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Posts posted by KevinboyCM

  1. 10 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

    Much more than I would bother repeating. No point, your drama is beyond dealing with. You go on and on about owner, landlord, lawyers, law....

    How about just fix the place or leave?

    Can't leave because of money invested, google "sunk cost" and read about it.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Bill, I agree with you. Pointless for some.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ahab said:

    I would cut down the tree, and get the roof fixed (as cheaply as possible). Your landlord sound like a piece of work.


    On a completely separate note, when we moved to Thailand two years ago I called our insurance company to cancel our renters insurance. I was asked why I was cancelling and told them I was moving overseas. They told me they cover renters insurance worldwide, so we kept the policy active (USAA).

    Thanks for the input. As I said I did finally find someone who cut down the branches over the roof. I think the owner is the problem more than the landlord but she is useless as well. Didn't even respond for four days after texting I had an emergency please help me. NO help at all.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Ahab said:

    I would cut down the tree, and get the roof fixed (as cheaply as possible). Your landlord sound like a piece of work.


    On a completely separate note, when we moved to Thailand two years ago I called our insurance company to cancel our renters insurance. I was asked why I was cancelling and told them I was moving overseas. They told me they cover renters insurance worldwide, so we kept the policy active (USAA).

    Thanks for the input. I finally found someone who cut all the branches over the house. Three guys four or five hours 1500 baht. I had to do it. There were hundreds of fruit pieces waiting to descend up to 30-40 feet down on the roof. They did not go on the roof. I am still trying to find someone to throw a tarp up there or fix it. I have no choice. Some fools said here to just move. Not easy to do right away besides the investment already made. What? I'm supposed to just watch the water pour in?  At least now no more damage to the roof.  


    Renters insurance would not cover roof damage for a house owned by someone else in another country only MAYBE your personal stuff.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

    Rule: Do not rent a house until you know enough to understand or bar taw, tesabaan, and the ten basics of Thai culture.

    Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect

    Kind of late in the game for me. Care to expand that bit of wisdom? lol

  5. 38 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    There - you have your answer.

    You will get nowhere - just throw more money after more money - going the lawyer route.

    His House - His Rules. As any lawyer, court of law ... anyone here will tell you.

    His house-His rules-I leave-He does not want to fix it. His house is destroyed with the rain water coming in-House is unrentable-Intelligent decision. 

  6. On 12/14/2018 at 7:16 PM, Dante99 said:

    So you need to trim a tree.  Last time it cost 500 Baht which you did not have to pay.  Really no big deal even if you had to pay.  This time might cost more but don't know so why bitch about it untill you know.


    Roof needs repair but do not know how much because have not looked at it.  Again why make a big deal about it until you really know it is big money.  Perhaps it is another 500 Baht project.


    You have no rights and your lease means very little.  What you can work out with your landlord is what matters.  You are off to a good start on that.

    Dante, you miss the whole point. I had an emergency. I sent an sms to the landlord. No response for four days. I know no one here. I just wanted help. I immediately started asking neighbors for anyone who could either cut the tree (major pruning) or get on the roof. 


    Good to know we have no rights in Tland. Amazing Tland. Good to know not to expect any help from an owner or landlord in an emergency. Good to know some owners don't care about their home getting ruined while it could be avoided.  As you state may be not too expensive.  So instead of paying maybe a couple thousand baht the house is destroyed. Makes total sense to me.  Gotta love folks like that.

  7. 7 hours ago, Dante99 said:

    Not stupid at all.  They want you gone, quite understandably so.

    Haha. Maybe someone can explain to me how NOT protecting your house when warned is not stupid?  It's beyond my comprehension.  If that tree was not cut down the whole roof would have holes in it.  Any normal person would cut the tree down instantly.  She doesn't want me gone. She wants me to pay for the roof repair. Four days ago I sent the landlord a message simply: emergency.  roof damaged and water pouring in to the closet area. please help.  Answer four days later:  owner does not want to fix it. If you don't like it move.  


    I already spent 40k in one year to fix up the place. So yeah, am kinda pissed that the landlord didn't even care the house was getting rained it or my stuff was damaged or didn't give a damn to at least find me someone to throw a tarp up there. 


