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  1. The last three times I underwent vision tests for a Thai driving license, they included a standard color-blindness test where I had to identify a number within a circle of various colors. Additionally, there was a brake reaction test involving traffic lights and a depth perception test requiring the alignment of two pins on slides. Are these tests still not the same? I need to retake the test soon.
  2. I thought it was a longer period seems it was only 3 months. Yes, at my DLT conversion was rejected, though it seemed to be the convention everywhere in the past. You can now renew your driver’s licence 6 months before it expires (nationthailand.com)
  3. Yet Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected president four times and one of the most esteemed presidents in history, is credited with rescuing the U.S. and potentially the world from the depths of the Great Depression and the turmoil of WWII, despite his inability to walk.
  4. 2020. Seems it expired even though I think there was a grace period when COVID was rampant.
  5. Evidently new boss at my Land and Transport everything by the book, no fee at my Imm.
  6. Today, I went to Ranong Immigration to get two residency certificates needed to get a car and a Thai driving license, as I work on resettling in Thailand after years overseas. They rejected my application and sent me to the Department of Land and Transport to get a covering letter. After a two-hour wait, I got the letter, which included my passport, visa and TM 30 copies. Back at Immigration, they took the letter and had me complete a residency application form, similar to the original but without needing photos (or perhaps they forgot?). They said they'd send all documents to the Department of Land and Transport, who would then reach out to set up a driving test and other formalities including car registration. The driving test requirements seem to have changed; now, instead of just watching a video and taking simple eye, reaction, and depth tests, and showing an international and home country license, I must complete a full questionnaire and practical exams, like those for new Thai drivers. Translation cover letter. Subject: Request to check permission to stay in the Kingdom of a foreigner, To the Immigration Superintendent of Ranong Province. Attached: Copy of passport number XXXXXXXX With MR.XXXXXXXXX nationality XXXXXXX, being a person holding a book Travel number XXXXXXXXX to contact to apply for a driver's license at the Ranong Provincial Transport Office, details as attached. Ranong Provincial Transport Office I would like to request assistance in checking whether the persons listed above have entered the Kingdom correctly or not. What type of visa is there? There is notification of residence information in the Kingdom of Thailand? And for how long are they allowed to reside in the Kingdom of Thailand? Therefore, I would like to study for your consideration. Please provide information so that we can take action on that part continue to be involved. Signed Ranong Land and Transport
  7. It appears you've employed a 'red herring' logical fallacy to divert attention from the main issue. For an individual who has resorted to touting a university degree as a means of establishing credibility in the absence of empirical evidence in the past, your post is quite comprehensible. However, the absence of logical reasoning in a post from someone with such a high level of education is indeed puzzling.
  8. His display of dirty tactics during the Trump/Hillary debate was abysmal. Possibly they need to collar and leash Trump's to his podium 'like a dog'. 'A man who has been caught on tape gloating about groping women—and panting like a dog after a married woman—should not be seen stalking a woman in front of millions of television viewers'. 'But Donald Trump, looming behind Hillary Clinton like a mob boss, only reinforced his perception as a schoolyard bully in the second presidential debate Sunday night'. Why was Trump lurking behind Clinton? How body language dominated the debate - The Washington Post (archive.md)
  9. I suggest Biden has enough ammunition with rape, fraud cases, a criminal conviction on 34 counts and scores of other criminal indictments to bury Trump. CNN Dana Bash is a hard-nosed commentor who is not known for taking BS, Tapper not so much lately. Trump cannot take criticism and will be lost without his lies or sycophant commentators who only ask softball questions. Trump has done well in never being accountable for his lies and actions all his life. He has delayed his court cases ad nauseum and has repeatedly failed to take the court witness stand in his defence. I cannot see any reason why he will attend this debate and play by the rules as rules and fair play are anathema to him. I suggest he will renege on the agreement in some way.
  10. I suggest your opening paragraph on this and all of your other posts should have been prefaced with your comment 'on a wingnut conspiracy note' and not just this last paragraph.
  11. If you need to look up what day of the week it is I suggest you should leave posting to others. 'If someone's opinions or statements are unsupported, they do not have any proof or evidence to show that they are true'. UNSUPPORTED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary Seems a rule of this forum is 'Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source'. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the principles of burden of proof and Hitchens’s Razor. The latter states that ‘what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence’. These principles are fundamental in any discourse, especially when discussing complex or controversial topics.
  12. Amazing how Watters and Hannity missed this in their usual full show tirade on Biden gaffes. For your information..... Trump forgets the name of his White House doctor - seconds after challenging Biden to a cognitive test | The Independent
  13. Contrary to your opinion which is devoid of facts 'defense contracting 'isn’t a lucrative business'. 'Traditional defense contractors are often contractually limited in the amount of profit they can make on government contracts, and defense firms tend to have operating margins of about 11 to 13 percent (significantly lower than the commercial margins of leading tech firms like Google at 27 percent, Microsoft at 44 percent, or Apple at 34 percent, per latest Securities and Exchange Commission filings)'. Why Increasing the Value of Defense Primes Is Good for the Country
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