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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. The only ones I know about are my friends in Pak Chong. Teacher in his first year at a government primary school around 18,000 - rises yearly for 5 years. Office worker (teacher's wife) 15,000. General factory workers 9-12,000. There is one local employer (foreign firm) that pays well above average at all levels but competition for jobs there is fierce and their pay structure is not typical for the area.
  2. I'd absolutely second that. My bike seemed to be behaving slightly badly - resisting tipping in to corners etc. That would normally point to a front end problem but couldn't find anything wrong there. Shortly after that I found a slit in the rear tyre which was probably half way through its life - ordered a new Pirelli, fitted it and it was like riding a different bike, totally transformed. I still can't work out why a worn rear would cause those problems though. They seem quite sensitive to tyres and settings. My old ZX9 seemed to be fine with whatever - of course it would 'let go' when the tyres were on their way out but the ER seems sensitive to everything. Not that its a problem, just make sure that your tyres, pressures and suspension settings are good and you'll be fine. It depends on your weight but I find the suspension set on the slightly soft side works for me (75kg) I'd guess a lot of riders wouldn't notice the above so much but as a fellow 'ragger' you almost certainly will. Someone mentioned vibrations - its a twin. They are never going to be as smooth as a 4 but its not something I've taken much notice of.
  3. I wouldn't want those low bars. Each to his own but wide/semi-high bars are much more comfortable on a long run. They also give you a lot more leverage when you hit the inevitable pothole.
  4. Funnily enough, I bought mine from Chiang Mai - from a German guy who'd treat it like a baby and fitted all sorts of sensible mods + gave me a lot of spares and accessories too. He was off to work in the Philippines so I got the lot. It wasn't the cheapest on the market, nor the lowest mileage and it also cost me a flight but I'm happy that I bought it and its served me well - not the slightest intention of parting with it. I think I made a good choice - I'd had sports bikes for years in the UK but I didn't have a death wish. I was a lunatic at 16 and I haven't changed %^ years later. If I'd bought something like my old ZX9 in Thailand, I'd almost certainly have been cremated by now. That's not to say the ER6 is a slouch but its no rocket ship - you do get used to it though. All roads can be dangerous for bikers but the level of unpredictability and yes, I'll say it, stupidity is much higher in Thailand - mix that with a loony like me and well................best not. Tramming on at 270kmh with your head down on Thai roads is just madness but I knew if I had 140bhp below me, I'd use it so the simple answer was not to have it available - I actually see the scenery when I go on tour now. If you do want to do any touring around the national parks - take note that some are imposing noise limits now as those noisy Harley boys have been scaring the wildlife. And yes, they are enforcing it - I heard of a db meter being used at Khao Yai recently. An ER6 with a standard pipe will pass the db test (can't remember the limit) but an after-market one might not.
  5. Personal opinion - a great bike, well suited to Thai roads. I have a 2013 with, from memory, 35K on the clock. I replaced the clutch recently but that was down to me ragging it around - with 'normal' riding it would probably have lasted many thousands of km more. I think mine is possibly a slightly newer model than the 2011 you mention but its the same as the one in your photo. I had a ZX9 in the UK so it took me a while to get used to the drop in power and the blast from the wind but it didn't take too long. Whoops, closer look - no its not the same model. As someone else said - try to find the 2012 model onwards - (twin tube, steel swingarm rather than alloy). The motors are the same though. One cheap and sensible mod that gives you more leverage and a better riding position - fit some Versys handlebars - they are a little wider and they really do make a difference.
