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Posts posted by KevinboyCM

  1. 2 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    I used to drop off, and then pick up, my Thai niece at Varee International School in Chiang Mai when I first moved here.  I was literally stunned at the number of YOUNG kids, some as young as 11, driving to school on their motorbikes, no helmets, usually 2-3 at a time on a bike.  I made it clear to her that if she was ever that stupid, she would be riding a bicycle till she was 30.  

    So you have to ask yourself


    1) Why would anyone here in the most dangerous driving country in the world ride a motorbike with no helmut?

    2) Again, why would anyone ride with a 2-3-4-5 year old hanging on to the handlebars?

    3) Why do the cops not put a stop to it?

    • Confused 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, connda said:

    These folks should take a trip to visit relatives in North Hollywood, and during their trip try outrunning a California Highway Patrol.  See how that works out for them.

    Silliest comment here so far. You are comparing the police and laws in the USA with Thailands laws? Surely you jest sir. There is a reason no one would try and outrun a policeman or barricade. Unless you are OJ that is.

  3. 16 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

    The lad failed to stop.  Nothing to do with a helmet. 

    There ya go. My point exactly. Look,  If the laws aren't enforced it becomes custom here. Parents don't even think not to put their 2 or 3 year old kids hanging on to the handlebars.  They don't give it a thought. Why expect them to think it isn't ok to go thru a checkpoint? (And the article did not say he went thru a checkpoint).  


    It's the same for the way they park their motorbikes. They apparently do not have the capacity to realize they are A) blocking someone from getting out or B) or for being able to even get on the bike or C) that they might do damage to the bike they are banged up against.


    This stuff doesn't enter their minds. So the police and the government are the ones to instill law and order. It starts there folks.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

    As p[er usual in many of these type of incidents and trust me I have seen many, the Parents fail to take the responsibility of their own inaction regarding their son. While his death maybe tragic, any attempt to blame the Authorities for enforcing the law when it was BLATANTLY ignored is futile and time wasting. Why do they not turn their attention to ensure all riders of their sons agve wear helemts, as a person who appears to have some status in his village, that would be a good way to atone for their lack of parental care and their sons actions. 

    A few years ago I think it was Bangkok newspaper did a survey asking Thais if they felt it was ok to bribe a policeman. Answer:  over 70% said it was fine.  How many folks here know the cops get paid a commission to write a ticket?  The problem lies with the police. If it is acceptable to not obey the laws folks will not obey the laws. Plain and simple. Is that the fault of the parents? I say no. Are they fools for letting the kids ride without a helmut? Sure but 50% of them don't and never get stopped.  I've flagged down cops with no helmut on and not gotten a ticket. They don't give a fluck unless it's ticket time to feed the chain with fines or bribes. Why follow the rules if no one else does? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Ctkong said:

    Thai patronage system is archaic. Boy’s death is mainly due to his own action albeit the policeman may have a hand in his death.

    Lack of parental guidance may also play a factor here.   

    Sure, easy to blame the parents but parents would not let their kids ride underage or without helmuts or licenses if the cops enforced the law.  They don't. Police in Thailand enforce nothing. Just go to intersection near Maya. Nobody stops at the red lights. Cops do nothing.  Thai people do not respect the police because the police are worthless which goes right to the top. It's all about money and corruption so the blame really belongs with the govenment and police not the parents. Culturally, it is ok to ride with no helmut or little kids or five to a bike. Police look the other way so why not do it?  

    • Sad 2
  6. I have never read so much hypocrisy here in my life from the posters.  Praising the cops for doing their job. What a joke.  Neither the government nor the cops give a rat's assss if you wear a helmut or not. They could solve the problem in a day if they were serious.  But if they solved the problem the bribes and fines would end so come on, it is what it is.


    I have seen countless number of times riders with no helmuts in front of me go right thru a roadblock full of cops. Never once have I seen a cop go after anyone. It is beyond reason why this cop would chase this guy.  


    In Viet Nam everyone wears a helmut. Gee, I wonder why?  Could it be because the law is enforced?  Why don't the Thai cops enforce the law all day long?  You have to be pretty dumb not to know the answer to that. 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, BoganInParasite said:

    Was at Nan Immigration two weeks ago getting a Single Reentry Permit and asked if I needed to report to them upon return from overseas. Said no. As this was not what I was expecting I had the wife ask and discuss in Thai just to confirm. Said no to her as well. I was doing the 90 day report as well and they even asked for my return date into the country to set the date for the next 90 day report.

