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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. If you can get your hands on a product that currently goes under the brand of Dr Schimmels - you can wave bye bye to spider mites. In the past the same stuff has been called F1 and also marketed under a name I can't remember but the brand was Plant Magic. Its not cheap but if its used correctly you won't see spider mites again. Its available on Ebay at around £40 - £45 per 100ml. 100ml makes 12L of spray which will treat around 24 plants. You only need to spray one time and the plants don't get used to it as they do with other treatments. I've been using it for years and got into the habit of spraying after I did my last trim and flicked over to 12/12 - every time and haven't seen the little b*%&*$£%s for years. Powdery Mildew, for me that's the killer. Once you get that it seems to be with you forever - I unknowingly 'imported' it from a friend's grow a few months back and fought with it constantly until I 'retired'.
  2. We don't know the official cause of death but I think his age will have had a lot to do with his chances of surviving such a crash.
  3. Just to add to my earlier post. Approaching a junction is precisely where extra care should be taken - especially when you're on a bike. You expect people to pull out on you - even in the UK. That was one of the first things I was taught. As I said earlier, the woman drove like an idiot doing what she did but its not uncommon and her actions are exactly what I expect in such locations - I see similar almost everytime I ride over there. I believe the deceased is not a newcomer to riding in Thailand. And again, with the greatest of respect, did anyone see any attempt at braking? Any dive on the forks indicating braking? Clearly the woman should not have done what she did and ultimately was at fault but in my opinion, that accident was entirely avoidable. Another thought which indicates a lack of awareness or concentration - when riding a bike you often have to make split second decisions. If you were suddenly presented with the rear end of an SUV 30/40 meters in front of you, where would you aim? Up the left side would be my choice or even the right - not the car's tailgate. Having watched the video several times, I'm absolutely certain that I would not have hit that car. Someone suggested that he couldn't go up the left side due to traffic - watch the video, there is no traffic in the left lane.
  4. I don't want to appear disrespectful - a man has died but the accident in that video looks avoidable to me. Cars pulling out on motorbikes is a daily occurence in most countries but that's the first time I've seen someone hit the rear of a vehicle that has pulled out on them. The norm is to hit the side of the vehicle pulling out. Hitting the rear and given the bike's distance away from the car when it pulled out, plus the fact that the car had completed its manouvre before the impact, suggests a delayed reaction. Those who have not ridden a 'big bike' recently may not be aware of just how powerful their brakes are these days. My bike will virtually 'stop on a sixpence' as the saying goes. Many also have ABS. Having said that, the car driver is a bloody idiot, firstly for pulling out into the carriageway when it wasn't clear - full stop but pulling out and going directly into the right hand lane of a dual carriageway is just ridiculous. I always ride 'defensively' wherever I am but moreso in Thailand where you should always expect the unexpected. My right hand is almost always covering the brake lever and my eyes are everywhere, all the time. Even then there are no guarantees but I've been OK so far. So sad to have reached the age of 83 and continued doing what he loved - just to be killed in an avoidable accident.
  5. Also heard similar things and with the sort of parallel thinking often found in Thailand, I would not surprised at all if it was the law. A few years ago I bumped into a group of Thai lawyers at Suvarnabhumi on their way to a convention. I asked them if it was true that if a car and motorcycle are involved in an accident, the car is always at fault simply because its the bigger vehicle. They said it was and strenuously defended that position. Quite how someone trained in the law - and one would hope, reason, can think that way is beyond me but it is what it is - Thailand.
  6. He didn't comment publicly. His comments were made during a private conversation.
  7. Sad but true - you are very similar to quite a lot of the 'keyboard warriors' on internet forums. Do you not realise how childish your post is? I note that neither you or the others have posted any proof of their claims - just resorted to slagging. 1. I was quite clear that I wasn't sure if it was .02% or .2% - whatever, neither will get you high. 2. Its quite clear from several posts on Asean Now and elsewhere that NOTHING is clear - even to the police. 3. I have never said that I have only grown CBD varieties but I have grown both CBD and high THC varieties for over 10 years (not in Thailand) - I can say that quite openly now as I I have 'retired'. Both have actually been quite good 'money spinners' thank you. 4. Have you 'GOT IT NOW' and finished your childish laughter? If you want to risk either smoking, eating or growing weed in Thailand with the totally confused situation that currently exists - that's up to you. Just remember that you are a foreigner and as such, will only ever be a guest in Thailand. Even a relatively small offence can lead to jail and deportation. I still doubt that cannabis will ever be totally legal in Thailand but would be more than happy to be proved wrong on that. If it really does take off - the 'big boys' will make sure they are the only ones able to produce it or sell it legally. You'd do well to read up on the laws regarding brewing beer in Thailand to see an example of Thai monopolies in action. There's an old saying in Thailand - Money No.1 - that will never change.
