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Posts posted by wolfmanjack

  1. Doh! You have read the G2G prosecution post, and posted there, so obviously you know that Thai prosecutors HAVE found some of it, and are looking for more.

    Wait until they get to the wealthy land owners who increased rents, and also happen to be PTP MPs and ministers (blatant conflict of interest), and those who built storage to profit from the inevitable failure to sell the rice.

    That g to g thing is 60,000 Mt.

    You think putting up the rent on land is illegal or a con? You do know who the single largest rice land renter in the country is right? I somehow think it may be a little unlikely they will deem changing the rental on land to be illegal.

    "You do know who the single largest rice land renter in the country is right?"

    Can I rule out the Shinawatra family?

    These are owners of large tracts of land...

    Maybe the Sirivadhanabhakdi family................about 630,000 rai


    The Chearavanont family................................about 200,000 rai


    United Palm Oil Industry ... not rice land.

    CPB Crown Property bureau...................ooh a mere 30,000 rai

    So am I right T at H or .......over to you?.

    And I doubt very much of the CPB land is rice orientated unless you count the rice research that goes on at the royal projects.

    • Like 1
  2. The police said an arc welder was probably used....I suggest the police learn what an arc welder is.An arc welder is a device to weld together 2 metals If the thieves were trying to open the safe with an arc welder there were as incompetant as the police because all they would have suceeded in doing was welding it shut

    Have you ever used an arc welder? If you crank the amerage up enough you can cut metal with one. All you have to do is keep the rod a little further away from the metal than you would while welding the metal together.

    Too true,but i manage to get plenty of holes.Wonder where they got the power supply and why it didn't trip.They wouldn't have wired straight to the meter would they,Thai style?It's what i do.

    Yep shoving the wires in the meter is the best way to hook up an arc welder without tripping the breakers and I imagine that is what they did. I have seen several thais with their arc welders hooked up that way so it would be easy for these guys to figure it out.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Some of these places you'll be paying 300 a pop, and then the ladies drink with their Remy Martin (Cold tea when you taste it) . And decent whisky in those places will be up around as you say 2000 a bottle. Then there's the ladies attendance money. Although its not a fair price its certainly par for the course in those places

    I drink at Chiang Mai Kareokes most days of the week.. my bill is usually 60B for the 3 drinks and 20B tip .. some nights I will splash out and treat one of the ladies to a 20B drink or even a Coke at 40B

    The prices have doubled in the last 10 years by the way..

    i suspect you are talking about the small karaokes with the xmas lights and not the ones on changklan road.

  4. These Junta clowns are repeating their 2006 failure. They have silenced all opposition voices with their guns and oppression and now idiotically believe that the dearth of criticism of their ridiculously biased actions is proof of their correctness and vast public support - idiots one and all. This right wing extremist joke is hurtling inevitably towards its deserved demise

    "Examples need to be set that those who commit wrong will be punished, so no future leaders dare repeat these actions. This will create sustainable reconciliation," the NACC member said.

    - Does this line of thinking apply to the Army leaders and the coups they continually inflict upon the nation? Selective justice is no justice at all!

    Reconciliation cannot be forced by one side onto the other at the barrel of a gun.

    so you like that this corruption from shinawatres continou !!

    was ever an political leader imposed by fake and vote buying system kicked out by democratic rules ??

    Did change any Dictatorship by democratic votes ?

    Will Kim Jung Un step down if in election he would get less than 50% ??

    So this is what you say !!

    lets Korean people deside in a vote if Kim is the elected president !

    From which country you are ? ( ISAAN ? ) ;

    mango66, English is a bit a bit a problem for you huh?

    Issan is not a country, it's a province, and it's attitudes like yours that think that your superior in some way, NEWS flash, YOUR NOT......

    Take a look at her bank accounts there will be a paper trial and if she stole money and is corrupt then put her in gaol, if no paper trial of corruption then to bad have another crack.

    Why on earth do you people think there is going to be a paper trail for corruption money? I had a business here for 12 years and only once was a government official stupid enough to let me pay them by check or bank. transfer. The funny thing is the one official that was stupid enough to let me pay by bank transfer did not pass the money on to his boss so when they came to me asking why I did not pay I had proof that i did.

    No one with half a brain allows a money trail these days if they can help it. CASH is king in crime of all types.

  5. The police said an arc welder was probably used....I suggest the police learn what an arc welder is.An arc welder is a device to weld together 2 metals If the thieves were trying to open the safe with an arc welder there were as incompetant as the police because all they would have suceeded in doing was welding it shut

    Have you ever used an arc welder? If you crank the amerage up enough you can cut metal with one. All you have to do is keep the rod a little further away from the metal than you would while welding the metal together.

