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Posts posted by Mossfinn

  1. Along with Portugal, Ireland was neutral in WW11, but as in WW1 they fought under the flag of the allied nations, particularly Britain and the U.S where they fell in great numbers including the Somme which is being remembered this week.

    One reason for being neutral in WW11, was not to encourage invasion from the third Reich and have another flank unprotected whilst Britain was in its greatest need.

    So again, explain!


    it's not an exact science! my opinions are based purely on bigotry and small-mindedness :o

    i dont like ireland because of the ira, kilkenny and terry wogan


  2. explain what??

    Along with Portugal, Ireland was neutral in WW11, but as in WW1 they fought under the flag of the allied nations, particularly Britain and the U.S where they fell in great numbers including the Somme which is being remembered this week.

    One reason for being neutral in WW11, was not to encourage invasion from the third Reich and have another flank unprotected whilst Britain was in its greatest need.

    So again, explain!


  3. Portugal?

    i support portugal, except when they play england obviously.

    although neutral in WW2 (although they did help the allies with air and sea bases), they were on our side in WW1

    Longer than that. The English and the Portugese sigend a treaty of 'perpetual alliance' in 1386. They are the 'old ally'.

    You see people have short memories!

    Absolutely correct statement though.


  4. At least the flags will come down,.... then the backbiting will start.

    Foreign manager

    Wrong squad

    Poor team selection

    Only four forwards, two injured, one boy he didn't want to play, one big guy who can't stand up and scores by pulling someones hair like a netball player....

    Lampard and Gerrard can't play together

    Robinson can't come for crosses

    Did I mention a spoilt brat up front on an obscene amount of disposable, and no I'm not jealous!!!!

    Carrick, great game as a holding midfielder, dropped for a German who can score penalties

    And so on and on and on....

    At the end of the day England went out because they can't score penalties and a shot stopper who specialises in saving them...

    Oh well theres always 1966

    Good Luck


  5. Hi Blowin,

    As I said yesterday I would dig out the paperwork.

    I found it particularly easy but there are quite distinct differences to our applications.

    Without stating the obvious, you can download the application form from the website


    or go to the official website www.dfa.ie.

    But be aware when I rang the embassy for clarification on a point, someone actually said ' Oh, thats the official website, its not correct', so take that as you will.

    She went on to give me incorrect info herself, so that says something, anyway I found them quite easy to contact.

    Telephone contact is something like 2.00pm until 4.30 pm Monday-Friday GMT.

    The usual info required is stated on the application form and is not onerous, and as previously said easy to contact for clarification purposes.

    Whether they are more difficult from outside of the EU I don't know, but from what I can gather the application form is the same, it will be the consideration of whether 'the intention to return' is evident I suppose.

    If you get into difficulties, PM me I have a contact name that seemed on the ball.

    Good Luck


  6. Hi Blowin,

    I have just done it, so I'll dig out the paper work tomorrow and post with more info.

    Circumstances are a little different, I did it from UK not Thailand and for a wife not girlfriend.

    Very easy to get additional info over the phone, although they are open only for a short time and you can get conflicting info from different people, apart from that its fine.

    I'll post tomorrow.


  7. I don´t mind a drink. What I personally am trying to achieve is to regain control. Not getting carried away.

    Knowing when to say, I´ve had enough.

    That´s just me though.

    Well said Kayo,

    TP, some people really are like a dog with a bone.

    The very best of Irish Luck to you, even if your Mother was from Cork, my parents are from Limerick, just accross the river Lea, all clan Munster though, so no rivalry there then.

    Tuky, Mobi, Jai Dee, Khutan and Kat and any others I have missed The Very Best of Luck.


  8. Hey Leith:

    Every day we open our eyes again in the morning, it's a new day! Take it one day at a time sweetie. Every day presents itself as an opportunity to walk down a differnt path. It might help you to prepare yourself ahead of time to walk down another road. Do whatever it takes to get away from whatever it is that makes it too easy for you to habitually take the least path of resistance.

    I have never been an alcoholic, but I am the child of alcoholics. I had to go to Al-Anon meetings (within the AA group) to heal issues that were passed on to me by a family of alcoholics. I wish you all the best my friend, and I hope your little daughters will be blessed with a relationship with their dad that is unclouded by alcohol chaos and distance.

    Just pick yourself up and start again Tuky. If people gave up at the first or second or third or tenth sign of failure, most of the greatest minds and greatest artists would have retreated into an alcohol haze and never come out again.

    Good luck my friend.

    kat, you have touched me.

    As has everyone else, I never dreamt of so much support. Infact I thought I would be laughed off the thaivisa froum.

    My wife would tyhink me crazy for having brought this up (you have met her kat), but that is part of my problem, she does not understnd what it means to be an alcoholic.

