    It would fit very well into Thailand these days

    A farang riot too :o

    Its gonna be a heck of a civil war comin up soon... hahaha :D:D:D

  11. The tricky part here could be this though. As the visas are counted in days but the immigration periods are counted in months and also together with your VOA`s eating up some days you are actually missing some days to complete the 6 months period.

    So if you look at the first day of your first 30 day VOA in this case which was 28 december and count 6 months you will end up with 28 june. If you go back up in the post you will see that according to this plan you should start your second time of the 3 x 30 days VOA on june 23.

    If the immigration officer is quick doing his math or it all being computerized and you might not be able to enter Thailand before the 28 june.

    Easily solved with a few days holidaying in Penang moving the whole plan forward the extra needed days.

    Wether they will enforce these missing days is unknown. You allready had a 60 days tourist that was extended into 90 days in the months between and it might be considered as starting from scratch again.. who knows.

    ...or the other way around...my 30 day will expire first week of October and decided to do a border run last week of september to avail of more weeks. then will do 3 consecutive border runs and then off to penang for the valid tourist visa...and so on...

    That will also work out fine. Just remember about the missing days in the period of the 6 months as no one knows how they will handle this at border checkpoints. There will be 6 months untill a first case of this would appear.

    Complaining about having to go to a consulate outside of Thailand once every 6 month would be wrong when pushing the system to a maximum.

    If you could not afford this trip and maybe also the 5 days stay you would need to complete a 6 month period and I think Thailand is better off without you. With this little money and unable to work and you would then be a risk to yourself and others.

  12. For the ones that to still want to stay in Thailand all year around it will be no problem to continue doing this.

    Even if the consulates in the sourranding countries of Thailand thightened the 60 day tourist visa to only be allowed as a single entry.


    Lets say you start off in the same day as the new visa rules are put into action.

    01 october you are entering Thailand after being to a consulate like in for example Penang and got your 60 days tourist visa single entry.

    29 november you go to the immigration and apply for an extension of 30 days.

    28 december you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    27 january you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    25 february you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    This will be the last 30 day VOA you can get for this period as the maximum stay in Thailand on VOA will be 3 x 30 days.

    NOTE! In this situation you will actually not get a total of 90 days but only 88. This because the last day of the 30 day VOA visa also will be the first day on the next 30 day VOA. In the above case 27 january will eat up one extra day and also 25 february.

    26 march head down to Penang in the early morning and get your 60 days tourist visa single entry.

    This visa is ready in the afternoon on the 27 march.

    27 march enter back into Thailand with your 60 day tourist visa single entry

    25 may you go to the immigration and apply for an extension of 30 days.

    23 june you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    22 july you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    21 august you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    This will be the last 30 day VOA you can get for this period as the maximum stay in Thailand on VOA will be 3 x 30 days.

    19 september head down to Penang again and start it over again with the 60 day tourist visa.

    The tricky part here could be this though. As the visas are counted in days but the immigration periods are counted in months and also together with your VOA`s eating up some days you are actually missing some days to complete the 6 months period.

    So if you look at the first day of your first 30 day VOA in this case which was 28 december and count 6 months you will end up with 28 june. If you go back up in the post you will see that according to this plan you should start your second time of the 3 x 30 days VOA on june 23.

    If the immigration officer is quick doing his math or it all being computerized and you might not be able to enter Thailand before the 28 june.

    Easily solved with a few days holidaying in Penang moving the whole plan forward the extra needed days.

    Wether they will enforce these missing days is unknown. You allready had a 60 days tourist that was extended into 90 days in the months between and it might be considered as starting from scratch again.. who knows.

    My final thoughts about this whole thing is just it is a cleansing process. Nothing else.

    What this seem to be is a new system that still will work for the not criminal tourist that just want to stay here all year round. The system that has been present would allow anyone to cross a border checkpoint for 10 years if they wanted as long as an International arrest warrant was not issued.

    With this new system you will have to drop by a consulate to get your 60 day visa which gives the consulate the necessarry time (2 working days) to get in touch with officials from your country if they want.

    The consulate are able to run a check up on you to see if everything is just fine if they are a little suspicious.

