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Posts posted by wolfmanjack

  1. she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

    I love clever sarcasm,please tell me you are being sarcastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not at all. Thailand's first Female Premier and she has reason to be proud - she's not a 'great' leader, of course not, but deserves much credit

    I'd rather her than some sniveling Abhist who has no ethics and my neighbor's 12 year old shows more leadership than he

    would I prefer a better leader? yes of course... but right now there isn't one. The Thai people will never accept their votes being hijacked by the PDRC/Dems - we need a third way - but where is it? not linked to the Ammart or the Shins - corrupt free

    but for now she deserves credit where credit is due and all the backbiting and snarling by TVF forum 'experts' will matter naught

    You are quite the comedian.

    Credit where credit is due?

    Let's see.

    The only education she has had has been paid for by thaksin and/or her parents.

    The only jobs she has ever had including PM has been provided by thaksin.

    What has she ever accomplished except for giving birth to her son has she ever performed without the help of her brother or parents?

  2. she has shown remarkable strength and fortitude through the most horrendous stress and deserves heaps of kudos for her stoic refusal to give into the minority thugs who seek to hijack democracy

    The strength with which she bursts into tears tells you how much stress she has been under. Remarkable job. I doubt that a real prime minister could keep going under the same conditions.

    I hope you are trying to be funny.

    I have burst into tears at finding out my fiancee was killed, my father died, mu mother died and a few times when i was drunk and reminded of deaths in the family.

    Bursting into tears from being asked questions that should have been 100% expected is only a sign of weakness and ineptitude.

  3. The water for two rice crops ended up strewn over the road during songkran............ahhhh.........but it was sanook.

    Most of the water discharged during Songkran drains back into the sub-aquifers, and Thailand has many naturally controlled aquifers and sub-aquifers. There are many trenches (natural) which control streambed levels and backfills of low permeability, which permit retaining sub-ground flows and retention above low permeables, which also permit saturated alluvium pumping (which Thailand has much of, including many MARs). The hydreology of most of Thailand, especially the Northern subtables and their groundwater managed aquifer recharge systems adsorb excesses received from the ground levels, and are pumped adequately, all the way from Chiang Mai, across to Sukothai, to their east and south and in central regions. It's a fallacy that Songkran is a waste of water, as it is adsorbed naturally and flows again into the aquifers for re-pumping. The rice growing areas are never at risk, unless pumping is ordered to be limited! And no... I'm not talking out of my anus... wink.png

    I think you are discounting the amount that is lost to evaporation which is blown to other areas by the winds. I have 2 meter deep ponds to store water and they are almost empty this year even though I have not pumped any water from them.

  4. BBB

    You are married with a Thai lady and you have been living in Thailand, but you understand nothing about the Thai social system?



    The "Bun Kun" system plays a crucial role in the life of the Thai people., It means that you answered a favor, the other people have a proven.

    In our western world, we would say, "return a favor". This runs through all walks of life and is of course particularly pronounced towards their own parents.

    Through their entire childhood the children will always be remembered the sacrifices and efforts that have applied their parents for them. Thus, they are committed to their parents when they are old to give back what they have received even in their childhood and youth.

    That means even if the parents are not good or one parent had left the family alone with their problems the children are deeply indebted to them!

    Therfore everything has been said.

    Maybe but not in the case of my family and extended family.

    In my family my wife expects respect and kindness from our kids even though she has not shown the same to them. My son hates her and my daughter just barely tolerates her. She will be alone in her old age because of the way she has treated our children. Unless of course she has more children and treats them better.

    My wife's stepfather is hated by his step kids and his own daughter for the wrongs he has committed. His son tolerates him and that is about it.

    I do not know how much Bun Khun still applies in todays thailand but it sure as hell was not returned by most of my employees that i helped out when they had problems.

  5. A stepstool. She would climb up the kitchen countertop to get items from upper shelf. Worried she would fall and injure herself.

    i like this one,

    remends me how our worktops give me back ach, as we made them lower toi suit mac my wife,,,lol

    I made that mistake in the old house I built. The new house has counter tops that are suitable to me and the kids.