    Anyway, I have not been sober yet as D day is the 30th. TO be honest with you all I am really sorry that we did this, I have been drunk the whole time even though I am ripe for the picking. I have nearly finished 1litre bottle of vodka tonight which would normally ruin tomorrow, but I have worked out that if I end up drinking tat much, if I then finish the night with a red bull I will wake up in the morning feeling ok. If I do not drink the red bull chances are I will not wake up in time for work.

    ANyway, I a still battling on. I am seriously looking at changing my work environment which is hard as we have commitments, not the least of them is the future of my girls (and hopefully a boy in the future, another topic). I want them to have the best that I can give them, perhaps due to my own upbringing (my Dad is in the same line of work as me) I am continuing a long line of absent fathers (My Dad first met his father when he was 12 yrs old due to war, there is a book written about my dad's father and his exploits on the kokoda trail) plus my Mothers father who was a politician and at one point the deputy prime minister of Aust, a fellow by the name of John Burchell (or similar spelling). For those that want to make sure I am not a liar.

    Anyway, here I am, drunk again.

    I just hope that none of my work comrades read this board, in my line of work many or my work mates have a Thai wife, call Thailand home or visit every 2 months.

    Here's to getting straight...

    I don't think many are laughing Tuky, and those that make funny asides are often showing support in their own way,

    but i'll second the comment of ' heres to going straight', no matter how difficult the dreams may be.

    Success doesn't always come first time round.


  9. Well I have just got out of hospital after 3 days this morning.... apparantly my shortness of breath was due to the surgeon PUNCTURING MY LUNG when he performed the pain block routine for my cracked ribs. :o

    Lucky I went back in ....it still not that easy to breathe, but better than before.

    So I suppose I have been on an "Enforced " holiday from alcohol.... but nevertheless I have not had a drink since last Tuesday night :D

    Well, I would like to say thats great, but I am not sure thats the right response in this instance!!

    Well done anyway


  10. Get your wife as the sole gardian of the child the bio father must give her up and sign his rights away ( therefore any financial obligation ) The local government office will give your wife sole guardianship of the girl . Have the documents translated into English and Notarised . Showing you understand them . The sole guardian of the child is your wife and no othre male involved ... this is quick cheap and easy . and should work

    This is certainly a good starting point, but you might not need for him to sign his rights away if he will be awkward, just prove that he has no contact and provides no support for the child.

    That is how our step-daughters mother got sole rights without him actually signing anyting.


  11. Hi gb71fa,

    I would suggest at least having a bash yourself, if you get into any difficulties post on this forum.

    If you are still in difficulties and are set on using an agent, give Scouse a shot, he is accredited with the OISC.

    One difficulty maybe is he is UK based and not US, but maybe thats not a problem, maybe it is.

    There is a lot of trusted knowledge on this forum, I would tend to use and have done so several occaisions.



  12. Buses, trucks and SUVs pass me within centimeters. Sometimes I'm sucked towards the passing vehicle. Other times I'm nearly blown off the road. (What's the physics, here?) Other vehicles pull directly into my path at the last moment. Larger vehicles tail-gate me at about one meter when traffic slows down in a crowded area. A sudden stop by me, and I would become a road pizza. In three years, I've been hit four times (three times from behind, and once side-swiped). Yup, still kickin' too. Incredibly lucky.

    Hey Toptuan,

    You sure this isn't OAH trying to geet another book review from you. 5555555


  13. You know mosfiin this started as somehthing I wanted to do first time out a friend split the cost of ice cream a whooping 350 baht.

    I didn't think in terms of saving Thailand's poor, or the facility for that matter. Just wanted to do something nice for a few kids having a hard life.

    Hi Ray,

    You can't eat a whole elephant in one go, but a lot of bites can make a difference, and with other guys experiences inspiring further bites, you never know, you wont solve the problem but you will make a difference.

    Thanks for the insight


    edit ( Didn't quite get the quote correctly, the first two paragraphs are from Rays post )

  14. Nice one Ray,

    given me food for thought for when i'm back in the village in Ubon.

    Even if its only with the local school.

    It is good to read these stories, sharp contrast to others in the world, shows how a little effort can make a huge difference.

    Good luck


  15. I am going to do it.

    Tuky is going to do it.

    I know some other members are certainly thinking about it.

    Who else would like to join in our group, do the 90 Day detox and the self-help and self control exercise.

    Been following all the threads closely and those of you planning a full stop I have a lot of empathy with you.

    I will not join you at this time as I have exorcised most of my demons over a period of time and all people will need a differing modus operandi to succeed, my particular anchor will be away in Thailand for a 4 week period during this time and a full stop just wont be feasible, me thinks.

    Although moderation will still be the key.

    Later in the year, if it is still going I will join you on a full stop programme.

    And believe me I know all the demons that come with a full stop programme, by name.

    Good Luck, I will support if I possibly can


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