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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 9 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    Surveillance cameras don't stop individual crimes. Just a note to people installing them around their property. 


    In this case even if they were working the crime would still have taken place. Sure they may catch the culprit. But after the fact and the stolen property is still ..well stolen. 

    yes but can help catch the culprit and put behind bars.....OH sorry no they not do that here just a wai and a 200 baht fine !!!!

  2. 3 hours ago, nickmondo said:

    why on earth would you pay a years subscription with TOT in advance?

    they do not require this.

    live and learn mate.

    I used TOT, mainly no problem, but sometimes they put the squeeze on.

    they did not require one year up front from me.

    can save money by paying in advance


  3. 3 hours ago, rak sa_ngop said:

    The letter that the Trendy issues you is blank, you have to fill in the details yourself.  But to prove that it is genuine  (and not downloaded) it is lightly embossed with the Embassy seal.


    And the old passport does not have its corner cut off until you receive AND

    check the new passport.   You are advised not to use the old passport for international travel while waiting for the new one. But not sure what the procedure is if you need to make an emergency trip.


    And the whole process takes less than 2 weeks (in my case, and reported by others)

    take me three weeks to get new passport,....so quite good but would allow 4 to 5 wks to be on safe side

  4. 1 minute ago, recom273 said:

    In my experience they don’t have a clue at a (provincial) DLT. It’s not their job to decipher the difference between a ME and extension of stay. 


    The last time I renewed, the guy issuing licenses didn’t have a clue, he tried to issue a 2 year ticket - I then pulled out a print out of the DLT website, he then made a phone call, and I heard the reply in Thai, if the guy has a Non-O - 5 years. 


    I told him I had a Non-O (I had a ME) he squinted at the sticker, I pointed it out, then he called over 2 people from the queue, laughed and said “passa angkrit, Mai pben” they all stood their scratching their heads then granted me a 5-year license. 

    hence me saying earlier that it is all confusing here.....they do not make anything easy....

  5. 1 minute ago, VirgoSG said:

    FYI, I have a Thailand Elite visa and this week I renewed my licence for a further 5 years (in Koh Samui) without any problem.  There was no mention of my visa type during the process of renewal.  

    thats the problem many people get very very confused.....and thailand does NOT make it easy .....

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