    Lets say you`ve got some tax issues or other minor offends in your country but your country not going as far as issuing an international arrest warrant which is a of a much serious matter. A warrant of this kind would involve two countries on a much higher level and is only issued due to serious offends.

    So if a consulate chose to run a check up and got in touch with officials from your country,

    your country would be able to say something like, "We would like Thailand not to issue a visa to this person as we want him to come home and clear out certain things"

    A system that actually would work if they want to these kind of people to leave Thailand.

    I know most people will react negatively with anything that limit things in Thailand.. and why? Because everyone living here regard Thailand as just Sabai Sabai :o

  13. My final thoughts about this whole thing is just it is a cleansing process. Nothing else.

    What this seem to be is a new system that still will work for the not criminal tourist that just want to stay here all year round. The system that has been present would allow anyone to cross a border checkpoint for 10 years if they wanted as long as an International arrest warrant was not issued.

    With this new system you will have to drop by a consulate to get your 60 day visa which gives the consulate the necessarry time (2 working days) to get in touch with officials from your country if they want.

    The consulate are able to run a check up on you to see if everything is just fine if they are a little suspicious.

    Lets say you`ve got some tax issues or other minor offends in your country but your country not going as far as issuing an international arrest warrant which is a of a much serious matter. A warrant of this kind would involve two countries on a much higher level and is only issued due to serious offends.

    So if a consulate chose to run a check up and got in touch with officials from your country,

    your country would be able to say something like, "We would like Thailand not to issue a visa to this person as we want him to come home and clear out certain things"

    A system that actually would work if they want to these kind of people to leave Thailand.

    I know most people will react negatively with anything that limit things in Thailand.. and why? Because everyone living here regard Thailand as just Sabai Sabai :o

  14. We`ll soon leave Thailand and then be back in april next year. When back here I am going to put up nearly 1 million baht pretty soon after we arrive.

    My questions are

    Does it appear to those having a child with a thai that the immigrations more easy pass you through?

    Thinks like, shorting down the period it takes to get you the "O" visa, maybe not bother too much about coming to your home, more easy on giving a multiple entry.. and about the 400.000?

    I mean.. I ll easily get down to KL to fix things if absolutely no haslse about the 400.000 there and at the same time given a multiple entry.

    I know I probably could withdraw some 400.000 divided on 12 months pr month when being here after the extension period has started.

    I want to start using this money as quickly as possible.

  15. If they were smart, they would allow 2 thirty day extentions on permits and charge 1900 for each. That way they can monitor exactly whats going on, and make alot of cash in the process.

    But TIT :o

    This would be a great thing for Thailand to do. The extension money also gets into the system the right way and is not lost to corruption.

    It would generate millions of baht everyday for the thai people.

    Instead they are giving it away to visa run companies where half of it are just lost in fuel costs.

  16. For the ones that to still want to stay in Thailand all year around it will be no problem to continue doing this.

    Even if the consulates in the sourranding countries of Thailand thightened the 60 day tourist visa to only be allowed as a single entry.


    Lets say you start off in the same day as the new visa rules are put into action.

    01 october you are entering Thailand after being to a consulate like in for example Penang and got your 60 days tourist visa single entry.

    29 november you go to the immigration and apply for an extension of 30 days.

    28 december you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    27 january you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    25 february you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    This will be the last 30 day VOA you can get for this period as the maximum stay in Thailand on VOA will be 3 x 30 days.

    NOTE! In this situation you will actually not get a total of 90 days but only 88. This because the last day of the 30 day VOA visa also will be the first day on the next 30 day VOA. In the above case 27 january will eat up one extra day and also 25 february.

    26 march head down to Penang in the early morning and get your 60 days tourist visa single entry.

    This visa is ready in the afternoon on the 27 march.

    27 march enter back into Thailand with your 60 day tourist visa single entry

    25 may you go to the immigration and apply for an extension of 30 days.

    23 june you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    22 july you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    21 august you go to any border crossing for for a 30 day VOA (visa on arrival).

    This will be the last 30 day VOA you can get for this period as the maximum stay in Thailand on VOA will be 3 x 30 days.

    19 september head down to Penang again and start it over again with the 60 day tourist visa.

    The tricky part here could be this though. As the visas are counted in days but the immigration periods are counted in months and also together with your VOA`s eating up some days you are actually missing some days to complete the 6 months period.

