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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. I'm unsure which section to post this in so I'll leave it to the mods - it relates to both travel and the pandemic. I'm not really a tourist, I have family, a home and friends in Thailand so like many, I have no choice but to accept problematic travel and restrictions. I first resumed travel back to Thailand in December last year and have just returned to the UK after a second trip - I have to say that things were worse on this second trip than they were on the first. There is no one sector that is to blame for the problems I encountered but nevertheless, I wonder just how many 'real' tourists will accept this - if I simply wanted a holiday in the sun, I wouldn't. Some of the problems I experienced were as a result of changing carrier and therefore not enjoying the benefits of the Gold Card I hold with my usual carrier. This time I flew with Qatar - it was my first trip with them and it will be the last. I'll simply list my moans in chronological order. Hotel refused to refund my Day 5 booking after the rules changed - offered a credit instead. Test & Go application took 6 days as apposed to about 6 seconds using the same supporting documents as I did for my first trip. Massive queues for check in at Manchester Airport (according to the news today that was not down to Qatar but it was much the same at BKK on my return). I didn't see any similar queues at other airline check-ins. No hotel car waiting for me at BKK - took almost 1.5 hours for it to arrive. Although I requested that I be the sole passenger - as I did on the first trip, they sent a van and I had to share with 5 others. I used the same hotel for Test and Go as I did for my previous trip, yes a cheapie - I wasn't planning on staying overnight as the TAT say that PCR test results are to be received within 6 hours so I wasn't bothered about a decent hotel. First trip - results received within 6 hours, this trip 13 hours! The hotel have changed the test provider - no doubt a cheaper deal. Handed an Antigen Test Kit on check out with no instructions on what to do with it - OK, I know but would a tourist? Morchana App extremely slow but at least it worked this time. If I wasn't already aware of this I would have simply given up. Many bars and clubs still shut. Restaurant in Chiang Mai would not let me in until I returned with my vaccination record. Queued for 1.5 hours to check in at BKK on my return leg. Girl at check in asked for my vaccine certificates - I told her they were no longer needed for the UK. She made a fuss and called a supervisor over who told me that if I didn't want to show them, it was OK! Yes, I had them with me but I'd packed them in my hold luggage which was locked with zip ties. Hardly surprising the queues were so long. By the time I checked in and got through security and immigration all the cafe's had closed - I couldn't even get a coffee. This is a 24 hour, international airport and it was the only one of three on my trip where I couldn't get a hot drink or snack. No charging point on the aircraft on the flight from BKK to Doha - I had an almost flat battery on my phone and its been a long time since I've travelled on a long haul flight without a charging point on the seat. Thankfully the cabin staff kindly charged my phone for me. On all flights the seats were more cramped than they are with my usual carrier. That wasn't so much of a problem until I ended up sat next to a big guy from Doha to Manchester. Huge queues for passport control at Manchester and a 2 hour, yes 2 hour, wait for my luggage. As I say, none of this is down to one particular area but nevertheless - all these items are likley to be faced by 'normal tourists'. Some of my 'moans' are fairly minor but they all contibuted to making this the worst trip to Thailand that I can remember. In my opinion, any 'real' tourists that do visit Thailand will be left with a bitter taste and are unlikely to return. Added to the above I'm now more convinced than ever that Thailand is merely 'box ticking' with its restrictions - in December the gogo's on Cowboy had become 'restaurants' with the girls sitting outside fully clothed. This trip, at least one gogo appeared closed until the 'hello' girls advised me that the action was back on the upper floor. Passing through the dark, deserted ground floor and up the stairs revealed they were telling the truth. Obviously the police were not aware of this ????. No names here but it has a glass floor. It looks to me as if the Soi 3/4 area of Sukhumvit is going to be re-developed - its looking really delapidated now. It could be the effects of the Pandemic but new deveopments are all around this area and its often a sure sign that things are planned when landlords and tenants stop taking care of properties.
