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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. 100% correct. Its not finished - like many things, its the format that's changed.
  2. You guys putting loud pipes on your bikes might want to take note of a study carried out by MCN (Motorcycle News),a UK bike mag a few years back. They tested several aftermarket pipes on sports bikes - some of them bloody expensive and found that in almost all cases, the standard pipes produced more power. Its a while back now but I seem to remember that only one pipe produced more power and that was minimal. MCN concluded that despite the pipe manufacturers claims of more HP, the increase existed mainly in the owners mind - due to the increased noise. Be aware also that some National Parks have a decibel limit now so for example, you guys with the hideously noisy Harley's won't be getting in to Khao Yai National Park which has a limit of 94db. Thankfully my bike is 83db @ 5000rpm. I've also found that with gloves a black visor and a pretty good "Sawatdee khrab, tao rai khrab" I get in for Thai price - well I have once ????.
  3. I doubt many people would travel anywhere just to have a smoke even if this rubbish was the real deal. Its still illegal in many countries but that doesn't stop hundreds of thousands of kilos being smoked every night.
  4. Joking apart, this shows Anutin and his government buddies up for what they are - a bunch of clueless idiots. They clearly have no knowledge of 'The Weed' whatsoever. The stuff that most of us had a go with in our teens was around 12 - 15% THC and usually came in the form of resin. I thought my Jamaican friends were lunatics for smoking 'Skunk' that was over 20% THC. Some of today's Californian strains have been known to produce 33% THC. 0.2% THC..........the man's retarded.
  5. I wouldn't get too upset about it - believe me, at 0.2% THC it ain't going to affect anything.
  6. Oh, I don't know........sit out on the balcony a tote yourself through 2 or 3 25kg sacks - you might start to feel something.????
  7. What planet are they on.......0.2% ???????????????? they've clearly been smoking something a lot stronger.
  8. But with respect - from the information your hotel gave you, you clearly don't have to stay one night. Even though they are well outside the 6 hour stipulation, with 'Slot 1' you're out by 8pm the same day and with 'Slot 2', you're out by midnight. I accept that the information is confusing - saying you have to stay 1 night and that tests must be returned within 6 hours on the same page doesn't make any sense. I think most of us that have used Test & Go and/or read reports on here, know that you don't actually have to stay one night - although you might if you arrive late enough or results aren't back. Consider a 'genuine' tourist going through the Test & Go process and arriving late in the evening. They would expect to stay overnight in the hotel, I would. But they would be entitled to believe that their test result would be waiting for them in the morning (within 6 hours) and may have booked onward travel accordingly. And its tourists that my post is about. Now, I know Thailand and I wouldn't rely on anything. I did in fact have a flight booked the next day - to Chiang Mai. I could have booked a much earlier flight but I left in until after lunch to be safe. However, people on holiday don't want to hang about, they want to start their holiday so might well have booked onward travel the morning after arrival. I would not be at all surprised if quite a few people have missed flights/buses etc. because of late test result.
  9. There is no release paperwork other than the test result - the hotel is notified of the guest's status by way of the test result. That is all that is required - the hotel simply uploads the result onto the system. Once you have that cert, you're good to go.
  10. Yet again your post is more about trying to stamp your own 'knowledge' on things - attempted self importance. I did not get 'all upset' about anything - maybe you just don't get it but most likely you don't want to as you'd then have no platform to spout from. As you don't seem to be able to read, I will say again - I have to accept a bumpy ride as I have no choice. I will further repeat that I am simply reporting my experiences and asking if 'normal' tourists will accept how things are at the moment. I don't believe many will and those that do are likely to leave with a bitter taste - especially if its their first trip to Thailand. Its not about me - I am just using the experiences from 2 trips on Test & Go as a barometer. Thailand may attract more visitors in the short term but the current situation could possibly backfire on Thailand in the long term - especially if they are serious about attracting 'high end tourists'. It wouldn't actually take much to put matters right but if the Thai authorities can't even be bothered to train the hotels in the rules and procedures - I doubt they will carry out any quality control. Its the usual attitude - tourists should feel privileged to visit Thailand, not vice versa. That's the point of my post - if I didn't have family and problems at home to deal with, I would not visit Thailand at the moment. Those who simply want a holiday in the sun can find plenty of destinations that don't have the same restrictions/problems. Have a day off.
