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  1. I reckon the response has been appropriate, the comments expressed adequate and fair. I'd say the guy is on drugs, so no compassion needed here.
  2. This issue is common, I transferred to my Australian bank, Kasikorn bank forced conversion of Baht to AUD to send internationally. I wanted to send baht, have the conversion in Australia, it's a better rate.
  3. Not your problem Probably. I doubt you'll be paying the landlord rent if the house is uninhabitable.
  4. Australian Father Finds Missing Son Bangkok 😂 He's been found, he's in Bangkok, the guy has no interest in talking to his father. Like I said Dazz, come down to Pattaya, enjoy yourself, spend that inheritance money, leave him nothing. I reckon you should remove him from the Will.
  5. It's all the dodgy foreigners arriving here now, making Thailand cities very dangerous. The worst thing about Thailand is some of the foreigners.
  6. When I first met my gf, she was recently divorced from a Thai guy, She didn't speak any English, we messaged each other to communicate (google translate) Once we were acquainted, not long after meeting her, she slept over my room. When we were chatting, I messaged her, saying can we have sex tonight. This was so strange for her, her past boyfriends, all Thai's would never ask for sexual consent, they would demand sex. After I messaged her she replied saying I was cute. Omfg, I was cute for asking permission. This made me angry, asking permission is drummed into Aussie guys and it's something we must do before intercourse. I'm so sorry for these poor, beautiful, Thai young women. 😡
  7. When I met her she was so poor, no uniform, dancing naked on the Gogo floor. So sad.
  8. Mine is a skilled worker. She was studying to be a doctor, Phd but I asked her to stop, spending too much time away from home, too many hours at university. 🧑‍🎓 Now she just does nursing duties.
  9. There were landlines, bit pricey though Yes, back in the 90's, I'd use the red phone box at the end of soi Diana. Pay the woman who sat outside. Lots of landlines for making international phone calls.
  10. Hey Dazz, spend up big mate, your kid doesn't deserve the inheritance.
  11. Christ, what's going on in the world? Back in the day, I remember travelling for months at a time without contacting family members. I reckon you'll find him shacked up with some chick down soi 6.
  12. Where did I say that? I'm saying Thai boys/men are never taught SEXUAL CONSENT.
  13. Sadly respect and consent are not taught in Thai schools. It needs to change. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-29/australian-schools-on-how-they-teach-kids-consent/11969964
  14. I'm on my way. I'm going to get some of my money back that the cops took from me on the side of the road.
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