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  1. Download the app, lots of locations in Bangkok
  2. Great, now get the Russians who are working here illegally.
  3. In the west the government would provide social security and welfare payments (thousands of dollars after the birth), garnish the fathers wages, the woman may be on maternity leave, she has income but sadly in Thailand this poor young woman (girl) has no money to support herself and baby. I'd say most of these girls are young mothers, Thailand has failed these young people, at times they have no option but to work in the sex industry. These girls in a relationship, having sex, all is going well, she and her partner make plans for the future......Sadly, only for the father to abandon her shortly after the birth of her baby. If the mother decides to keep her child without income she must leave her child with a guardian, go to work in the city but the minimum wage of around 12000 month is not enough to pay for accommodation, guardian, food, clothing, electricity, etc, now she finds herself working on Soi 6. Shame on Thailand for not providing for these young mothers.
  4. I'd like to know what is going on in a woman's brain during sex.
  5. Hey, I'm not here to argue with you. You want to send money to a strangers account, go ahead.
  6. Head down to any bar on Soi Buakhou, loads of guys there ready to write a character certificate for you. 🥳
  7. You'd be surprised how many would!!!!!
  8. I'd like to see these guys in person, have a chat, maybe give them a lesson in life, how to be a good person but they are anonymous, these trolls sit behind their warrior keyboards and constantly attack from behind. These are the type of people who would sucker punch you. The only discipline are the Mods. I see you have plenty of free time, you are constantly bickering, arguing with these trolls. I don't have the time, I have a life.
  9. What's the point of blocking/ignore, it allows the trolls to freely offend without being disciplined. I regularly get nasty, hate, hostile comments from members, how can I monitor their comments to report them if I cannot see these miserable trolls and their hate comments? I don't have anyone on my ignore list, I wish all the miserable, moaning, hostile members would put me on their ignore list
  10. DO NOT DO THIS. Look for an agent to help you open a bank account. Transfer money to seller at the Land office once Chanote in your name.
  11. Yes, I see the same thing. I'm lucky been living here for decades, I have a big family, many close friends. I keep well away from all the loser foreigners.
  12. We have the opposite in Pattaya. The staff recognise some of the foreigners by their many moans, always complaining about this and that, being jerks, ranting and raving. The staff are always angry because of all the annoying foreigners.
  13. Ask her for tomorrow's lottery numbers. RIP lady. 😞
  14. Ha, ha, just like a nagging wife, doesn't shut up. You will learn like others here have, not to bother me. I'm not here for an argument, I have a life, no time to be sat behind my keyboard for hours everyday arguing with others on this forum.
  15. 555, you're way outnumbered here. Should change the forum name from asean now to grumpy old man's forum. Full of wingers and whiners, moaners and complainers.
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