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  6. If you were married you could. The hospital here told me they would keep my wife if I got her into the hospital. They even gave me sleeping pills to drug her with. According to what they told me the only way she could get out is if i signed or someone in her immediate family got a court order.

    I doubt if you could do the same with her only being a girlfriend.

  7. What a shame for the poor lads, only 15 and 16, just young lads, not responsible for their actions.

    They will be told that they really should not kill,it's not the Buddhist way.

    But they are Thai so this is Thainess.

    So they learn once again that murder is acceptable.

    Oh, and now they will be welcomed into their gang as full members who can groom and guide future youngsters to do the same when they join a Poly-technical School or Uni.

    Just like they were, the cycle continues!

    To become full gang members, they were told that they have to murder a member of another gang.

    They clearly intended to murder someone, just made a tiny mistake and murdered the wrong young man!

    Their parents should also be held responsible and be severely punished along with their offspring.

    Huge compensation should be extracted from the murderers and their families and given to the family of the murdered young man.

    They should be forced to sell their possessions and if that's not enough, continue to make restitution when they are released from prison.

    If this makes them destitute - GOOD, maybe they will learn then?

    Until punishment hurts, nothing will change.

    I am quite sure that Boat does not rest in peace, nor any of his friends and family.

    They will have the grief of this tragic and unnecessary loss for the rest of their lives.

    I do not know why so many people want to punish the parents for what the kids do at 15 and 16 years old. Some of them are uncontrollable.

    There were 6 kids in our family and only 1 turned out bad. Not our parents fault or the other 5 kids fault but people like you would want to make the parents and the other 5 kids destitute because of 1 bad kid. Disgusting.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't think half the people on here really knows what cold is. Just checked back home, -29 and with the wind -36. Yes the weather has thankfully cooled off but still along ways from cold.

    I bet many of us do know what cold is. In my hometown we usually have -40 for 2 weeks in january every year. That is cold enough to make it hard to breathe. I think I feel the cold here more because of the high humidity. Also after being here in thailand for over 16 years I am not acclimated to cold any more. The bad thing is I am not acclimated to the heat in the summer here either.

    All in all i prefer the weather here during the cold season because I can always put more clothes on to stay warm but you can only take so much off to stay cool.

  9. I brought a light down jacket, leather jacket, cotton hoodie, Smartwool base layers (top and bottom), Smartwool beanie and Smartwool socks.

    The first day I arrived, it was hotter than a Swedish Supermodel and I thought I was sooooooo stupid for bringing so many warm clothes.

    Last night here in CR, it was 46F (7.8C) and suddenly, I feel quite brilliant...

    When i visit the mother in law on the mountain i wish I would have brought some of my winter gear from the USA.

    What gripes me is that I have to turn the aircon on to defrost my windows in the truck. Why don't they have heaters in the trucks here. They have them in cars but not the trucks.

  10. A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

    They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

    The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

    It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

    In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!


    It is ridiculous as well as disgusting.

    and yet there are so many people who want to ignore these facts - and indeed try and prove that these facts are irrelevant.

    i can understand poorly educated people having poor opinions.

    if it was clean here i doubt it would even matter that prices have increased, but quality of life & products has dropped, HARD.

    the ONLY things still cheap here are pretty much garbage!

    and the customer 'service' here has only gone from terrible to offensively terrible - is that due to all the amazing graduates??

    My doctor and vet both make house calls. My bank is open at nights and on the weekends. I can buy prescription meds at the pharmacy and get them delivered to my door for a fraction of Western prices and with no prescription.

    I live in a high tech house with large screen TV awesome sound system (all interconnected) Satellite, new tablet and smart phone beautiful women and everything I could ever want and I'm living on Social Security. I eat out whenever and wherever I want. I'm sorry you don't live in Thailand but don't try and fabricate bad stuff because most of us living here are in fat city for peanuts. Oops there is the doorbell (it plays Clementine) my Teuscher chocolates fresh of course.

    Ignorance IS bliss, but only for the ignorant.

    the rest of us are sickened by you & your ignorant outlook & opinions that affect us all living here.

    I am curious how his opinions affect the rest of us that live here?

    His opinions do not affect me at all.

    It looks to me like he has a good point. His social security benefits provide him with a much better life than can be had in the USA for the same amount of money. In my experience my total monthly expenditure is about the same as what rent on a 2 bedroom house would be and I have 2 teenagers. We aren't living a luxurious life like he is but it is much better than it would be in the USA.