  6. I think I know where you're going with that but without any knowledge of the lady in question, that could be a bit hasty. Let's say she's a great mother, loves her child etc. etc. - how would she be able to afford to visit her child in the future? In some circumstances, I'd agree 100% but we know nothing about the mother. I'd hate to see a kid taken away from its mother, its culture and its relations without very good reason. If the OP's relationship does break down and the mother is good with the child - its a very good guess that he will find it much easier to visit his child (if he cannot stay in the country) than its mother would in the opposite situation. OP, on the basis that the mother is a good mother, you should pay heed to the Thai family structure, culture and traditions - which in many ways is much better than many in the West. If your relationship does break down but you stay in Thailand, would it really be so bad if your child was taken 'up North'? Most areas of Thailand can be reached in little over an hour by air and if you are flexible with your timings, flights are pretty cheap. If the child's maternal family are good people, can you give your kid what they can?
  7. Do you mean by tradition? The legal starting point is quite clear, the mother gets custody by default unless the father can show good reason why she shouldn't. The family courts however do grant access rights if they cannot be agreed upon - whether those rights are enforced, I know not. I doubt the OP will be able to prevent his child's mother from taking the child 'up North' in the event of a break up.
  8. Must be the holidays. I made one transfer on Saturday - it arrived in 5 seconds and another on Monday which took a little longer but not much. The weekend thing doesn't seem to apply anymore but its likely that holidays do have an effect.
  9. Which is why I asked the OP what his status was. He said he was previously on a Non O, he didn't say he'd been on an extension so I wanted to check which. Some people say they're on a Non O long after the visa itself has expired - what they are actually on is an extension of stay.
  10. Not exactly, I could have taken other flights or if I'd waited until yesterday, the Air France @ £1350 Nope, getting to Paris was over £300 + very tight timing at CDG, I probably wouldn't have taken the risk. So there would have been some saving but flying total cattle class and risky. Yes, I'm very surprised that even 2 flights took me to Silver. However, at the current high prices, they are giving the higher mileage rates + 35kg luggage which suits me as I have some things to take over for my house. Can't remember, it could have been KLM. These prices seem to drop in and drop out, you have to keep looking and be ready to book. I went against my usual policy and its cost me as you say but I'm still convinced that cheaper fares will be available nearer the time. I very much doubt they're going to fill their planes at current prices.
  11. Late response due to a re-read of your comments. I would disagree about fares from Bangkok. I've followed them for a long time and they always baffled me as they were 20 to 30% more expensive. However, we are in strange times at the moment and someone posted about Thai doing some promotions at the moment - as low as 28,000. As regards flights from continental Europe - you are correct, they can be much lower. Around a month ago I found a KLM flight from Paris @ £900 on my dates. However, I then checked out flights to Paris from Manchester or Leeds Bradford and they were over £300. Granted, I could get to CDG using a different method of transport but that would mean taking further time off - with the associated cost. I went though various scenarios - Prague was another cheaper alternative but again, the cost of getting there on flights timed to make the Bangkok flight, made it simply not worth the saving.
  12. So, not wanting to take the risk any longer, I booked with Qatar 10 days ago at a shade under £1500. Hey presto, in comes Air France @ £1316 with a 20 hour outbound or £1350 with a 15 hour outbound - both have 17 hour inbounds. Still, I'm already up to Silver with Qatar so can use the lounges etc. This flight will take me to Gold - pretty impressive as this will only be my third flight with them since last December. I'm pleased about that as my Etihad Gold runs out in December and there was no hope of me avoiding that, they are pricing themselves completely out of the market on my route at the moment - £1816!!
  13. I'm not doubting your information but do you have a link to the rule that states that? It would be useful to have the facts. All I know is that (as you agree with) I never had a problem entering after my divorce.
  14. Was your Non O based on marriage? If so when did it expire? As far as I know, and Ubonjoe will possibly confirm or debunk this, even though you divorced, your visa was still valid and if it hadn't expired you could have continued using it and not created the situation you describe. I continued using a Non O after a divorce until it expired and never had any problems.
  15. Those convicted of such crimes should be duly punished. However, I believe there is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty in Thailand. Lucky for the accused that they will not be facing the Asean Now jury who appear to have more information than the police.
  16. It would be a good idea to actually finish some mega projects instead of continually announcing new ones. M6 - Bangkok - Korat Motorway now 3 years past its scheduled completion date - just one example.
