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  1. I’m going to take a view that although the western man seemed agitated and likely had a few, the video didn’t look all that much at all. The video shows a Thai guy gently pushing him and the western guy protesting. Nothing else but an alcohol fueled disagreement. If you sell alcohol you have to expect it from time to time. It’s a drug. You’ve got to ask why would this make it to national tv, nothing much worse to report happening today in the land of smiles? Another observation is that why if there’s a report about an ‘Asian looking’ wrong dooer let’s for example say from ‘China’, the news report always says ‘foreigner’ but when it’s a western nationality it’s blatantly highlighted. You’ve got to ask why this is.
  2. Ting tong long tou hi leow. Soung pan ha roi peng na krap!!
  3. The op makes many assumptions and is showing naivety. Too many to mention here, only time and experience can help.
  4. No they are not. The western media might portray it that way.because of the red light districts. In fact as a country the Thais are the opposite to promiscuous. You’ll learn this if you ever get to know the real Thailand and not just the sexpat tourist Thailand.
  5. Just let us all know when you decide to go away for your dirty weekend away from your missus Bob. Were all looking forward to that dirty weekend you go away from your missus. As the lords book says ‘though shall reap what though sews’ it can work both ways, ahem. 👍🤠
  6. This would have been the ideal visa for myself and many like me years ago, instead the options were to either setup costly Thai companies or live in legal limbo. It’s a little late now many entrepreneurs and big spenders had enough and moved away under prayut’s reign.
  7. Pay taxes due, register a business, hire 4 Thai employees, apply work permit. Let him free with a reasonable fine.
  8. If you hit someone (twice) you have to expect to be hit back at least once. At the end of the video the women saying she would be happy to see him in jail, how about she goes to jail for starting the fight and assaulting the guy. The guy showed restraint after the first assault. At that point he should have opted to no longer deal with her although he is not to blame for any of this 'drama'.
  9. you’ve just summarized the entire planet
  10. This poor bloke obviously has mental health issues and needs to be given the appropriate care.
  11. I agree your girlfriend is non stop 🤠
  12. Whoever controls the money, controls the world. I’m all for keeping cash alive!
  13. It should be ok but check with the airline to be sure. it’s usually flying to some countries you’re not a citizen off that requires 6 months validity.
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