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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 13 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Fascinating but he asked about Phuket. 


    To answer the Op if you can wait until just after the expiry date - you may find you get an extra year. IIRC they are not keen to renew in advance here IN Phuket but I eagerly await other answers from around the country.  ????

    it should be the same all over the country BUT where are WE....we are in Thailand....nothing is simple for us....

  2. On 8/29/2019 at 8:20 AM, CharlieH said:

    Where to start, no formal training, no highway code that's really followed and most of all no damn enforcement, and where there is there are no real consequences to an action. All that boils down to a general free for all.

    Then they wonder why thousands die on the road ! 


    I gave up trying to make sense of it or apply logic and law a long long time ago. If you drive and react like everyone is trying to kill you, you'll be just fine !

    in a civilised country who drive on the left....then anyone coming from a side road SHOULD give way to a vehicle approaching from the RIGHT...but does it happen here NO NO NO...they just sneak in or barge in to the path of vehicle coming from the right...

    clearly they are NOT taught anything here....

  3. 23 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    I now know a few Thai landlords are not interested in registering their properties so the onus is on the farang to do it but why does the tenant have to do it?

    Should crack down on the owners

    THIS IS OBVIOUS...but where are you?? Your in Thailand....and they are making so farangs are not wanted, even though we spend spend and help with the economy!!

    we spend a lot more than any Thais do...

  4. 10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Frazzled? - Tired or Drunk?


    If it was not your fault, why would you be expected to pay anything?


    If you were not drunk and not at fault, play firm. You don't have to pay anyone anything. They can try and get money from you, they can use threats etc... but in the end not much can be done other than create an inconvenience for you. The reason they expect or think you will pay is because other Westerners have wet their pants and paid up.


    Trial over a damaged scooter ?? thats incredibly unlikely.


    Report to your embassy that the Police have confiscated your passport and are shaking you down. 

    bumps and scrapes ARE ALWAYS farangs fault....

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  5. 4 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    Are we allowed to ask why they didn't design the system properly in the first place? 


    From Hwy 7 to Hwy 9 only one lane each way?

    from Hwy 7 entering Bangkok has to merge with 4 lanes coming from the 60? million passengers a year airport onto the existing 3 lanes and then the exit to Hwy9? 

    Coming south on the 3 lane 2nd stage expressway, have to merge with the new 3 lane link from Ratchapruek straight into the congestion where the expressway merges yet again, etc, etc.


    It is not lack of AI is is just basic bad design. What is that thing one cannot  polish.


    well said/put.....bad planning as with most things here...

    example is all the roadworks in Pattaya.....

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