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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Eh? Are you seriously comparing the potential lies of a Prime Minister with lies that concern murder, rape and genocide? Do you have shares in Gazprom or something?
  2. Ha ha ha - yes probably. I honestly don't remember having any such thoughts but the last few years have been quite turbulent. Going by the date on that, I had just got divorced and may have been thinking that I would no longer be able to obtain an extension of stay using my marriage visa. No idea but normally, I would shy away from a retirement visa - I ain't sticking 800,000 in the bank or paying an agent 20k per year. Whatever - do you spend a lot of time reading members posts going back 4 years?
  3. I think you know very well that its far bigger than one woman being raped. In almost all areas of Ukraine that were held by Russia for a few weeks - there is evidence of mass rape and murder. Daily I hear testimony of victims - just yesterday the testimony of a young woman raped by Russian soldiers. A Russian tank arrived at their home, Russian soldiers shot her husband and then raped her - threatening they would kill her 5 year old son if she resisted. She escaped after being raped but the Russians burned her house down as they left. These reports are widespread - mass graves are being found in all areas previously occupied by the Russians. How should we proceed now? I think its obvious what we should do, the question is, do we have the guts to do it? As for allegations of Ukranian war crimes - they should also be investigated and if found to be true - prosecutions should take place. The difference being that the Ukranian government has already said it is investigating the claims whereas the Russians deny everything. But they have always denied everything - from using a chemical weapon in the UK to their actions in Ukraine, Jeez, if it wasn't for satellite imagery they'd probably deny they even have any forces in Ukraine - its like listening to kids lies, 'the dog ate my homework' style. According to Russia - anything that accuses them of wrong doing is pure western propaganda.
  4. Yes, its the right of any and all countries to determine their own destiny. Ukraine didn't want to become another Belarus but I suspect they knew that Russia would not accept their total independence - hence their wish to join NATO. I do not believe for one minute, Putin's assertions that Ukraine's membership of NATO would create a threat to Russia - that's just a smokescreen to cover his real intentions. I doesn't stack up - he already has 2 NATO members on his border and taking Ukraine would add more to that. NATO is not an aggressor, its aim is defence and protection organisation that was formed in response to the threat from the former Soviet Union.
  5. I note that despite the fact that I pointed out that you had jumped the gun with the above accusations, with no evidence at all - you fail to acknowledge that you were wrong to do so.
  6. I'm not calling you a liar but I don't ever remember 'considering' a retirement visa. I have always planned to run a business in Thailand so I can't think why I would enquire about retirement. I might possibly have been asking in general or for a friend but I can't remember a time when my plans changed. But using your guess - 55 is old?
  7. They are and indeed can be retrofitted without too much disturbance but they must be kept clean or the fail to stop smell. As has already been mentioned, hair is their biggest problems and Thai girls shed plenty of that.
  8. So you have exemplified my question - would normal tourists accept this? I certainly would not accept that and I doubt tourists would either. I can't speak for other nations but in the UK its normal for people to go on holiday for 2 weeks. Having already lost 1 day through waiting for a PCR test, I would not want to lose another by leaving it until my test results came back. I would not be prepared to hang around in Bangkok, wasting my holiday. My flights to and from Chiang Mai were booked before I left the UK. Even when I'm on a normal holiday, I book any basic travel beforehand and I'd suggest most people do the same. I may well add additional trips etc. whilst I'm away but I always arrange the main items before I go.
  9. Correct, they are not designed for underground use. I only mentioned them in response to your comment about traps drying out. I installed mine in the sink pedestals. They certainly comply with UK regulations which are pretty stringent - I would think they comply with Thai regulations - if there are any ????.