    • Like 1
  6. Feed them and get to know them. These dogs will keep undesirables out of your Soi.

    Edit: Don't look at the dogs when walking past them. You have the eyes of a predator and this is what makes the dogs nervous. This is why they tend to bark at some people.

    Thanks for posting this.

    I never thought of it. I get a lot of dogs that bark at me but always keep their distance. That could be why or maybe they smell my rottweiler on me.


    Andrew Carnegie built 2000 libraries. There is one just down the road from my house in the UK.

    Great people do great things. I don't see enough of this civic and societal concern in Thailand. The uber rich coulddo a lot more in Thailand, but as yet they don't.

    Schools could be transformed by charity in Thailand.


    Carnegie did a lot of bad stuff while accumulating his wealth. The building of libraries was a way for him to make sure his name lived on after he was dead. I personally would not call him a great man by any stretch of the imagination.

  8. I'm actually a parent. I parent in the real world too. Kids will do most things parents ask of them given the authority parents hold over them. What the dad did is simply an abuse of his authority and he deserves to be punished for it. I'm suprised he got off with a 12 month good behaviour bond. Procuring a child for sex is sick. Forcing your kid to be an accomplis to it is sicker.

    Despite your protestations by trying to demean people by implying that they are in some sort of ivory tower - the father is an idiot. But then again, I don't view the world through bogan glasses, so you may chose to call me out of touch.

    You do not live in the real world

    Have you any idea the amount of peer pressure on a boy of 13 gets

    Most time if he admits he is still a virgin at 13 his friends will laugh at him (even with the facts they are in the same situation)

    The pressure on you teenagers to have sex when they become teenagers is massive

    Time you lived in the real world and looked at the starts of how many Thai girls at this age get pregnant

    I also am totally against prostitution of young girl with old men, but you are not living in the real world, and I hope you not have a boy in this age group, because you have no idea what it is like to live through the time your is experiencing body changes you not understand

    I have a boy in this age group (almost 14) and he is not being pressured by anyone to have sex. As a matter of fact him and his friends think most girls in his school are too bossy to have anything to do with. I was the same at his age and was too busy doing guy stuff to want to deal with girls until I was 16. maybe he will change his mind tomorrow, next year, or when he is much older I don't know but I do know how he thinks now.

  9. I wish the Singha corporation would give back and stop going up on their beer.

    they just had a massive hit in payroll costs as entry level workers went to Bt. 300, everyone else had to get similar raises to keep the 'pecking' order correct.

    That analysis doesn't float. They also make Leo and Leo prices didn't go up.

    Leo went from 50 baht to 55 baht in most of the stores around me. In only 1 store it went from 50 to 53 baht instead. This was just within the last few months. In the same time frame Tiger beer went from 58 baht down to 55 baht.

    • Like 1
  10. What a devious and misguided idea. Mono agriculture in Thailand. Great for agro chemical companies, marketing middlemen, and politicians helping only those farmers who support their Party and their pocket. This is a real divide and conquer approach.

    Farmers know better than anyone else what will grow on their plot of land, and are experts at production. They can only keep growing the same crop on the same plot with the help of Monsanto and others. Bad idea.

    But also they are not experts at marketing,or politics and need to lift their game and get active. Where has the 'Rice Dept' been all this time ? Didn't know there was one. Can't believe the farmers have not rioted yet about the unpaid rice.

    Where did you get the idea that farmers are experts on what grows best on their land?

    Most of the farmers here grow the same crop that their parents grew and their parents before them. Every generation is not experimenting with new crops.

    The only times that the farmers change crops is when the royal project convinces a few to try something new. Then if it works the rest copy them.

    Take my MIL's village for example. They used to grow rice and bananas. Then the royal project came in and convinced them to grow coffee, macadamia nuts and avocados. Now no one grows rice and there are many building new houses and buying trucks with the wealth created by the high coffee prices over the last several years.

    None of these profitable crops were raised by their forefathers and none of them experimented on their own. They just did what the royal projects taught them to do.

    • Like 1
  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What a <deleted> hypocrite. The majority of today's problems are directly related to HIS actions.