  11. I have had the benefits of Gold Card since 2008 so I am fully aware of how many people are usually in the premuim boarding queue. I have never seen 40+ people waiting in any premium boarding queue that I've ever been in. The norm is 5 or 6 but quite often there is no queue whatsoever and the check in desk will often serve economy customers whilst waiting for premium guests. You can't help yourself can you? You just have to throw in a little quip like 'claim' to be. I don't claim to be anything. I've been travelling to Thailand since 2001. Since 2003 that has been mainly with Etihad and I estimate that I've put in over 150 flights. That's more than most but less than some. Its not a boast, its just a fact and a justification as to why I have probably seen more queues and experienced more flights than most members here. There are clearly people who travel much more as I have never got close to Platinum status but I often see people with that status checking in.
  12. Its one of the most difficult to prove with very good reason - in most cases its the word of one party against another and in the majority of cases, the two parties know each other. I knew a girl who openly admitted to me that she had invited her ex to her home, slept with him then claimed rape (having secured DNA) - she roped her friend in as a witness and the guy got 7 years. The girl had fabricated the whole thing as revenge for the guys behaviour whilst they were together and more or less bragged about it to me. I considered going to the police but it would have been my word against hers. I'm no longer in contact with her but I hope she left town before he got out - he'd have been one angry man. If there is DNA evidence and the victim is clearly underage then its not difficult to prove at all because there is no such thing as consensual sex with a minor in the UK - I'd like to think Thailand has a similar law but I know not. I'm not defending rapists in any way - I'd hang those who rape children but I fully appreciate why the prosecution/conviction rates are so low. I also think that the UK law in rape/sexual assault cases is very unfair in terms of naming suspects. Under UK law the victim is allowed to remain anonymous whist the suspect, once charged, is not. Once a man has been accused of rape, guilty or not, he's guilty in the public's eyes and quite often his life is ruined - even if he's found innocent. I'm glad I'm not 18 anymore - following the changes to the UK's rape/sexual assualt laws in recent years. A young guy now virtually has to carry a contract around in his back pocket and get his 'partner' to sign her permission before 'proceedings' take place. If the girl is drunk, she now cannot be said to have given her consent - taking no account of whether the guy was also drunk. When we were younger, how many of us have met a girl whilst on a night out - having both had a few drinks and either climbed into the back of the car or taken the girl home - under the new laws, that's rape so how many of us here are rapists? How easy is it for a girl to simply say she was drunk? In this particular case, I doubt a 10 year old is going to lie about being raped or who did it - if he isn't locked up for a long time the father needs to let the dust settle then give the policeman a concrete overcoat. Sadly if there's no DNA or other convincing evidence, the cop is going to walk.
  13. That's odd, its should not show you as 'green' - very low risk until you enter your Day 5 ATK - until then you should remain orange. Still, the thing rarely works properly - the main problem with it is being told you have a notification but when you go to look, there appears to be nothing there. No spinning circle, nothing to indicate anything's coming. The notifications should start on Day 5 and are requesting you upload your ATK photo. I've learned that in fact there is something there but it can take 10 minutes to appear depending on your internet connection. For the OP's attention - if you are lucky and your notifications do download, you will note that in typical Thai fashion, they have not modified the required information fully for ATK's - you will be asked to enter a lab number which of course you don't have - that was for PCR's. You are also required to enter a 'release date' - I presume that's release from prison/quarantine/1 night's waiting - that's what I entered anyway. All you need to do is enter the release date, take a photo of your ATK and upload it. You are supposed to wait 30 minutes after doing the Antigen test to get the result - however, you are guaranteed to be negative if you take the photo as soon as the first 'control' line appears ????.