    Why would they even ask that? Makes absolutely no sense at all. Your next 90 day report is 90 days from your last report date unless you leave the country and come back in which would then be 90 days from your re-entry date. 


    I can also confirm that with my previous 90 day report I was told that I neglected to fill out the TM30 and had to get that done before they would do the 90 day stamp.  I was not even aware of what the TM30 was.  They wanted to fine me 1500 baht. I talked to a guy there and he told me it was the responsibility of the owner so I told IMM I refused to pay it and just sat there (Promenada). After awhile the girl said ok I'll do it for you this time. And she did. Go figure.

  8. Some of the above is mis information.  I  recently returned from Viet Nam. I flew in to Chiang Mai after Immigration was closed at Promenada. So I stayed overnight in a guesthouse and because it was raining in the morning I told the owner he had to do it. He didn't even know what a TM30 was but he said ok.  He went to the airport location and got it done. Took him half the day and he was pissed.


    So, ok two weeks later I had to use a service to get my one year (lets call it a visa renewal ok) done and the guy in the office told me I was sheet out of luck because the address on the renewal application was my home address and the address on the TM30 was the guesthouse address.


    He told me Immigration would not renew my application.  In other words I was supposed to drive home (100 km away) then drive back to Immigration and do ANOTHER TM30. How flucking stupid is that?


    Of course what I learned and what one should probably do is just go to Immigration and use your home address. Don't mention the guesthouse you had to stay in because the office was closed when your plane came in.  And of course don't bitch that you had to stay overnight and pay 700-1000 for a decent guesthouse because they were closed or not smart enough to have someone at the airport take care of it like the re-entry visas.  The whole system is a joke.  

  9. 3 hours ago, blackhorse said:

    He forgot about the 800 k? Dude that's not a slip up. It's the biggest mistake he could possibly make. Iimmigration could care less about the do you know who I am story that would have transpired

    Rules are rules. Your mate is a fool, to much thinking with the little head me thinks

    I think you missed my point.  Why is it that a deadbeat can stay here by lying about his monthly income by simply swearing he makes 65K a month with no proof and a guy who has over a million in cash is told to take a walk?  Of course he flucked up. I was curious about the logic of it all. Not that there is any in the Land of Scams.

  10. 3 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

    When US banks and other private entities can verify income, why not American Embassy? For that matter BE and other embassies and can also assure TI that they are verifying income affidavit. Will TI accept their assurances? I am not sure abut top level negotiations, as many posters mentioned, is on going and I wish they could come up with a solution that keeps the affidavit method currently in place and acceptable to TI. People get million dollar loans based on private party verification in the US and when US bank can take the risk of giving million dollars loans based on their verification method why embassies cannot assure TI that their verification method is solid. Be it based on SS letter, tax returns, or pension letters or whatever. 

    Thailand is not the US. 



    • Like 1
  11. Probably best for everyone to just go to sleep until Jan 1 and see what the Sages decide to allow.  Otherwise just mental masturbation here.  


    But they are gonna have a massive exodus as most Americans at least do not make anywhere near 65k a month in income.  More like 40k or so.


    Then there was a friend of mine who was traveling and forgot to deposit the 800k. He is a multi millionaire with cash in the bank but Immigration said too bad.  So a guy who has almost no money can stay but a millionaire who flucks up can't.  Makes sense to me. Amazing Thailand.  

  12. On 10/24/2018 at 2:14 PM, sirineou said:

    of course we don't know yet,

    but I don't think it will have to stay untouched. if I understood you post correctly, It simply would need to show an income stream.

    I think it would need to be from a verified source   because otherwise what's to stop someone from depositing  and withdrawing the same 65 K every month.

    Nothing to stop you.  People can borrow the 800K, deposit it 3 months in advance and take out every single penny the day after they get their renewal.  The whole process is a giant joke.  Probably what they gonna do is force everyone to deposit 800k and not let you take it out for a year.  Otherwise how stupid is the whole process?  Makes no sense at all.  


    I can see they might want the dead beats out of the country but no one is going to spend more money just because that is the minimum to put in.  On the other hand it has amazed me for 15 years that no one at Thai Immigration hadn't figured out 50-70% of those getting unverified affidavits from the consulates never had the minimum monthly deposit in the first place. I could never figure out why they let them do it.  