  10. I agree with you but I said the UN, not the US.
  11. Not quite any trap - I used waterless traps in my bathroom sinks. They may encounter some form of failure in the future but it won't be drying out. I can't remember the brand (it was 4 years ago) but I think these were the ones I used: https://www.screwfix.com/p/osma-waste-valve-white-32-x-32mm/1819k They're pricey for what they are but I didn't pay that much - I found some on Ebay. Can't be sure on the size either but I think I used the 32mm ones - whichever it was, they will seal on the blue Thai pipe. They can also be used horizontally.
  12. And how do you derive that information? Seeing as you have no idea how I feel about other conflicts - you need to retract that comment. This thread is about Ukraine but just to clarify what I could 'care less about'. I think there are several conflicts around the world where the rest of us have stood by and done nothing. We have a body that is very good at talking and voting but absolutely useless at anything else - that body is the UN Security Council. It just so happens that I believe that the UN should act as the world's policeman to protect the innocents all around the world and stop conflicts. I'll go no further than that because this thread is about Ukraine but please don't make statements based purely on your thoughts and without any evidence whatsoever - you are totally wrong on that.
  13. Not at all, I was/am just as disgusted that world did/does nothing about the situation in Myanmar and any other conflict. I'm pretty sure I've discussed my feelings on Myanmar on this forum. The UN did what they always do - sat and talked, passed resolutions but basically, did nothing. However, China could stop that conflict without firing a gun but they've also done nothing.
  14. Yeah right, let's ignore the fact drunken Russian soldiers are murdering innocent civillians. Let's ignore that they are raping 14 year old girls then slitting their throats, bombing hospitals, theatres and railway stations full of fleeing civillians - after all, its none of our business is it? I wonder what your thoughts would be if one of those 14 year old girls was your daughter/grandaughter? Disgraceful attitude!
  15. Rome wasn't built in a day. Ukraine only got rid of Putin's puppet in 2014. They expressed a clear intent to join the EU then and they still do now. They have stated that they see themselves as a part of Europe, not the Russian Federation or any form of alliance with that group. A democracy can only truly be created by a country's citizens and the people of Ukraine made it very clear what they wanted in 2013/14.
  16. And it won't - the main reason for that is that the sanctions imposed on Russia are unlikely to be removed simply because the war ends. I believe they will stay in place; until Russia gives back any/all land it has taken including Crimea, pays full reparations for all the damage they have done and submits all and submits all those suspected of war crimes. I think its highly unlikely they will do any of those things so the sanctions will continue - crippling Russia. They are likely to lash out at some point, just as Germany did in 1939. The only difference is that The Treaty of Versaiilles arguably went too far and sowed the seeds for a bigger conflict. Russia deserves even harsher treatment in my opinion - if only to cause the collapse of the Putin regime. Much better that the free world, not necessarily NATO, gets involved now. Yes, there will be more casulaties but at the moment the free world is playing god and deciding the nationality of those that die in the hope they will fight what is really Europe's war, for them. If any future conflict goes nuclear, that will clearly be disastrous for all sides but what are we to do? Cow Tow to Russia? Allow Putin to continue doing whatever he wants? There's going to be a showdown with Russia at some point whatever the outcome of the current conflict. Backs were turned when Russia took Crimea, very little has been done about the murders Putin's henchmen have committed around the world etc. etc. - there now seems to be an appetite to act against Russia, I think that will continue.
  17. And how do you know the age of any posters on this site?
  18. The main reason for the smell is that a great many Thai shower wastes have no trap at all. For some inexplicable reason that doesn't always mean that they smell. I have 2 bathrooms back to back, each with the shower waste in the floor. One does not smell at all, the other does slightly - they both flow into the same waste pipe within 500mm of each other. Fortunately, although the wastes are in the floor, I can get to them underneath and install a trap - when I get around to it. For some, it means digging up the floor.
