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  1. The article says streetlights but would not surprise me if her bikes headlight was out, I see so many riding without headlight on. Sadly some would prefer to ride without headlight than spend 60 baht on a new bulb.
  2. Gawd, she must have been pretty <deleted>edUp. πŸ˜‚ Good onya girl, show those Rusky boys how it's done. πŸ‘
  3. You have too much free time. Get a hobby or a gym membership. Your life will be more enjoyable.
  4. My mate asked a few months ago, he was told only sold North Pattaya branch and he must buy minimum 4 packs.
  5. Every second guy drinking in a soi Buakhou bar is ex SAS. πŸ˜‚ The others are rocket scientists, porn stars or bank robers
  6. Gawd, gunpoint, yaba, driving, oh nothing unusual. All the lowlife foreigners here these days, it's to be expected.
  7. I'd be investing more πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’² Sounds like a winner πŸ‘
  8. It's a pre requisite to have mental health issues to be an OnlyFans participant The world is screwed, so many weirdos roaming the streets these days when they should be housed in an asylum.
  9. I reckon most of us would like to do the same. The Indians walk in groups on roadways, blocking traffic,very annoying. Keep up the good work young Thai bikers πŸ‘
  10. Looks like we have a new antagonizer on the block, lots of hostility from the Chump.
  11. Old duck looking for a bit. With so many guys her age, walking around with Thai chicks half their age she's not getting any. I reckon we have a few here that would give her a go. πŸ˜‚
  12. Don't mess with me or your scooter will be next. πŸ˜‚

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