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  13. I remember reading a story of a Thai punk assaulting an American family in a parking  lot at KSG with a gun if memory serves me correctly after they watched a movie.  


    The kid got caught, brought in to the police station and his punishment was to say he was sorry to the American couple.  Very impressive.  Assault with a deadly weapon, say you are sorry and promise to be a good boy and you get to go scott free.  Amazing Thailand.

  14. Thailand needs a National Get rid of a dog Day.  Better yet a National get rid of a Thai dog owner day.  Maybe they should change the law so that you can pepper spray an owner of a soi dog that runs loose all over the place.  Every day some kid gets bit or killed by a dog or some motorcyclist has to drop the bike to avoid hitting a flucking dog with its ass parked in the middle of the street or walking around on the street as if it owns it.  Don't Thais understand how dangerous a loose dog is?   


    And how does this fool know his dog doesn't bother anyone if he isn't there with his dog all the time?  

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    This is correct, 40K Baht mo-income would require that bank-deposit to reach 800K total.  This is the same rule everywhere. 


    I am surprised none of the agents offered to get your extension done without worrying about the 3-months seasoning at all, since many get these done for their clients on 800K which is loaned for less than a day.

    Ah can you message me what agents can get this done? Thanks.  

  16. 8 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    No it will not happen. 

    Yes and no.  I have been to three Visa companies today. I have no clue why anyone uses OS as they gave me three different answers but the jist is this. The countries where you were able to go to the consulate and get a letter affirming that you had an income of 65K baht per month (option B) are still required. BUT, unlike past years they also require you to prove your income with affidavits, etc.  You can no longer lie and get away with it (not suggesting anyone did that)


    And it gets worse.  For example if you are American let's say you have a monthly income of 40000 baht (say from social security or a pension) that still leaves you about 25k short each month. That money is acceptable even if it is outside Thailand (maybe direct deposited to your bank in US or Canada or wherever). The joke is even if you had a million dollars in your Thai bank acct they will not accept it as income.  


    Plus you have to have the money seeded for 3 months prior to the expiration of your Extension of stay.  


    I was told there is one other way to do it.  You muliply 40k baht times 12 months and that gets you 480000 baht. Subtract that from 800000 baht (option A one time deposit) and you would be able to deposit 320000 baht one time 3 months prior to your x date and you are good.


    I do not guarantee ANY of this info is accurate.  A lot of it makes NO sense whatever logically but..............................

  17. 2 minutes ago, overherebc said:


    There is a new guy who has taken over as head of Immigration who is probably your best bet to get all the answers you need.

    I would suggest a hand written letter to him with a pre-paid envelope so he can reply directly to you and solve all your problems.

    Thanks. Would you happen to know his name?  I think my situation is much too complicated for a letter but perhaps a visit. Is he at the airport?

  18. 11 minutes ago, Thian said:


    Well 100k in the bank is easy to show, what if the 100k$ (or millions) is invested in something like real estate or stocks...Then you won't get the visa because it's not a proof of income. You also won't get a creditcard in that situation.

    Not sure I follow your point. My point was that they will accept proof of income of 65K baht a month which does not have to be in a thai bank. Ex would be social security check sent directly to your USA bank thus NOT in a Thai bank but they won't accept you showing 100K cash in the same bank. If someone can explain the logic there other than to say "because" I would just be interested in knowing what it is.  Not saying they can't make up illogical laws. They can and do.  Was just trying to understand the logic behind it. 


    I assume the wizards that make up these laws have thought their reasoning behind them before they implement them.


    Regarding the TM 30 I fail to see why someone who has lived in the same house for 15 years and has to make 90 reports has to sleep overnight if their flight gets in after they close just to report that they are going home. It's a joke.


    I came in from out of the country last week and told the guesthouse where I had to stay overnight he had to do it. He didn't  even know w.f it was and then he got pissed he had to go to the airport and do it. He spent half the day there he said. I just laughed.  I thought I would have to go to Promenada. I guess you can do it at the airport now. One would think if you can get a reentry visa at the airport you should be able to do a TM30 at the airport. I would like to think someone in the government would have figured that out by now.


    I realize we are guests here but when a guest comes to my house I try to make him feel appreciated and comfortable not that I really don't want him to visit. How hard would it be to do a TM 30 at the airport?  

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