  2. Roughly translated for us everyday folk - the rich got richer whilst the poor got poorer. Yes, those who are able have done reasonably well but social mobility for the masses is nigh on impossible. Believe it or not, there is still a substantial portion of the working population who earn less than 10,000 per month. Whenever I read these studies/predictions/forecasts I have to ask the question, in a country where a large proportion of the population don't pay tax or social security so are therefore unrecorded, where do they get their figures from? Its true that the country is (was) developing but like so many other countries, real world, social polarisation is growing. It must also be remembered that it is the lowest paid in Thailand who often have to support aging parents - further restricting their ability to improve their lives. Their 'middle class' counterparts are likely to come from a 'middle class' background and as such, their parents are less likely to need support. It is also, precisely this 'lower' portion of the employed population that have been more exposed to the economic devastation caused by the Covid 19 Pandemic - the tourist and hospitality industries are famous for low pay.
  3. I don't think its any different to buying a secondhand car anywhere else. I spent the first half of my working life in the UK motor trade - I would quite often report a major up-coming problem to a customer following a service, their response was usually "Oh, I'll get rid of it." The second hand market is full of vehicles with problems so always get a car checked over by a professional and have a decent, long test drive - keep an eye on the temp guage. Cars are far more reliable these days but when they do go wrong, all the 'electrickery' can mean huge bills for what seems like a minor problem. Don't accept someone saying they'll knock a couple of thousand off because the airbag light is on for example - if you do a deal, do it on the basis the fault is fixed.
  4. Yes, was stamped in for 30 days despite being on a NON O. Haven't had an E visa but on reflection, I think the onus is on us to a certain extent. Put yourself in the place of an I.O. looking through a passport full of stamps and visas - mistakes are bound to happen.
  5. Yes, there are other things that are better if someone else does it too ????
  6. I've had to do a few Rapid Lateral Flow tests in the UK and the lfirst time I tried, I literally threw up. I called my GP for advice and he said, he's had exactly the same his-self and also had other patients report the same. His advice, and that of a nurse is to only do the nasal swabs but make sure you're in there for at least 10 seconds and twist the swab back and forth at least 15 times. That's what I do now. I was given my ATK test bag today and as you say, there is no QR code on it. Small instructions? Think yourself lucky - mine has no instructions and in line with many reports, the hotel dodn't tell me anything about what to do with it. Going on past experience, I won't even be downloading the Mor Chana App so obviously I won't be trying to upload my results. Why should I take it seriously if they don't? Once I'm 'released', which is now 3 hours past the stated 'within 6 hours' - I'm getting the hell outta Dodge.
  7. Agreed, nobody would know so the whole thing is pointless. They don't police it in any case.
  8. Touch & Go? Is that a new one ????. You might note that Antigen tests have a QR code on them. It is possible that the QR codes show the kit was issued to a particular hotel - or even to you. Better to forget it completely than engage in fraud - that will give you problems.
  9. On my last trip (Day 5/7 PCR) - App said I had notifications but nothing there when I looked - I didn't get any system error message, just nothing happening. Finally uploaded it after I returned to the UK - I wouldn't have bothered but I was concerned a 'no show' could affect future applications. I spoke to someone at the TAT who told me to contact my hotel - they said they had no way of recording second tests. The App also said I should complete my personal details - my passport number was missing but it wouldn't accept it when I tried to enter it. All in all the Mor Chana App seems to be full of bugs which brings into question just how serious the Thai authorities are about these second tests - they must surely know about these problems?
  10. You're welcome but just remember - nothing is 'tablets of stone' in Thailand. It takes some getting used to that individual offices can make up their own rules. I'm pretty sure that officially, they can't - whether it be driving licence requirements or immigration law, it must all be covered by statute and therefore down in writing? Well you'd think so but who knows? Even Immigration Head Office in Bangkok won't over-rule a local office. When my friend had a problem he called Bangkok and they told him he was correct and that the things Korat were asking for were wrong. However, when he asked them to call Korat and tell them, they refused. As I said earlier, it took a lawyer to sort it out. You might also be interested to know that a few years ago, Korat Immigration were taken to court and they lost - can't remember the full story but I know the lawyer that did it. To be fair, I don't think they are any different to any other office - some people report problems but most think they are OK. That 'OK' though, means within the realms of what can be a crazy and paranoid system. Photos of you sitting on the bed with your wife, or by the gatepost showing the house number etc. etc. what does that prove? Only that you were there together on that day. It is what it is though.
