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  1. Your mean Lalisa Manobal the KP pop superstar Lisa.....
  2. No not enuff. Maybe next time you post graphics on your phone grabs change your timezone.
  3. I must admit I could be wrong about Oz, both Vladivostok and Oz eastern states are in the same time zone. FYI: 'Krabi is a small city with a population of around 55,000. Located just upriver from the coast, it has no beaches and most visitors make a beeline for Had Yao, Ao Nang, or Rai Leh (Railay). Nevertheless, Krabi is a relaxed place that is pleasant enough for travelers to spend a night or two, and one can certainly better experience Thailand here than in Ao Nang or the other beach resorts. However, if you're expecting bright lights, nightlife, and lots to see and do, you will inevitably end up disappointed'. https://wikitravel.org/en/Krabi_Town
  4. How is life in Oz?
  5. Some websites, like Wikitravel, classify Krabi as a city. The word for 'city' in Thai is 'เมือง' (mueang), which can also mean 'town.' It’s possible that someone who doesn’t live in Thailand, obviously doesn’t speak Thai, and has likely never been here is just posting nonsense to hit a daily target.
  6. Facts don't seem to be your friend! Pro Soccer Player Claims He Was Wrongly Deported Over Real Madrid Tattoo 'A soccer player who entered the U.S. legally was deported to an El Salvador prison last week in part because of a tattoo inspired by his favorite team'. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pro-soccer-player-claims-wrongly-195443740.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFak7u-EAd8fkNY9N0bSoFf7V1dbLbmri8HG4qAoNEmJZIJghSy_ox3j8n2rdH_EcQQ0ZqwwPHp-WYlmS_yMe1m1RUBgK4KMYnDSeTBaJT1rLeu1wHl3_E7UnOkYuYrKlpvERlPjQ0POFWymD7vcwk0_HdyBJJg-7F9bQL5GKT8W
  7. Try Bobae Market open from 06.00 to 15.00 every day except Tuesday.
  8. I always log in to Lazada via a VPN, it's part of my virus protection software.
  9. Calling Centrelink around 8am Tasmanian time (4-5am Bangkok time) usually results in an immediate connection. While wait times increase later in the day, they rarely surpass 30 minutes. Be aware that you may be connected to an agent in another state during peak Tasmanian call volume, potentially leading to less helpful service.
  10. Ah, Maga Liam, the proud architect of his own economic misery—voting for Trump, then marveling at the fallout like someone who sets fire to their own house and complains about the heat. Non-Americans? That ship has sailed. Whenever the U.S. sneezes, the world gets pneumonia—just like with the 1929 Great Depression and the 2008 Financial Crisis. Republican policies crashed markets and wrecked economies worldwide. Trump is going for the trifecta—we all have skin in the game now. You say Trump is doing exactly what you wanted. Well, congratulations. His Trade War tanked my country’s financial markets, crushed exports, raised prices, and reduced my retirement funds. His wrecking-ball diplomacy shredded alliances, ditched agreements, and emboldened dictators. The world is closer to WW3, not further. His so-called peace initiatives are collapsing in Gaza and Ukraine, leaving only chaos in their wake. And now I know—you’re the reason for this mess. So spare me the "respect America" line when the America you voted for has made the world a poorer and more dangerous place.
  11. Around 25–30% of the F-35's total value is produced outside the U.S., with components sourced from the partner countries. The U.S. is still the dominant player, but nations like the UK, Italy, and Japan play a key role in providing critical parts such as wings, fuselages, and avionics. The U.S. couldn’t do it alone, not without serious delays or costs ballooning beyond what’s manageable.
  12. The F-35 World Alliance includes the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Israel, and Singapore. While Lockheed Martin is the lead manufacturer, the F-35 programme is a multinational effort. Each participating country has secured contracts for local production of essential aircraft components, making it a globally integrated project rather than a solely U.S.-made fighter. The F-35 project has been in motion for almost 25 years, with aircraft already delivered, in final assembly, or still in production. At this stage, cancelling an order would be a monumental catastrophe—not just for the purchasing country, but for the entire programme, especially the U.S. With so many nations tied into manufacturing contracts and supply chains, backing out now would cause economic, strategic, and industrial fallout across the board. The total cost of the F-35 programme for just the Alliance, including procurement, maintenance, upgrades, and sustainment over its lifetime, is estimated to exceed $1.7 trillion—making it the most expensive defence programme in history. This underscores why no country can afford a sudden withdrawal without severe consequences. . The only real threat to the F-35 programme isn’t an enemy nation—it’s the very unstable 'stable genius'.
  13. Surely most MAGAs here have some skin in the game with 401ks, pensions, and the broader economy. Self-harm is generally seen as a cry out for help, something requiring professional intervention—unless, of course, one belongs to a doomsday cult that sees destruction as a path to enlightenment. Maybe MAGAs view economic and geopolitical self-sabotage as a righteous purge? As for letting the U.S. sink into isolationism to learn its lesson—history suggests that when a superpower implodes, the collateral damage isn’t neatly contained. The world watched this play out in the 1930's, and we all know how that ended. Unfortunately, ignorance isn’t a harmless personal choice when it reshapes global stability.
  14. Trump’s attack on the press and past DOJ mirrors Hitler’s playbook—undermining legal independence, silencing critics, and weaponizing government power. Hitler controlled media through censorship and crushed judicial oversight; Trump labels critics “illegal” and pressures DOJ to act against them. Both demonize opposition, erode free speech, and push authoritarian control. Same tactics, different era.
  15. If Trump claimed during his campaign that Project 2025 had nothing to do with him and that he knew nothing about it, then why is he now implementing policies straight from its playbook? Winning the popular vote by just 1.5% is hardly a sweeping mandate—especially when many voters may have believed his denial of involvement with Project 2025. If he’s now pushing its agenda, it’s a clear bait-and-switch, implementing policies the public wasn’t fully informed about or didn’t explicitly approve. And who would’ve guessed it of Trump — a clear case of misleading the electorate.
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