    • Like 2
  11. farmers coops have been an effective tool against the middlemans excessive profit in many countries. its does not require a whole lot of cooperation between the farmers and the retail shopsfor much of the farm products. Thailand even has middlemen directly involved between the farmer and some of the wholesalers.

    Does anybody know of any collectives? I suspect that being a leader/representative of a farmers collective (which are good for many reasons), working to cut out the middlemen, would be a very unhealthy occupation.

    It would probably also require a basic education in mathematics and economics , and the Thai education system does not encourage this. Why do you think the Chinese middlemen educate their children in international schools or overseas?

    Subsistence Sufficiency farming is one of the cornerstones of Thai Happiness. Let us not incite the masses to get educated...

    Actually sufficiency farming if done as suggested by the king is a good idea. If you raise almost everything you eat then sell the excess instead of only one crop for sale then purchase everything else the farmers would be better off.

    Also if they learned how to preserve their food for future use they would have more. I know they dry fish and some dry meat to save for the future but I don't see that going on with fruits or vegetables.

    When i was a kid we raised apples that we froze for apple pies and made apple butter. We raised green beans, potatoes, cucumbers, strawberries pumpkins etc etc etc all of which we canned for the winter. if we had not raised and canned most of what we ate in the winter we would have starved.

    There is no reason many thais that live in the country can't do the same.

    Hell I am doing it some but not to the extent our family did when I was a kid but my kids are learning how to save money by doing it. For instance I just made a batch of pickled vegetables that my kids have started eating already. I make my own breakfast sausage for about 150 baht a kg instead of paying over 300 baht a kg in the store. I bake my own pizzas, bread, cakes, cookies and pies. I make chocolate deserts using cocoa powder. All of which I am teaching my kids to do also.

    I can also confirm that in the last month the amount I am paid by the middleman for my produce has dropped by 25% but I attribute that to seasonal price fluctuations. I have no idea what the price the middleman sells at so I don't know if he uses the seasonal price fluctuations to make more money or not. Many times I use the prices at Makro to gauge if the price he pays me will go up or down and most of the time it matches fairly well.

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  12. Raise the minimum wage and enforce it everywhere.

    80% of the population work 'of the books'.

    How would an increased minimum wage help anyone?

    My gf earns 100-150bht for a 10-12 hour day.

    Entirely normal in CM.

    Doing what kind of job?

    I have a hard time finding workers for 300 baht per day in chiang mai.

  13. Some think they are under the radar, and will never get caught.

    I don't get that one.. I mean once you have to cross the border. Though honestly in all my 9 years here I have never ever been asked for my visa. Except the time I did my Thai driverslicense.

    I used to know a guy that over stayed for over 20 years. He didn't even have a passport any more. He lived under the radar and did not see the point in spending the money. He did eventually turn himself in and was allowed to make payments to immigration without being kicked out of the country.

  14. @bluespunk,

    Good solution would be that those in favor of welfare have to finance it. Those that are not don't have to pay into it but are also not allowed to use it.

    Sounds real fair to me. Then people with high morals like you could support your cause while others who don't see it for a good thing just don't.

    Its always easy to tell people what to do but once it cost them money they often change their mind.


    Awful solution.

    Of course.. because then it would cost you money instead of deciding how other peoples money has to be spend.

    Its always easier to do good and let others pay the bill instead of paying it yourself.

    You made my point.. your not willing to finance your idea's but want others to pay for it.

    Easy solution.

    Just consider your tax $$$ to go to government programs you agree with and other's tax $$$ to go to programs they agree with.

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  15. Yup, we don't like drinking maiden's water, seriously strong or don;t bother and have coffee.

    Coffee needs a 40k machine to make it, or it's not worth drinking.

    Hot water and a french press is all you need if it is good coffee.

    You have your standards, I have mine.

    French press = lukewarm coffee .... yuck!

    If you are drinking coffee hotter than I make mine then you can't taste the coffee anyway cause you are scorching your taste buds.

  16. Nothing could display Thailand's sad future better than this picture!

    Eradication of street gangs, mafia circles along with harsh punishments for parents who bring up such kids through neglect and superficiality should be on top of Gen. PM Praytuth's priority list if he truly wishes to change this country for the better.

    But as it seems, crackdowns on foreigners with overstay, illegal tourguides or dive shop owners who have the nerve to object to and expose the wrongdoings of Thailand's corrupt national park rangers are more important... right?

    It isn't always the parents that are to blame. There were 6 kids in our family all raised pretty much the same way and only 1 turned out to be a problem. Not my parents fault.