    This is why this place is in such a mess, the guy is a slow learner, as for he's business empire , he sure must have had some brainy people surrounding him , cause he ain't got any.

    Funny thing about monopolies. If you got one you don't have to be too bright to get rich from it. Unless of course it is a monopoly on something no one wants.

    "After a brush with bankruptcy, Thaksin eventually obtained a monopoly on satellite communications and a cell phone concession, and he rapidly translated these into a vast fortune."

  12. I think that the roast chicken here in a lot of places is very good, but if yours in bigger and better than you might do well.

    And if the sides are large enough to make up the difference in price then definitely.

    300 baht for a sit down dinner for two is okay especially if both walk away full.

    It is a bit much for takeaway in my opinion unless as the OP says the chickens are larger and the sides are of adequate size.

    The sides at KFC are way too small as far as I am concerned so I don't bother with them.

    As for the rotisserie chicken being pink, that has not been my experience. A bit dry most of time.

    I will keep an eye on this thread and give it a try at least once.

  13. A friend of a friend of a friend saw the clip and I have heard from him/her that all the guy really states is what a lot of people already think, but usually just keep to themselves.

    I have seen the video a Thai friend has it posted on her facebook page and she is circulating it. No she is not a red shirt but very pro Suthep and PDRC her idea of thinking it is not leste mageste but promoting the PDRC cause to turn people against the reds.

    I think you are right. The PDRC are trying to make this a Royal Issue to divide the pro-democracy supporters. However, it is my belief that the vast majority of the populus love the king and support the royal family. The red shirts need to come out and make it absolutely clear that they support the royal family.

    The red shirt leaders have been making it pretty clear for several years already that they do not support the monarchy. if they start telling their supporters that they now support the monarchy then they will have to say they were wrong for the last 7 or 8 years.

    I would really like to post some of the stupid stuff the reds are telling their supporters but it would most likely get me banned.

    When my wifes family repeat this stuff and ask me what I think I simply tell them that what they are saying is not even logical. They then say maybe I am right but then after their next red shirt meeting they come back with the same old crap.

    Repeat it often enough and the sheeple will believe it.

  14. I can't believe how many people posting are so rich that 1 million baht is considered not much money. It may be just chicken feed to many of you but it represents over a years salary to many of the people in the USA, and a lifetimes savings for most in thailand.

    just to put in perspective i just sold land in the USA for $750 an acre and it wasn't desert land either.

    Suburban Detroit?


    Recreation land that was valued at over $1500 an acre pre 2008 financial crash.

    not many people buying recreational land these days.

  15. Where did she get anyone was expecting the fed to raise interest rates this last session? Everything i have read the rise in the interest rate was not expected until 2015.

    in the last meeting minutes yellen has been perceived as being more dovish and that is what has caused the USD to weaken a bit.

    The problems in thailand and the ratings downgrades do not seem to be having much affect on the THB for some reason.

  16. I can't believe how many people posting are so rich that 1 million baht is considered not much money. It may be just chicken feed to many of you but it represents over a years salary to many of the people in the USA, and a lifetimes savings for most in thailand.

    just to put in perspective i just sold land in the USA for $750 an acre and it wasn't desert land either.

    • Like 1
  17. Reminded me of an older Thai KFC story:

    Employees of the KFC fast-food restaurants filed a compliant with the Labour Relations Committee yesterday about alleged unfair employment practices and job termination, revealing that they were given instant noodles and leftovers to eat while the firm earned Bt6 billion a year.


    i know most of the KFC's in the USA are franchisee owned so each store could have their own rules but when i was in high school I had a girl friend that worked at KFC and she got to take the left over chicken home after closing each night. One of the perks of working the night shift.

    I also had a friend that was a manager of Arby's and they had to throw away any sandwich that sat in the warmer for too long. the employees were not allowed to eat them. the employees got discounts on food instead of free food.

    There is a lot of food waste in the USA that could go to feed the homeless. Here in thailand it seems they would rather make the customers wait instead of making extra food that could potentially end up thrown or given away after sitting too long.

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