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Everything posted by Voodoochile

  1. Normal relation”?? no more likely he just wanted to shag something young and tight. secondly you better start building some prison cells cause most older men dream of or (“want”) young poon, doesn’t mean they will all go for it. But there is Nothing wrong at all as long as they have reached legal age of consent to sex.
  2. No <deleted>, but if and when I won’t be going alone.
  3. Yes there are exceptions but they are not considered normal by all Thais and are still discriminated against by many. check out the links I sent above to another member💁🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️
  4. What “last years” I am 43? and how is one supposed to enjoy life when surrounded by the madness and decadence that western societies promote? no thank you I will never accept this madness and would rather die then consider madness as a new norm.
  5. “Disgusting” or not it’s a fact. i guess ones ass only see’s what ones ass wants to see💁🏼‍♂️ Enjoy 😉 https://www.transadvocate.com/buddhist-bigots-buddhism-and-trans-folk_n_9904.htm https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/12/16/thailand-transgender-people-denied-equal-rights https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/rights-group-says-protection-for-transgender-thais-lacking/ https://www.aidsdatahub.org/resource/stories-stigma-exploring-stigma-and-discrimination-against-thai-transgender-people-while
  6. Actually it is not accepted by all in Thailand. “ Buddhism mentions kathoeys as the third gender, but that doesn’t stop monks from telling ladyboys who they should be. ‘We can’t change them all’ said one monk in the interview for The Telegraph‘but we can control their behaviour and show them that they were born men and not women’. Some monasteries offer special programmes, where parents can enrol their kids and where the young ones are taught how to be men again. Kathoeys are treated as second class citizens in Thailand. They are not bullied, but their role is mainly to entertain others. They can be stylists, make up artists, dancers in one of the cabarets, but getting a well paid job might prove very difficult”
  7. You mean me and the vast majority of humanity.
  8. You make it sound exactly like an epidemic 👏 👍
  9. There are no “views onto biology” only facts
  10. Wrong guy but same team though💁🏼‍♂️
  11. This is not about “understanding” what one thinks or ones feelings it’s about scientific, historical, biological facts based on thousands of years of history and evolution of the human species (and most others) to this day. and because you and a couple others feel different you want to impose this madness as normal. Typical of your kind to play the victim, you claim others to be disrespectful but you call everybody who rightly disagrees with your madness to be “ignorent” well, you do realize that if you take the world population the vast majority of humanity worldwide does not buy into your nonsense and finds it to be 100%pure madness. you realize you are calling billions of people ignorent just because you have a disorder/condition. your not very smart , you proved it very early on with your “people of color” theory which I proved to be total BS in a split second. Hmmmm I wonder why you never brought that one up again😆😆 I bet you probably gonna delete it now cause that’s how you wokies are weak and empty confusing or twisting reality to suit perverted fantasies.
  12. Well if you are asking expats as an expat I find it disgusting and am against the entire rainbow reich movement quite possibly the largest problem in western societies is normalizing such madness.
  13. I would even add torture to the list in some cases
  14. No and it should be instated/reinstated in every country world wide and several reasons for this. #1 violent crimes are on the rise and are more and more violent and barbaric #2 soon we will lack resources such as water food so no reason for people to have committed horrible crimes benefit from them. #3 who wants to pay taxes to keep scum alive. #4 major deterrent to possible future criminals. the west needs to find its pair of testicles it’s seems to have misplaced in the last couple decades. wake up people!!!!
  15. What post are you referring what “true words” to i don’t understand??
  16. Oh and I forfait to add both of Oh and I forgot to add, both of which are a rarity in nature
  17. Very simple,…….. Those born between male and female are described as “intersex” or “hermaphrodite” which has nothing to do with ladyboys/trans who take hormones or get surgical operations to achieve a sex change. 💁🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️keep trying buddy😆😉
  18. You seem to confuse “greatness” and common sense of which you obviously have none.
  19. science /ˈsʌɪəns/ noun 1. the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. Well to be honest I don’t “expect” much from someone who believes in the fact that there are more then two genders. Anatomy is the science of the human body and well everybody knows that the only two genders that can come out of a women naturally is 1.Male 2.Female you are what you are and remain until death what you are born as. everything added or subtracted after birth is automatically unnatural be it silicone tits a penis or a vagina seems crystal clear and only someone with an agenda or a mental condition would dare say otherwise. The very purpose of every living species is survival of that species through evolution and for this to occur they are gifted with the ability to procreate naturally (as intended by nature) it is impossible for 2 people of the same sex to achieve this without the help of science or a third party therefore one can safely say that same sex practice is unnatural. (Not intended by nature) Do you deny these facts that have remained unchanged since the beginning of time?? you call others “unteachable” yet you ignore the basics of human biology that have remained unchanged since the beginning humanity. and it is your kind that hold great responsibility in the crumbling decadence of western societies.
  20. When it comes to gender one should respect nature not science. there are have always been and will always be 2 genders. claiming otherwise is ignorant and disrespectful towards nature and mankind.
  21. Most black people i know refer to themselves as black and not “people of color” I mean did they not create movements such as “black lives matter” or the “black panthers” and slogans like “black power” They even refer to themselves as a “black community” 💁🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️🤔🤔
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