  8. Not particularly in relation to seedlings but how do you go on with temps there? In summer I have to switch to nights here as once the temps get past 32 - 33 degrees things start slowing down. If I run in the daytime, the temps on flower regularly reach 36 - 40 degrees even with LED's and that just about stops things. Thankfully its the UK so summer is usually on a Thursday but I often wonder how indoor growers go on in Thailand. An option is to use Co2 but I've never tried it and have no problems running at night.
  9. No-one would be happier than me if 'real' cannabis was legalised but all the evidence so far says that the THC content must not be more than 0.2%. Even today's thread by webfact is very confusing.
  10. I think most members here (me included) would be happy to believe that cannabis has been legalised if they are given proof. At the moment all the evidence points to the fact that what has in fact been legalised is little more than Hemp.
  11. why don't you produce some proof that cannabis has been legalised in Thailand? Everything I've read so far - which includes reliable news sources that give quotes from Thai government ministers states that they have only legailised products with a maximum of 0.2%.. The link you provided to an Asean Now comes up with 'not available' and you offer no other sources. I'd be happy to believe that Thailand has finally seen sense and FULLY legalised weed but without an official notice, I won't be taking any risks. When you offer an argument - provide evidence, otherwise its nothing more than an opinion - and its an opinion that goes against what's actually been announced by the Thai government.
  12. Then read the news reports with quotes from Anutin. These are not my views, they are reports and quotes from lawmakers.
  13. I beg to differ - see a couple of posts up. They only quote extracts but I'm 100% certain that if you were found to have plants at home that were producing weed with a normal THC content, you'd get nicked. I won't be trying it unless that point is clarified. Besides, what's the point of growing the plant if you can't use its product? Do you think your average Somchai can extract resin and reduce the THC content? Only a skilled chemist knows how to do that - and who'd want to? My mate - who is your average Somchai, thinks the new law is wonderful and has set up a grow already - he will not believe that he won't be legally able to smoke what he produces. And it seems much of the Thai population thinks that cannabis has been fully legalised - poor them when plod comes calling. Yet another source of Tea Money for the BIB.
  14. The Samsung Quantum Board with the latest LM301h LED's is a pretty good board but it has limited coverage - I have 2. Lumatek LED's have a much better coverage and work well- not sure if they are available in Thailand yet. I would advise anyone using commercial strength LED lamps of any brand to exercise extreme caution and learn how to use them if they don't want to wreck an entire crop - like somebody 'I' know nearly did the first time.
  15. I'm not questioning what's for sale - that's between the seller and the buyer. I'm questioning what's been legalised. See below: "It is an opportunity for people and the state to earn income from marijuana and hemp," said Anutin Charnvirakul, deputy prime minister and health minister, on his social media accounts last month. Why are so many countries now saying cannabis is OK? ‘It’s either cannabis or die’ He shared a photo on Facebook of a chicken dish cooked with cannabis, adding that anyone could sell the dish if they followed the rules - the main one being that products must contain less than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that gives users that "high" feeling. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-61741422 And: 'It will no longer be a crime to grow and trade marijuana and hemp products, a move aimed at bolstering the country’s crucial agriculture and tourism sectors. However, prospects for the Thai cannabis trade will be limited by the country’s ban on recreational use and the production of anything with more than 0.2% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound that gives users a “high” sensation.' https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-07/what-you-can-and-cannot-do-now-thailand-s-eased-cannabis-laws More: 'The government has said it is promoting cannabis for medical use only, warning those eager to light up for fun that smoking in public could still considered to be a nuisance subject to a potential 3-month sentence and 25,000 Thai baht ($780) fine. And extracted content remains illegal if it contains more than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the chemical that makes people high. That’s roughly the same amount that might be found in hemp, a cannabis variety mostly grown for fibers that are used for industrial purposes.' https://time.com/6185904/thailand-marijuana-cannabis-medical/
  16. Firstly, I didn't say I'm believing what's been posted here. The matter has been widely publicised both on Asean Now and other news sources. Each one has quoted reliable Thai news media. I can't remember if the THC content quoted by the Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul was 0.02% or 0.2% but neither will get you high.
  17. Which law is that? Everything I've seen so far quotes 0.02% THC which might just give a mosquito a buzz. Its Hemp - not weed. As far as I'm aware, weed as we know it is and will remain illegal.