  17. I live in Issan.

    Daily the monks take money from children outside schools and on the high street. It's a regular group of 10 - 15 monks.

    My G/F owns a shop on the high street and although she doesn't like to talk about it, she admits they can be a real nuisance. She's instructed her son not to give them any money outside the school and she often leaves her post when they come to her shop.

    We all know the legend of Robin Hood, but what I have observed with my own eyes resembles the actions of the Sherriff of Nottingham.

    Where do you get the notion that monks don't take money?

    The Thai Forest tradition is the branch of Theravada Buddhism in Thailand that most strictly holds the original monastic rules of discipline laid down by the Buddha.

    Forest monks follow an extensive 227 rules of conduct. They are required to be celibate, to eat only between dawn and noon, and not to handle money.

    I would imagine you have only been in Thailand a short time. There are many things you do not know.

    I have been coming to thailand since 1995 and have lived here since 1998. I have seen the type of monks you are referring to but the vast majority are not living in the forest. They are living in and around the cities and villages. If you stay here long enough you will see monks shopping at the malls and walking around with cellphones. Maybe some of them got the cellphones as a donation but I doubt all of them I have seen with cellphones did.

    By the way ho did not say monks do not contribute to soicty much. he said he does not imagine that they contribute to the economy very much.

    You do know that most of the monks you see at the store are only ordained for a short period of time? ......most of these men become monks for a short period at least once during their lives. This often occurs at puberty but a man can re-enter the monastery for short periods at any time during his life. The government often encourages civil servants to spend several months in a monastery at some point during their career. Not only does this serve to strengthen ties between the monasteries and the lay communities, but it reinforces Buddhist teachings and values. http://asia.isp.msu.edu/wbwoa/southeast_asia/thailand/religion.htm

    yeah I am aware of that. It still does not excuse people wandering around the shopping malls talking on cellphones while wearing monk robes and sporting a shaved head. these have always been older men that I have seen not young kids.

    I have also seen the same thing at the temples here in chiang mai that my wife has gone to for meditation and blessings.

    I still maintain that very few, if any of the monks in the city live the same type of life the forest monks you mention do. The forest monks, in my opinion are a very small minority of the entire monk population.

  18. We had a similar thread here a few weeks ago - in the end, I suggested to the OP of that one to adjust his MTU down to 1450, and IIRC he went from crap international speeds to awesome. Log onto your router and give it a try.

    Edit: here's the thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/769126-internet-speeds-in-thailand-are-a-joke/?p=8546843

    He went from 3mbps to 29mbps international with that one simple tweak.

    I found the MTU and lowered it from 1480 to 1450 but I have no idea where the IIRC is. can you tell me where to look?

  19. thailiketoo, on 02 Nov 2014 - 09:59, said:
    Faz, on 02 Nov 2014 - 09:43, said:

    I only eat once a day.........does that make me a monk?

    Seriously the monks patrol the high street and the schools here every morning, with hands outstretched for money and food.

    They take from the poor and get rich...........just my observations.

    A lot of monks can't touch money and they take only food. I think you need to do a little more research about monks. But I don't think you have ever been to Thailand or if you have not long enough or in the right places to get an accurate impression of what is really going on here.

    What country are you posting about? High street and monks taking money? Sounds really not Thailandish.

    I live in Issan.

    Daily the monks take money from children outside schools and on the high street. It's a regular group of 10 - 15 monks.

    My G/F owns a shop on the high street and although she doesn't like to talk about it, she admits they can be a real nuisance. She's instructed her son not to give them any money outside the school and she often leaves her post when they come to her shop.

    We all know the legend of Robin Hood, but what I have observed with my own eyes resembles the actions of the Sherriff of Nottingham.

    Where do you get the notion that monks don't take money?

    The Thai Forest tradition is the branch of Theravada Buddhism in Thailand that most strictly holds the original monastic rules of discipline laid down by the Buddha.

    Forest monks follow an extensive 227 rules of conduct. They are required to be celibate, to eat only between dawn and noon, and not to handle money.

    I would imagine you have only been in Thailand a short time. There are many things you do not know.

    I have been coming to thailand since 1995 and have lived here since 1998. I have seen the type of monks you are referring to but the vast majority are not living in the forest. They are living in and around the cities and villages. If you stay here long enough you will see monks shopping at the malls and walking around with cellphones. Maybe some of them got the cellphones as a donation but I doubt all of them I have seen with cellphones did.

    By the way ho did not say monks do not contribute to soicty much. he said he does not imagine that they contribute to the economy very much.

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