  14. Around 3 - 3.15pm. The hotel does not have slots as yours did - the hospital staff are there 24/7 based in the lobby. From around 11pm onwards each time I enquired I was told 1 more hour until at around 3am, I was handed a telephone and told by a lab technician that my result was inconclusive and would need to be run again. Angry, I then went to reception and told them I was checking out and going to another hotel. The receptionist then phoned the labs and I was again handed a phone - this time, just 10 minutes later I was told my result was negative. Complete fabrication, I know from the Randox labs in the UK that the minimum time to run a test is 40 minutes (after an initial 40 minute wait following sampling) yet they had run my test again in just 10 minutes? Your hotel is quoting times well in excess of the government's stated time of 'within 6 hours'. There is no mention of fast tracking - just 6 hours. It doesn't say usually or around, it says within 6 hours. This smacks of the usual Thai way where with immigration for example, there are a set of rules but each individual immigration office is allowed to make up its own. However, had my hotel had such a list of timing slots, I would at least have had something to go by and either accept or not. Again I state, most 'tourists' would be unaware of the pitfalls and potential waits - that was bourne out at my hotel by the number of people at reception asking where their results were - some had waited far longer than me. I suspect the hotel's problems are a direct result of them changing their hospital partner. On my first trip I was taken directly from the airport to the Piyavate hospital - labs on site, no waiting for swabs to be picked up. That is probably one of the factors creating the long wait - I doubt they take individual swabs to the labs - probably take them in batches. I don't think staying at a 'decent' hotel would necessarily make much difference, I've talked to people who've stayed at much more expensive hotels and had problems. Whatever, I consider 13 hours to be excessive at over double the government's stated 6 hours.
  15. I agree but if the government states 6 hours then 6 hours it should be. I would allow a little lee-way but not 13 hours. The current rules do not allow for the hotels to stipulate the waiting period, if they did, guests could choose accordingly - people need to plan ahead. They are trying to present a slick, streamlined system 'Test & Go' which it certainly is not.
  16. So how long is one night? 6, 8, 10 hours? Or the 13 hours I waited? The flyer says the 'Hospital Partner must report the result within 6 hours' - am I to ignore that? I don't how long a night is at your house but in mine it certainly isn't 13 hours. Travellers are required to book one night in a hotel and they must wait in their room for the result. What if you arrive after midnight? Does that mean you have to book the next night? Test & Go has been running since November and its become widely accepted that you are free to go as soon as your results are in. Last time I stayed at that hotel, I arrived in the afternoon and was in a bar having a drink with a mate by 8.30pm. The only difference was that the hotel has changed the 'Hospital Partner' and I suspect they did that in order to make more profit. The Thai government issues rules, puts them in the Royal Gazette but it seems, forgets to instruct the hotels on the content of such rules - the hotel had never seen the 6 hour stipulation. Likewise on my previous visit, nobody told me where I could get my Day 7 PCR and on this trip I was simply handed an ATK with no instructions whatsoever. Does the Thailand Pass approval give instructions on what to do next? Is there a list of testing sites on the MorChana App? That is, assuming you can get the damned thing to work in the first place. Having connections to Thailand and reading this forum throughout the pandemic, I had a rough idea where to find a hospital that could accommodate the Day 7 PCR and I knew what to to with the ATK this time.............how many tourists would know those things? The whole Test & Go thing is a cock up and has been from the start. The only thing the Thai government is good at is turning what should be a quite simple process into a minefield. People on holiday don't want to be spending hours trying to get information and they should be able to rely on the times given for their test results. Remember, a great many tourists don't stay in Bangkok, they head off for other provinces or the islands. Are they not enitled to rely on the information given and book any onward travel accordingly? Should they, possibly never having been to Thailand before, know that its likley their PCR test will take double the time stipulated? My hotel told me when I arrived that it would be 12 hours - I showed them the flyer that stipulated 6 hours and they had some form of discussion about it - I don't know the outcome as I had to go for my test. I did tell them though, that I expected my results within 6 hours and I checked with them every hour after that. Just try putting yourself in a tourist's shoes for a moment and forget what you have gleaned from this site. Most genuine tourists will never have heard of Asean Now. The whole of Asia is slowly re-opening - if Thailand wants to regain its share of the tourist market, its going to have to get its ducks in a row. I suspect that as with so many things - everything will change now and any forward thinking country will find it fairly easy to deprive Thailand of a fair proportion of the market. They talk of attracting wealthy tourists - they couldn't even run a school trip.