  18. One thing that the Title and OP fails to make clear - and is actually good news, is that whilst the actual announcment does reconfirm that dual pricing will remain, there has also been a reduction to 200 baht for foreign adults and 100 baht for foreign children. https://www.thainationalparks.com/khao-yai-national-park
  19. Look, I asked for advice and I received many different versions - I have decided its not worth spending money on my current machine. I don't really care how long it takes to change your Hard Drive - its not something I expect to have to do - but I did it on my old Sony. I didn't find it difficult Which brings me to another point - many years ago I bought a top of the range Sony Vaio. It cost me over £800 which was crazy at the time but I read the reviews and decided to buy it. Within 2 years it was out of date and needing additional RAM. When there is a need for a quality product, I buy quality. Yes, my current laptop takes a few minutes to fully switch on but that's not a problem for me - if it was, I would do something about it. If I need some information quickly I can use my phone. If I had to use a computer for work, I would buy a quality one. I still have a desktop PC which works fine and if I want to do any graphic work etc. I use that. I don't connect that to the internet as a). I don't need to and b). its still on XP and probably vulnerable. I use my laptop for very little and until now, its done what I need. It cost me 5000 baht and I've had 5 years out of it. Yours cost 46,000 - will it last you 46 years? Finally, I am not the one turned this into an argument - I read all the advice and then posted that I had decided to replace my laptop rather than repair it. You are the one who started lecturing - I'd already had your advice and made my decision. @CharlieH would you - close this now please before it descends into the usual TV fight.
  20. It may well be but its done me for 5 years.
  21. They were supposed to be doing exactly that - this appears to be in response to the proposal to scrap dual pricing by the TAT. Sadly ignored as usual when it comes to money.
  22. Its not that simple. As a 'local' to Khao Yai National Park, I rarely visit because of the dual pricing rip off and most of the local expats feel the same. Many tourists are not aware of the entry fee before they visit or that the price is 10 times what Thai nationals pay (40 baht v 400 baht). Having travelled a long way to get to the park, they are often disgusted at the entry fee but pay it anyway. I have though, seen one car full of tourists refuse to pay and turn around at the gate. When my daughter and her family visited a few years back, she wouldn't go because of the total price for her family - 2 adults and 3 kids = 1400 baht. However, that was because I told her what the fee was beforehand. Khao Yai park is massive and it would take many days to see it all, I'd love to spend a week or so there but there's absolutely no way I'm doing that. As a Brit, I had no idea that foreigners were charged more when I first visited the area - I wasn't expecting it. National Parks in the UK are free for everyone. So on the one hand, they do lose out with local expats but less so with tourists - I very much doubt many are going to travel all the way from say, Bangkok and refuse to enter. We know about dual pricing because of our connections to Thailand but how many tourists are going to check the entry fee for a national park before visiting?
  23. Where did I say I bought it new? I don't intend replacing it with a new one either.
  24. It was never a mistake. It cost me less than 5000 baht and I've had 5 years out of it. I know people who spend 40 or 50,000 on laptops and do nothing more with them than I do. Why on earth would I want to spend that? It may very well be easy to install more memory - I have done that before on a Sony and it was very easy. However, after discovering that my laptop is much older than I thought and in light of the current problems, it will be replaced. I don't think its cost effective to spend any money at all on it. No, I didn't try updating the bios. Whenever I've tried doing anything other than downloading programmes etc. in the past, its caused more problems so I leave such things well alone. I asked for advice and I do listen to it but if I think its beyond my capability, I either leave it to the professionals or replace the item. I'm also wary of any form of updates due to problems I've had in the past. For example, when I was on Windows XP, the boffins always advised me to carry out updates. On numerous occasions when I did that, my PC crashed and I quite often lost data - I know of others who often had the same problems. Its very easy for someone who understands computers to say - just do this or just do that. If I tried to explain how a car automatic geabox works, would you be able to repair one? Each to his own. I don't know what others find but whenever I've gone on Google to find a problem fix, I find that when I'm told to ' click on settings and scroll to this' or 'open' that - those things are not on my computer and the photos of dialogue boxes don't even resemble anything I can find on my system. I understand that SSD hard drives are a big improvement and I will most likely replace my laptop with one that has an SSD
  25. You make an interesting point there. What takes a couple of minutes at a UK bank can take 1/2 an hour in Thailand - more if the usual plethora of photocopies are required. There is one bank close to my (Thai) home that photocopies each individual bank note everytime I exchange currency.
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