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  1. Printing money from thin air......because they can...... Potentially could cause very high inflation (10-20% increase+) in the coming month and will hurt thais in the long run
  2. Are you gay or straight? Although you a guy can still catch it from a girl, its quite hard , 1% chance per encounter I believe Anyway PrEP probably has a big negative effect on things like liver enzymes ...and just organ health overall Why you just find one partner, get her tested.....and the be loyal, safes alot of headaches
  3. It's a DISGRACE , what is happening and people who are calling this a 'bribe' or 'buying votes' are equally dumb No doubt Inflation is going to rise sharply to 10% and basic good will double in price (Like what happened in America after COVID handouts) This is going to make Thais and expats much worse off.
  4. Lol No way , thats way off , no way would it be 300 kcal for a 500 g serving of Pad kapro from a real restaurant ....... 100g of pork meat alone would be about 300 kcal + 600 + kcal for rice + 200 kcal for extra sugar and oil ...........Minimum 1000 kcal for a decent serving of pad krao pow in a restaurant......... You might get 300 kcal from those 100g tiny meals you get from 7 eleven though....... --- How do you diet in Thailand? -Order Seabass, Salmon Steak + Morning Glory/Asparagus/ + Small serving of dill sauce would be my go to meal -Otherwise Chicken Steak and Salad No way I would ever be eating Thai meals .....If I was dieting down......loaded with MSG, Vegetable Oil, Added Sugar + Carbs from Rice (Literally the worst type of food for dieting)
  5. It definitely has consequences for your soul and your own state of being or pureness. In my opinion it even changes the way you look and you can lose your 'glow' You can spot a reformed 'bar girl' easily who is now trying to be high class, You can normally also spot a Sexpat who has been through Hundreds of 'short times'. Think about how many sexpats have commited suicide in Pattaya , much better to find a loving partner to make love to every night , than short time with hundreds of different women
  6. Any idea how long he will sentenced in prison for in Thailand? From whats I've read Murderers in Thailand usually get very short sentences (10-15 years) and are normally serve only half their sentence
  7. Because some of these people just wasted 900,000 baht when they could have got the same stay for only 50,000 baht
  8. The Cons Here (Especially the 60 day exemption) far outweigh any positives..........Crazy thinking from the PM Why does the government think More = Better Must get MORE TOURISTS Must get MORE ECONOMY Must get MORE DEVELOPMENT MORE<MORE<MORE. destroy nature at any cost in the name of 'profit' and the illusionary monetary system. Thailand was perfect the way it was 10 years ago It is criminal what this Puppet PM is doing. Along with this and.....the unbelievable 10k digital wallet screen.......and seeing his stupid cheesy smile on the news all the time.......makes me so angry
  9. I'm assuming your talking about Edibles. well Be Careful ! I had One Brownie -Took 50 mg - First time a few days ago and it way too much......had a really bad trip and bad heart palpatations for 5 hours
  10. Phuket lots of rain currently but welcome to have lower temperature it was so super hot in april and most of may , 38 C everyday, it was very uncomfortable.....like being scorched to death
  11. How much time off in holidays did you have a Rajabhat Which City if I can ask?
  12. What's the role like vs working as a teacher in a government school I hear the salary is a lot lower (30-35k) but also you get a lot more holiday and the workload is usually easier I wouldn't mind the lower salary as long as it is with long holidays
  13. This would basically make the ELITE VISA completely useless.........if its just 100,000 baht to have it for 5 years......vs 900,000 Would They really allow that? Whats the catch? Maybe it is only for one year only?

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