    So if you look at the first day of your first 30 day VOA in this case which was 28 december and count 6 months you will end up with 28 june. If you go back up in the post you will see that according to this plan you should start your second time of the 3 x 30 days VOA on june 23.

    If the immigration officer is quick doing his math or it all being computerized and you might not be able to enter Thailand before the 28 june.

    Easily solved with a few days holidaying in Penang moving the whole plan forward the extra needed days.

    Wether they will enforce these missing days is unknown. You allready had a 60 days tourist that was extended into 90 days in the months between and it might be considered as starting from scratch again. who knows..

    With the text saying entering to be allowed "several times" I am afraid the thai government actually just made a loophole for themselves to use.

    More easy to crack down on the monthly border runs but perfect for welcoming golfers, shoppers, business people or the ones that are here just killing off some days every month.

    If this loophole is made to be played with by the government and it would be nothing else than a threat to democracy.

  17. Land transfers drop dramatically

    A police spokesman was quoted in a Thai newspaper as claiming the suspects brought more than 79 million baht into Thailand over the past two years and laundered it through various tourist-related businesses. A six-month investigation by police found that the Bandidos had a network that extended to Bangkok, Pattaya, Samui and Phuket.

    The correct would be 79 million US, 450 million DKK or 3 billion THB.

  18. You are wrong. Thai law (and most other countries that I know of) does NOT require a married woman to change her name. Many do not. I have pointed out clearly in my posts the desireablility of changing the Thai passport in the OP's case, as this will save hassle, but you seem unable to read that part of my post.

    Looks like we have to knock it in with a hammer then.

    There is no law saying "after you marry please go and change your name in your passport and other ID papers bla bla bla..


    There are laws cleary saying a person is only entitled to possess or obtain identification papers carrying only your true and full name.

    which will then be... your real name... who you are... not who you not are.. not the old you.. with other names on...

    Marriage is a case of official matter involving specific departments. Its registered, involving both countries and so on.

    If miss Silom Sukhumwith went on marrying Peter Pan. Left her thai surname out so her new name would be Silom Pan.

    Do you think she is entitled to run around as Silom Sukhumwith anymore? The answer on that would be no.

    If the law was not against this I would like to see the faces of the worlds immigration officers that just had to say "have a good trip then" to any suspicious muslim friend carrying 3-4 passports in different names as that would be quite normal i guess.

    Do we need to knock it in with a sledge in the next post?

  19. Perhaps you should read my text before posting. What I said was that the important thing is that she should use the same passport to enter and leave the country. She is not committing a crime by having her Thai passport in her maiden name. It is not "false" I.D. as you put it. It is the name on her Tabien Baan and all her other I.D. in Thailand. She has since been issued with a Swiss passport that has her new married family name. That does not make it a crime to possess the Thai one!

    What I also said was that she should register her family name to save any future hassles. They will not even issue a new passport. They will simply stamp her current one indicating a new family name. This can be done at her nearest embassy. Once in Thailand she can also change all her other I.D. if she wants, although this takes a bit more effort.

    This is all a very normal process and is done by thousands of people every year.

    You must be out of your <deleted> mind! Of course everyone understand when getting a new passport and name.. right there.. the seconds after it is handed over to you, and if you choose to become a dual you will have all your other ID`s in your former name.

    The point is that this should as soon as possible be changed. And that goes for all your ID`s. It is possible to keep it that way. But it is illegal.

    There is no country in the world which allow the use of two different names.

    If not thinking always about terror. Could you imagine the mess if for example the swiss embassy for some reason should need to help out this swiss/thai person having some problems in Thailand. Then the thai officals responding.. eeeh we dont have a person by that name with problems here.. We just have a thai here with a slightly different name having problems.. Then the swiss officials responding... really.. ok never mind about this person then. It seems not to be our problem though.

    It is dozens of reasons for why this is illegal. By the law you are responsible to change all your identification papers if a new name is given to you. Check with any expert lawyer on this.

    The papers are true papers in the way that they originally were issued by officials and not false like if a scammer made them. But the papers are not representing you anymore. Thats why they are false.

    Like I said before it would be possible to easily obtain more identities by marrying and devorcing this way. This would actually be a way of getting around for obtaining multi nationalities and ID`s. If not illegal this would be the ultimate way of doing it. The way for all bad guys to get around.

