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Posts posted by niggle

  1. hi, i'm new here. i've been to bkk 2 weeks ago and found out thailand is a interesting place to visit.

    i wan to ask, how to start learni thai language for a newbie like me?

    izzit a good way to learn thai language from songs?

    thank you

    Are you living here or are you back in your home country?

    In the Rai!

    I used the Linguaphone ' Thai PDQ' which I got off ebay cheap. I learnt enough to get by in Thailand as a start with this. Ok the pronuciation has to be altered a little when in Thailand but I would recommend it as a starter course

  2. An old English pub used to keep a bowl of snuff on the bar so that all the old boys could clear their noses. One day the publican ran out of snuff so not wanting to upset the locals, he rolled up some dried dog shit and put it in the bowl.

    Old man came in, took a pinch of snuff, sniffed and thought "funny, I can smell dog shit". He checked his shoes, looked around but couldnt see any he had trodden in.

    Next old guy came in and the 1st man said "Hi Harry, can you smell dog shit ?"

    "No" repled Harry, taking a pinch of snuff.

    "Bloody hel_l" he said, "this snuff must be good, I can smell it now!"

  3. I am planning to retire to thailand soon and am confused by the many sites that offer advice. Could anyone assist me with these queries:

    1 If I enter with a retirement visa (? O-A), can I leave and re-enter the country during its validity (I seem to remember reading somewhere that I would not be allowed to leave/re-enter during the year).

    2. Would my wife (UK) need to have her own retirement visa with all its requiurements (cash deposits/income etc)

    3. Is it possible to change such a visa whilst in Thailand if I decide to work ?

    Many Thanks

  4. “Land Transfers”

    Just been informed by my lawyer in Hua Hin that the law is now being revised and as from next week 12 July 2006 expats will be able to transfer one Rai of land into their company name as long as there is only one expat director.

    Regards TJ

    Sounds like good news at last

  5. I should think various Embassies are reading this web site with interest. It is only a matter of time when Thai Imm. Dept contact them via computer with names of people who cannot explain where initial funds came from to buy property or lend to Thai shareholders. Maybe this will help clean up Thailand. IMO

    You've totally lost me - and the plot, I daresay.

    What on earth have embassies and immigration got to do with this land crackdown? Are you seriously suggesting that immigration have a list of names of farangs who cannot explain where the money came from to buy their Thai houses and that they will pass on this information to the embassies?

    A bit far fetched - even for this forum. :o

    During the renewal of my retirement visa yesterday, I was asked if I owned the home in which I am living. Never been asked that before.

  6. I should think various Embassies are reading this web site with interest. It is only a matter of time when Thai Imm. Dept contact them via computer with names of people who cannot explain where initial funds came from to buy property or lend to Thai shareholders. Maybe this will help clean up Thailand. IMO

    You've totally lost me - and the plot, I daresay.

    What on earth have embassies and immigration got to do with this land crackdown? Are you seriously suggesting that immigration have a list of names of farangs who cannot explain where the money came from to buy their Thai houses and that they will pass on this information to the embassies?

    A bit far fetched - even for this forum. :o

    During the renewal of my retirement visa yesterday, I was asked if I owned the home in which I am living. Never been asked that before.

  7. If budget isn't a problem you should stay at the Sofitel or the Hilton. Both are in the town centre, have large pools, private beaches, and (especially the Sofitel) space for kids to dissipate their energy.

    Cha-am is different, in that the town centre is far from the beach.

    We always stay at Hua Hin Suites. Room only, smallish pool but not overused. Easy walking to town centre and beach

  8. I am afraid it is a property question again.

    My wife and I are both UK citizens living in the UK

    We are in the process of having a house built in Thailand with the plan to retire there in three years.

    We have gone down the setting up a company route, so far we have spent 2 million THB with another three to pay.

    With the crackdown on Thai shareholders my solicitor is recommending that we are removed from the list of shareholders in the company, get the land registered and then transfer back to us.

    This strikes me as very risky as we could lose a great deal of money.

    I have asked my solicitor to withold any more payments until this is sorted out.

    This is very worrying to me as we are not wealthy and stand to lose out big time.

    Can anyone here make any suggestions as to the best way to go to lessen the damage please?

    I am in a similar position. My laywer advises the wait and see option as yours does so that it can be seen how it all pans out. Certainly the target is foreign investors who then change use of the land but the truth is that no-on really knows yet.

    i dont know how you stand regarding witholding furher payments.

    It has also been muted to me the similar option that has been suggetsed to you. I think yes it is a further risk but it may be an only option though I am not sure about whether they would be able to transfer the land back to you as this would reinstate you as a foreign land owner which we cannot be. I think the only option is to wait and see. Lawyers alsways find a way round things, after all they are making big bucks in the land deals and they will not let this lucrative business go easily.

  9. Has anyone actually talked to their lawyers yet.

    If so post responses here would be useful.

    My lawyer thinks way would be to have Thai owned company then vote in farang as shareholder.

    OK the risk is that the company owns the land and has it registered in their name as a Thai and they could decide not to vote you in and vote to sell the land but.... there has to be a way around the current situation somehow and all options need to be looked at.

  10. OK I think enough has been said on the situation as it unfolds but it is unfolding and nobody really knows the outcome yet.

    I spoke to my estate agent today who visited the land office and he said that meetings were still being held to look at the implications of this tightening up of the law. so no-on ereally knows yet what will happen.


    I agree it is all a mess and worrying right now BUT

    like anywhere lawyers will eventually find a way out of this for us purchasers. OK it may be less secure that before (it was always insecure) but we have a choice to make here if we really want to live in Thailand.

    Changes to the company set up will of course be needed.

    Give it a few weeks and things will get sorted out, for sure they dont want to lose the foreign land purchaser although they may make it more difficult.

  11. Upbeat

    Ok I agree it is all a mess and worrying right now BUT

    like anywhere lawyers will eventually find a way out of this for us purchasers. OK it may be less secure that before (it was always insecure) but we have a choice to make here if we really want to live in Thailand.

    I am told by a laywer that changes to the company set up will be needed.

    You pays yer money and you takes yer choice.

    IGive it a few weeks and things will get sorted out, for sure they dont want to lose the foreign land purchaser although they may make it tighter legally for us.

  12. Can anyone advise me?

    I need a Thai licence but I am colour blind just in central vision area especially on red/green.

    How detailed is the test - is it the coloured dots in a circle test ? - If so I have no chance !!

    Just to clarify - I can see colours ok but those circle of dots with a number hidden in them - what number ? !!!

  13. The wife, kid and I will be headed for Hua Hin this weekend. Specifically, can anyone recommend any good restaurants in the Hua Hin/Cha Am area? We are open to different types of food, but would prefer not eating in hotel restaurants.

    Thanks in advance.

    Depends what you want in terms of posh , side stalls etc.

    There is an excellent seafood place next to the fishing pier, seating is over the sand on stilts - - lots of really good seafood for around £5 per head.

    For a really good side stall, try the night market where you can get an authentic very very cheap meal for around £1 per head

  14. Anyone knows anything about the houses they`re building in Camelot? I`ve tried to find a map where the location is described, but without luck. Is it far away from the beach/city? Is it on a hill slope with a view? Any information will be useful since I am in the closing stage of the agreement with my agent.

    I visited this development in February this year. Development is ok, quality of houses good. yep a llittle far from town but even so it is easily reached. I decided to buy nearer town but was impressed with the development

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