    So, yeah I need to know if this is the way a foreigner can be treated here or do I have the right to expect the owner who was negligent to pay for the repair. Simple as that.

  8. 10 hours ago, NancyL said:

    Kevin, you've got a bargain and you're smart to make it want you want.  I just hope you signed a long lease so that your owner doesn't come in at the end of the lease, see how nice you've made it and then decide it's worth more than 3500/month.


    This is exactly what we've done with a couple of places -- sign a long lease at a good rate and put money into making it what we want, knowing full well we'll have to leave the improvements behind when we leave.  Life is too short to put up with a substandard kitchen, lack of storage, no hot water, etc.

    I hear ya. I signed a three year lease. A friend of mine told me not to mention I have done any work or they will jack up the renewal. Hey, I am not bitching I paid 8k for drapes or 6k for new lighting etc etc but to pay for the trees causing the roof damage or pay for the roof is just not right.  I warned the landlord last year the roof will be damaged.  

  9. 8 hours ago, Will27 said:

    I think as a renter, if you start getting work done on a property and

    withholding rent without the owners permission, you're pretty much asking for trouble TBH.

    Ok so 3500 is not a bargain where I live. It's the going rate maybe even slightly high.  Second, I had the tree trimmed today. Cost 1500 baht. Quite a bit of work for three folks.  Took 5 hours. 


    Hundreds of fruit pieces on the tree which was over 35 feet up. How these guys climb like that is beyond me. At any rate so now I need to get a tarp up there or have the roof fixed. Hopefully it won't rain but at least no more roof damage from the fruit.


    The landlady finally after four days sent me an sms that the owner does not want to fix the roof. I told her I can't believe how someone could be that stupid.  


    Yeah so last month the water pump broke and I had it fixed for 750 baht and deducted from the rent and the landlady says I can't do that even though "plumbing" is covered in the lease.


    So ok, the question is to deduct the bill from next month's rent or let it go.  In the mean time it is quite clear that these folks think I'm gonna pay for a new roof I guess.  


    I don't want to move for reasons stated and I had no choice but to cut the trees but structural damage? What BS.  


    Even if I wanted to move am I supposed to watch the water run in to the house and damage all my stuff? Flucking ridiculous.


    So, anyone know any good lawyers? I guess I need to talk to one to see what my options are.  I intend to deduct the bill from next month's rent but don't want a chain on the door. What do you all think? Thanks for any thoughtful replies.

  10. 4 minutes ago, jvs said:

    Kevinboy,nobody can decide for you what to do.

    How much damage was done to your belongings?

    How much would it cost to replace a few rooftiles or a roofing sheet?

    How much do you like to live there?

    It is a question of plusses and minusses, only you can tally them.

    Good luck deciding what to do.


    I think some miss the point. I have had three Thais so far not show up to cut the tree down or fix the roof.  The tree or at least the branches hanging over the roof must get cut down.  Second, I do not know how much roof damage there is. One needs to get up there to look. I would be afraid to go myself as the roof is old.  


    In the West there would be no doubt that the OWNER not a renter would be liable to get it fixed. Here, it appears a renter is SOL.  So I guess my question is do renters have any rights here in this land of scams?  Are or we just screwed?


    And if so why does one even need a lease if the owners don't have to honor them here?

  11. 10 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    What's the monthly rent amount?


    Did you pay 1 month or 2 months deposit (plus the first month rent) when you moved in)?




    I live in a remote area up north. 3500/mo and I paid one month deposit. I live here because I love the area. And again, I fixed the house up with my money.  I painted some; bought drapes, had all new electric put in, fixed up the kitchen area, sealed the whole house etc etc. I do not want to move out ?  lol

  12. 21 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    This is what renters insurance is for amongst other stuff (like repairing the damaged roof possibly).


    Just make a claim.

    Yeah good idea if I had insurance which the insurance company here probably wouldn't pay off anyway.  As regarding making a claim for the roof damage surely you jest. I am not the owner of the house. And have no idea if they have insurance or not which I doubt.  

  13. Guess it depends what one's definition of "safe" is. Thailand is the most dangerous place in the world to drive; the cops are corrupt; the bar girls slip you mickey's; the businessmen rip you off and it's your fault if you get in an accident even if hit from behind by a drunk thai driver.