  19. But the country IS portayed as open (with limited restrictions) and all genuine tourists have to go on is what they are told by travel companies etc. Some are coming but they have no idea what awaits them. Those that are coming are either those of us with connections to Thailand or those that have no knowledge of the pitfalls. All most tourists do is to check what's the readily available info says - they don't sit and read posts on Asean now. Reading the UK government's website on travelling to Thailand will not reveal any of the pitfalls I've mentioned If I was going to a country I didn't know, I'd read the normal tourist info, I wouldn't be looking for online forums aimed at ex-pats and regulars. You it seems, simply cannot take that hat off and look at things how a regular tourist would. You might not be aware but the Amazing Thailand ads are back on UK TV or that at least one of the larger travel agents here send people who make enquiries, an information pack that includes the addresses of the Thailand Pass application websites and recommended insurers + the TAT flyer that states test results must be reported within 6 hours. Why would anyone who has no knowledge of Thailand have any reason to doubt what they are told? The German tourists I met had no idea that the entertainment venues are closed. I suspect that they will realise that if they do test positive, that's the end of their holiday and clearly those that have come, were prepared to take that risk. I agree that a postive test could be devastating if their insurers refuse to pay but that's just another wrong that Thailand is creating. Nowhere is it made clear that tourists could still have to pay if they test positive but don't meet the criteria set out by Thailand. I also know of nowhere where tourists are advised to make sure their insurance must include close contact insurance - in fact that information appeared briefly on the Thailand Pass website and was then quickly removed. Yes, many just won't accept even one night's quarantine, special insurance etc. But some are travelling - my flight was rammed both ways. Those that do come could well find themselves faced with the same situation I was and quite frankly, if I didn't have to travel, I wouldn't be back under current conditions. Clearly there are people that know the potential pitfalls and refuse to come at the moment - many have posted on various threads on Asean Now that they won't travel yet - they read this site and know what they're in for, most tourists don't know this site exists. I have first hand experience of five German tourists that had no idea of the conditions in Thailand at the moment, yes only 5 but I don't make a habit of talking to tourists. You are also giving reasons why tourists won't travel to Thailand and you are correct, many won't so we don't need to worry about them. My main concern is the long term damage done to an already crippled tourist industry by tourists who were prepared to travel and found what I found. I think many will be put off travelling there again - especially if they missed onward travel as a result of a late test result I also think that its wrong of Thailand to present itself as 'open' when it clearly is not - all they want is the tourist's money. The authorities don't seem to realise the potential future damage they are creating. Prey tell how those with 'half a brain' could easily handle that?
  20. You're missing my point - as have several other posters. Pre-covid, thousands of travellers will have visited Thailand for the first time - far less will do so at the moment but a good proportion of them are still likely be first timers with no knowledge of Thai ways. You have to take your 'connected to Thailand' hat off and put yourself in their shoes. I met a group of first time German tourists on my last trip - they were very disappointed. I would guess that the majority of real tourists will definitely not be staying in Bangkok but will be moving on as soon as they are allowed. Are they not entitled to believe the official flyer that states 6 hours? In all honesty, as a first timer sitting in your home, planning your holiday, would you expect your stay in quarantine to be more than double the stated time or would you book your onward travel based on an official statement? Most people here don't seem to be able to see this as a genuine tourist would. As for your statement that you have never had a problem 'booking on the fly' - remember that Thailand has tradtionally attracted a high number of backpackers, budget tourists and students on gap years. These people often use buses to get around - it can be extremely difficcult to book a bus or a sleeper train around Songkran. Even with domestic flights, if you leave it until the last minute, you're either going to be out of luck or have to pay a much higher price.
  21. Thanks Joe. Do you know if Phnom Penh offer a multi entry Non O on the basis of marriage? I note their website only seems to list single entries but I believe other embassies/consulates also only list single entry's but in fact do offer multi's.
  22. Hmmmmmm - often with very dubious outcomes - check out the results of the prosecution of those responsible for the My Lai (Meelai) Massacre in Vietnam - for me, the most shocking war crimes of my lifetime. Cover up after cover up - the end result, despite testimony from a US helicopter crew, was just one conviction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mỹ_Lai_massacre
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