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Posts posted by niggle

  1. A joint account is only acceptable if the amount in it is doubled as the account is in the name of 2 people. This means you would need 160000 bht

    Have an account in your name with the 3 month 800000 requirement. Your wife can then get a year visa as a piggy back to yours thus eliminating the need for the doubled amount or her to have 800000 in own name account. Note that common law marriages are not recognised in Thailand. For her to have visa as piggy back you have to produce original marriage certificate, birth certs etc. Photocopies not acceptable

  2. You are only classed as non resident if you complete all the necessary forms to inform the UK Inland Rebenue. Now, if you do that you should not in theory have to pay tax on any income including pensions. It will not affect NHS entitlement. As an ex Casualty nurse, I can tell you that no nurse or doctor will ask about residence status - that is something both proessions have declared a no-no. The odd (arnet they all odd ?) administrator may ask but you do not have to answer.

    So OK you may pay tax on pension etc but keep a UK address - doesnt matter if you live there - you can be on hoiday abroad as long as you like, also keep registered with a GP at your address.

    Oh and bby the way, if you have to go to casualty in UK and they ask your occupation, tell them you are a freelance investigative journalist - amazing how quickly you are seen !

  3. I know this is really stupid but I recently got small scooter, got tax insurance (compulsory) and then realised that if I have an accident I dont know what on earth to do - who to call what details needed etc.

    Can anyone help a dumbo like me ?

  4. OK ABout this 24 hour reporting

    I returned yesterday from a visit to Malaysia and having read the recent posts about 24 hour reporting I went to HH immigration to check.

    YES they are imposing the 24 hour reporting requirement at immigration in Hua Hin.

    Whatever your visa, if you leave the country, irrespectinve of any visa you may have, you MUST report to HH Immigration within 24 HOURS of re-entry otherwise you will be fined for not doing this.

    Interestingly, after a quick trip to Bangkok aiirport (details on another post) the Immigration at Suvarnambhumi seemed bemused as to why HH Immigration was doing this but accepted that local immigration offices have the right to do so if they wish

  5. 3 points:

    1) OP, please do not overlook the point I made about change in bowel patterns being a warning sign of cancer, especially if you are over 40.

    2) For treatment of both giardia and amoeba. tinidazole (fasigyn) is a better alternative to flagyl and just as effective. Shorter course of treatment and less side effects, altho you will still have some if on the higher (amoebic) dose. If treating without a diagnosis from stool exam, then better go with the higher amoebic dose so as to eliminate both. The lower giardia dose will not eliminate amoeba. Ladies, don't take either if you may be pregnant.

    3) For "bad guts" where protozoa have either been ruled out or were presumptively treated for, and -- in case of older people especially -- where cancer has been ruled out, a "detox/fast" program can work wonders. In Thailand I recommend the one at Health Oasis in Samui. Basically your GI tract gets a total rest following which live probiotics are given and eating resumed in a gradual fashion. Highly effective provided there is not a serious underlying cause such as cancer. 7-9 day program if possible but even a shorter one may help.

    Thanks Sheryl - very helpful. It is just not possible for me to get or find out quality medical information on this here in the states, at my current insurance level, so I'm pretty much on my own. Thanks.

    Chronic giardia is also a possibility, as it is milder than the one with amoebas. You really need to get a stool check as an initial step.

    Best advice - go and see a doctor.

    Be very careful if you are taking Fasigyn do not have alcohol at any time during the treatment or for 3 days after you have stopped the treatment. Combining alcohol with FASIGYN (Tinidazole) can cause stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and flushing. When FASIGYN (Tinidazole) is combined with alcohol and the drug disulfiram (Antabuse), a severe mental disorder can occur.

    Thank you for the very important caveat.

    Consider Gluten intolerance. Looks like you eat a lot of wheat based stuff. Try cutting out bread, pasta, thickened sauces etc for a while. See if ypu inprove.

    Gastroscopy is really the only definate diagnostic tool

  6. Sad news

    With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person which almost went unnoticed.

    Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Cokey", died peacefully at the age of 93.

    The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin.

    They put his left leg in. And then the trouble started.

  7. Jewish girl announced she was getting married to an Arab.

    Mother was disraught and said she woulld not go to the wedding but always to remember that she was her daughter and would always love her and be there for her.

    The years passed and mother never visited.

    Eventually the daughter turned up at her mothers house crying and saying she was leaving her husband, would her mother help her pack?

    Of course said her mother, I will always love you and be there for you.

    They went to the daughters house - a big mansion, deer park, servants, lakes fast cars etc.

    "Why are you leaving all this, its so beauriful ?" asked the mother.

    The daughter, embarrased said well ...." we never have normal sex, he only wants anal sex. It was ok at first and I had an bumhole like a 5p piece. After these years, I cant staand it anymore and my bumhole is the size of a 50p coin. Ive had enough"

    "What ?" says her mother, "you're giving all this up for the sake of 45p

  8. Well we had already stared out on the company route when all the doom agents hit the forums. Nothing we could do so sat tight and crossed everything. Came over here 3 months ago, registered house in company name with land department, go blue book (initially my name then changed to company name). Seems all quiet now. of course it could go tits up but then again it might not. Life is like that. Everyone in the business over here seems to say that the govt may posture and pout but they are not going to lose the white mans money. That says it all

  9. Please everyone remember you do not need antibiotics for a cold. As a GP I worked with used to say to patients who came with a cold - 'you walked in here with a cold, and you'll walk out with one. Go home, go to bed drink lots of water and take paracetamol'

    Best advice ever.

    If you take antibiotics for anything please please make sure the pharmacist gives you the ones indicated for the particular infection not just any kind.

  10. Seems a bit weird

    1. The antihistamine dose is too long. Most antihistamies would not normally be prescribed for more than 7 dyas - if no effect then review / change

    2. The antibiotic course is ridiculous. Due to the increase in MRSA and other resistant strains, the trend is to prescribe antibiotics at high doses (maybe up to 4 times the ' usual dose) over a short period. This kills the bug (and gives you the runs) but helps prevent the build up of resistance to the antibiotic.

    3. If it is a heavy cold then there is no point whatsoever in prescribing antibiotics or anti histamines.

    Nurse Nigel

  11. Yep This happens from time to time with yahoo, usually during heavy use times. Just try again later and it will be ok. I was told that ait is often a yahoo problem due to volume of people using yahoo but dont know for sure.

  12. These people let you register, top up amount by credit card and only then do they tell you they need a FAX of passport and creditcard. I explained to them that this was not secure or safe, if fact a fax is about the most unsecure/safe way of communications. They were quite rude when I said this and I thus I have cancelled all account with them

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