  11. Then I don't think you'll have a problem. There have been some reports of problems with some matters at Korat Immigration (as it seems, there are at most offices) and as I stated before, a friend had a major problem with them. However, I've never heard of anyone else having to take their wife with them to collect a passport. Given that its the end of this year's process for you, I think its extremely doubtful such a request will be made - what would be the point? On the subject of the head honcho there - it would not surprise me at all if the previous boss had been 'moved on'. I believe they do rotate them from time to time and although there were few reports of problems with her, those I'm aware of were quite serious. Personally I found her fine but as you will be aware - if your 'face doesn't fit' or you rub someone up the wrong way, no matter how unintentionally, in Thailand - you have a problem.
  12. Yes, this fact seems to be overlooked by many. What was it Anutin said - 0.2 or .002 % THC - that's Hemp? Whichever, you wouldn't know you'd had any unless you smoked maybe 2kg per day - neat!
  13. Not sure why you asked the question but if someone's told you that you have to take your wife, it could be true. Without re-iterating a long story, Korat Immigration have been known to make their own rules up. Its been a few years but if the boss is still a female - she's the worst at inventing rules. Personally, I've never had a problem with them but a friend did, they made up their own rules and it took a lawyer to sort them out.
  14. TAT to ease travel regulations in line with new Covid policies That headline is somewhat sensationalist. The TAT won't be easing anything - there's only one man that decides that and he's a little above the TAT.
  15. I'm not as old as you but I'm not a 'spring chicken'. £15,000,000 medical expenses, 12 months multi trip but maximum 45 days per trip. If ordered to quarantine only the cover is limited to £2000 for additional accomodation. £144. Alll Clear Gold policy without cancellation cover. They will quote for adjustments on some parts of the cover - maybe they would quote for a 90 day trip. My cover is stated in £ and my Thailand Pass was approved (twice).
  16. I wouldn't be too sure of that. Many countries have a pre-flight testing requirement and I think that's likely to be with us for quite some time.
  17. You have quoted my post by copy & paste - just hit the quote button. I know of one person that used their original hotel confirmation and their application was approved. But why take the risk? I e-mailed my hotel and got a new confirmation almost immediatly.
  18. I understand that when a foreigner is buying a condo, they have to show the money has been transfered from abroad. If that is correct, how can they do that now?
  19. Its easy if you know your way around a computer and how to send files etc. (including phones). Its not so easy if you're not so good with computers. This is not limited to the older generation, if I asked my daughter if she knows how to convert a PDF to a JPEG, I'm pretty sure her answer would be no. But she knows how to post on Facebook and Twitter etc. If you've never had to do it before, you won't know. You also have to be aware of the bugs in the Thailand Pass App - for example (unless they've fixed it now), make a mistake and enter a wrong date in say the vaccination section or any of the date boxes and try to correct it - you can't, it just goes back to the date you first entered every time. The only way is to cancel and go through the whole process again. For example, as I said in an earlier post, the evidence of adequate insurance on my policy was spread over several pages including a letter from the insurers confirming the medical cover included Covid. How would you deal with that using just a mobile? Take a photo of 5 pages together and expect the Thai authorities to zoom in? In my opinion that would be asking for a rejection. Hopefully Test & Go will be abolished soon in favour of a simple pre flight PCR test for fully vaccinated travellers. Going on reports so far and its only 9 February, the Antigen Test Kit part is being ignored again - as it was last time it was on the menu. Same goes for the previous Day & PCR test. I couldn't upload my results as the Mor Chana App wouldn't work - nobody called me, visited my house or pulled me over when I departed - complete waste of time - and money!!
  20. Multi Entry Non O? Its still on their website but it might be worth contacting them first.
  21. Oh, one other problem you may have - only one document can be submitted for each section and there is a 5mb limit. The proof I required for my insurance for example, was spread over several pages of my insurance policy. There is also a free online workaround for that - a service which merges several JPEG images into one document. If your lucky, your insurance certificate will have all the required information on it - just one page.
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