  17. It says 6 hours and you know very well that you don't in fact have to stay one night. You have to stay until your PCR test results are back. As it says in the part you have highlighted - 'wait for the test results within the room'. The time specified is 'within 6 hours'. Or do you simply want to be right? If so, you're right.......OK?
  18. Again, I have explained why I travel but to go further, my house was broken in to in December - I didn't get everything I wanted to done then so I had to return to deal with security and insurance issues - try doing that from 6000 miles away. I also have family that I've seen very little of over the last 2 years But its not about my travel - its about the experience in general and whether real tourists will accept that. I certainly hope my next trip in June is better but I'm not holding my breath.
  19. You might note that there have been travel restrictions - I normally visit Thailand 6 to 8 times per year.
  20. Again you are failing to read posts fully. I travelled through Manchester not London. I also travelled on 15 March - a month before Easter!! Did you travel at Christmas? I can assure you that on all stages of my travel in December/January, all the airports I travelled through were far busier overall than my last trip with none of the same problems. Manchester and Bangkok were actually fairly quiet this time - except for the huge queues at Qatar. Doha was very busy but it would be, its a hub. To be able to comment accurately, you would need to have travelled at both Christmas and in March - I did, did you?
  21. Don't tell me that the flyer below was for November - it has not been rescinded.
  22. Unlike Qatar where they were at least 40 people in the premuim check in queue - again, something I've never seen.
  23. Wrong again - you'd be well advised to fully read all posts before commenting. I don't have difficulties when travelling - this was the first time its been so bad in 20 years. This is not a busy time - its almost low season. Christmas was far busier and the only problem I had then was with the Mor Chana App and a hospital that couldn't get its act together for the Day 7 test. No problems with the airline, no excessive queues, PCR result within 6 hours, etc. etc.
  24. Not a rant at all. I've said several times that I have to accept this. Everything I have reported is accurate and although I accept it, my question is whether tourists will and in doing so, help the Thai government achieve its goal. If I was simply looking for some winter sun and knew the situation in Thailand, it wouldn't be on my list. I want Thailand to succeed but they are doing very little to help themselves - 6 days wait for Test & Go approval, hotels not being directed to refund, despite a promise they would be. I'm not annoyed at myself at all - don't jump to conclusions. The reason I tried a different airline is that Etihad will not extend my Gold card because I haven't travelled enough - that's down to Covid and in my opinion its unfair. I met a guy in Abu Dhabi in January who told me that although they don't advertise the fact, Qatar will transfer Gold Card benefits. I called Qatar before I booked but they wouldn't confirm or deny that - I was told I'd have to ask at their office in Doha - I did and they don't. I'm not trying to 'engage' anyone, I'm simply reporting my experiences which in 20 years of travelling economy, were the worst I've ever known. Yes there are reported problems at Manchester but that doesn't explain the queues at Doha and Bangkok. I travelled in December and January when overall it was much busier and did not experience the same problems or anything like them but that was with Etihad. There is no excuse for a 24 hour airport with many flights arriving and departing during the night not to provide passengers with facilities for hot drinks and food. There is also no excuse for the fact that my PCR test result took 13 hours when its supposed to take 6. I had a flight to Chiang Mai the next day - if I'd chosen a morning flight I would most likely have missed that. Qatar weren't helping the situation at all - their staff asking for documents that were not required only served to make an already massive queue, longer. You and I have knowledge of matters Thai - we know they often don't work as they should, do tourists? Try to look at this as if you were a tourist - if you became aware of the way things are, would you want to go? If you were unaware and travelled, would you want to go again?
  25. And your excuse for negativity on other threads is?
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