    And finally.. when all the bad guys getting questioned by immigration authorieties all over the world had to answer for them. The anwser would be, "I was married 7 years ago to a person with this name and 3 years ago to one named this.. thats why I am carrying them.

    If this was allowed not a single immigration officer could do the slightest thing.

    Did I knock it into your head good enough now or do you need another round.. :o

    I am not trying to be rude here.. But you just have to open your eyes and look beyond the world of the kind innocent couple of Mr an Mrs Smith.

  20. Having the documents VS showing the documents will be two different things.

    Also dont mix up the difference of a dual citizenship with the use of two different names. Your old name is not you anymore..period!

    Thai immigration authoroties might handle this different than other countries though it is strictly illegal in Thailand by law.

    I doubt there is another country in the world where nationals marry more people abroad than in Thailand so yes they are used to duals. They can also read thai certificates as they are thais.

    As for those who didnt get it the bottom line is.

    If you start traveling around the globe with these documents it will just slip your mind after some time. I belive after a couple of years its just natural bringing both with you when traveling.

    Thats where your misstake is.

  21. It is a great misunderstanding by many having dual citizenship that they should use both. It should only be locked at as exactly what it is. In most cases only be kept as a backup if returning to this country for good.

    This is from the the US immigrations but will be the reason for most countries accepting it and why it is possible:

    Nonetheless, official U.S. policy has been to discourage the incidence of dual nationality. The Government accepts but does not recognize or approve of dual nationality. The Government accepts it: "only as the result of separate conflicting laws of other countries."

    If we would issue the ticket on the Thai name I have a problem in Switzerland during the departure as it would not match the name in the swiss passport.

    Anyone has similar problems and how did you solve it?

    In your case your wife should travel under her swiss passport with her new name which now is her real name and new identity. Because you are relocating and planning on staying longer she should when in Thailand first change the name in her thai passport and then report to the immigration.

    I guess all her other documents, bank cards, id cards etc is in her new Swiss name. Traveling under her old name and passport would be recognised as under a false ID.


    If you have dual citizenship, you have rights and obligations with respect to two different states or countries.

    You are entitled to the protection of the authorities of both countries.


    Please note that it may be difficult for the authorities to provide you with diplomatic assistance when you are in the other country where you are a citizen.

  22. What makes you think it is illegal? I believe that the law has been changed and it is now legal for Thais to hold dual citizenship. The important bit is to use the same passport to enter as the one you use to leave.
    lots of people have two passports,carry both and shouldnt have any problem.

    What you two are writing about has absolutely NOTHING to do with this case. Please read the text before posting.

    Regarding what you two are talking about and as Lopburi3 says: "I do not believe Thailand (or even the USA) recognize duel citizenship by law. But they do not have laws preventing it so it is accepted in day to day life."

    ..I would recon it as 99% ok to travel around with dual citizenship. Dont expect it to be smooth everywhere around the globe.

    Passports in two different name is a totally different case!

    If traveling around with these two passports you are actually under a false ID. You are married, have changed your name and are no longer this person and are not in anyway entitled to longer have this ID or using it. If not changed into your new name it should be demolished. Easy as that.

    If this was legal it would mean absolutely no sense. It would actually even be possible to acquire more passports with different names. If you divorced, married again and then obtained a third passport. Heck of a situation out there if this was legal. Some countries have a 50% divore rate.. Got it.

    This case is making it possible to be two different persons as you ve also got a new national security number connected to your new passport.

    The use of both makes it possible to travel in and out of many countries without leaving any trace of where you went. A situation no government would want to have.

    Your name is YOU and Its one of THE most important criteria to identify YOU as who YOU are!

    Dual citizenship is something else people.

  23. Sorry guys....! Imeant Switzerland and not US/ America in my post.

    If the flight was directly between Switzerland and Thailand I would probably bring both passports with me for this last time but just using and showing ONE of them. Still be prepared to have answers ready for immigration if something should happen.

    It is illegal and if they saw both they could file a case if not in a good mode that day. What the outcome of a scenario like this would be would also depend on recently happenings regarding terror and immigration issues.

    Transit or holiday in another country than the above and you should leave one at home or have it sent by a courier.

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