  17. To an extent I can understand them trying to do that - they all lease planes, planes that were sat on the tarmac costing a fortune for 2 years. However, we all suffered during the pandemic - I, for example, can't get back any of what I lost. Most airlines have cut their flight programmes this year but still have to pay the leases on all their planes, working or not - maybe that's why they are keeping prices high. I really don't know but ultimately, it will be Thailand that loses from this. As I said in an earlier post - December is a time when families travel but I can't see too many UK families choosing Thailand this year - not with a family of 4 facing a £6000 price tag for flights alone. Thai Airways seem to be dealing with things differently for trips out of Thailand with promotion prices but not for flights from Europe.
  18. I think most Asean Now menbers know that. They have never been as high as they are currently.
  19. Your example did not fit my dates and times which, for reasons beyond my control are precise. I am already taking 2 days unpaid leave to enable my trip - the example you quoted would have meant me taking an additional day off at a cost of £200 - if indeed, I would be allowed to take it at all. So that's £1408 - I can still get Qatar for £1418. It also involved different airlines which I won't do + an agent with poor reviews. I work on a late shift which creates additional difficulties as it rules out evening flights - many ex Manchester flights are after lunch. But overall, you just simply want to argue with the fact that flight prices have gone through the roof since July this year.
  20. I presume you were refering to codeshares etc? That was contained in an earlier post - not the post you quoted.
  21. Complete twoddle. I usually fly to Thailand 6 to 8 times per year (not at these prices) - not a once a year holiday that I can plan in advance. There are many members here that have wives/families in Thailand but work abroad or offshore. Try getting your boss to give you a rota more than a few months ahead. I used to be in a position where I could choose when I flew - that is not the case now. Also, the date of my next trip has to fit with a date given by the Thai court - not dates I choose myself The fact is that 99% of flight prices are up by a long way at the moment. I just entered random dates in October, loosely based on my flight pattern in October 2019 (Tues 11 to Sunday 23 October) with 1 carry on and 1 checked bag: Saudia: £824 approx 19 hour durations (no carry on bag, 2 checked bags) Emirates: £1108 Qatar: £1393 Etihad (who I flew with for £440 in 2019): £1625 Similar dates for November (8 Nov to 20 Nov) with 1 carry on and 1 checked bag): Qatar: £1074 (£1033 with 25h outbound) Emirates £1015: with long out and inbounds KLM: £1128 (£1109 with 29h inbound) Etihad: £1804 I'm sure if I wanted to search all dates I'd find cheaper but there is no denying that flight prices in general are a long way up on what they were. Tuesdays and Sundays by the way, have traditionally been the cheapest days.
  22. Then its no really relevant is it? Very few people will be looking to book so far in advance - especially with the current cost of living crisis. Can I just add - everytime someone qoutes flight prices, there's always someone who comes along claiming they can find cheaper ones. This isn't a competition - the prices I'm quoting are, I'd suggest, entirely relevant to the majority of travellers - especially to members here who, if they don't already live in Thailand, tend to be regular travellers. Most people I know tend to book at the 2 to 3 month marker - unless they only put in 1 visit per year. Show me one - sub £450 flight with reasonable timings, that is actually bookable, between now and December. Remember, you actually have to start the booking process before you find out the true cost. Quite often I click on the 'View Deal' tab on Travel Supermarket and the prices changes by 100's of pounds.
  23. Not with you - that isn't in the post you quoted.
  24. I hadn't thought of it that way but are you sure the airline doesn't allocate seats so the ones that are greyed out are the ones that haven't chosen? From memory, most of the greyed out seats were not in particularly good positions - not ones I'd choose anyway. I did think that its strange that they were sticking to the high prices if the flights were not selling but its still quite some time until Christmas.. In any case, I can't wait and will book on Monday. I would take issue with you slightly though - on the subject of 'Lite' fares - there will be very few people who are able to travel long haul on that basis.
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