    I had a friend who used to take a walk down a private street right next to his apt building for years then one day some homeowner came after him , after he left the complex with a long bamboo pole and hit him twice with it. He yelled for someone to call the cops and when the cop came he took him to the police dept. The desk cop there told him he could go home if he promised not to walk down the street anymore. He had a concussion and asked to go to the hospital and stated he wanted to make a complaint and had to wait one hour for the tourist police to come. They told him he could make a complaint against the guy who nearly killed him but he would go to jail for 5 years for trespassing.  Safe?  Not if you are a farong.  


    Saying it doesn't make it so.

  14. I did include plumbing and electric in my lease as something the owner is responsible for. I guess I never thought I needed to add structural damage.  Is it typical here for owners to be that dumb not to want to protect their property?

  15. 3 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    Not Happy - Move

    Sue you ask - 555

    It would help if you actually read the whole post first before suggesting the obvious.  Just curious are you Thai?

  16. So I signed a three year lease a year ago. It's an old wood house. There is a huge, tall fruit tree now dropping fruit the size of a small tomato. Probably a dozen or so at night. Sounds like a bomb hitting the roof but last night the damage caused a leak. Water all over my closet area.  I told the landlord a year ago the tree needs pruning. She jerked me around for 5 months and I found someone to prune it. Cost was very cheap: 500 baht which I deducted from the rent and nothing happened.  


    Now, I told her over a month ago to get it done again. She told me to do it then the next day she said the owner said she doesn't want to spend any money to fix the house up and I should move if I don't like it.


    I have spent 40k in upgrading the house as well as at least a 1000 man hours the last year in fixing up the house PLUS I live in an area because I am a wildlife photog.


    So far 24 hrs later no response at all from the landlady and three thais who were to come over have not showed up. (Typical).


    My question is although I have no choice but to cut the tree down or prune it again can she kick me out for deducting the repair?  Can I sue to have her repair the roof?  For now I am just trying to get a tarp over it.


    This is of course the same fool who when I offered to paint the whole house if she would supply the paint said no.  

  17. 13 hours ago, scandream said:

    What should the whole story of this family? The police really did not act criminally, blaming them is a joke! Policemen are only doing their jobs, including stating that helmless motorcyclists are being stopped, warned, or being punished. All was correct!  For the police expenses resulting from this incident, even the youngster's family should be prosecuted for neglecting their parental duty to ensure, for such further cases, that such a boy would not even get on a motorcycle, let alone drive without a helmet. furthermore, it is absolutely irresponsible to be on the road without driver's license and insurance cover.

    Come on. It is a joke. The police only enforce the laws a few days a month for the bribes and income to pay the top dogs. So the question is why do they not enforce it 24/7 if so important?  A total joke. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    I think that you are correct tho' I don't think that in the West the behaviour is all due to condign punishment.


    From the time of Thomas Hobbes onwards it has been recognized that government operates to a political and social contract-namely that of "The greatest good for the greatest number" and the population generally agrees with that approach as a rational alternative to sheer anarchy.What we see here is the arbitrary,unpredictable use of power-which can be ignored 99% of the time and is without any major effect on the prevailing social contract.


    The effective use of power is based on collusion as well as coercion.

    You are partly correct. Hobbes approach only works in a democracy. Thailand is run by a corrupt system arbitrarily enforcing their laws on whomever and whenever they wish. This kid paid the price for that rogue decision by the rogue cop. And I say rogue because 99 out of 100 cops wouldn't have bothered. What the kid did was wrong but he did it because the system said it was ok to do so.  That is what quite a few of the posters here seem to miss.  If the cops chased ever person who ran a checkpoint (still haven't read that anywhere) then doubtful anyone would run checkpoints. Only an idiot would refute that.  

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  19. One cop out of thousands. One enforcement out of thousands looked the other way. Come on dude.  I wonder how many times this cop has stopped anyone not wearing a helmut and ticketed him/her? Care to bet it was zero? Hypocritical corrupt cops. This guy was just being a jerk off. And now the kid is dead. Idiot pulls him up by his arm when the kid is either half dead or already dead.  How stupid was this guy?

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