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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. You will need her flight details to enter on the pass site. I don't think she needs insurance as a Thai national but probably wise to make absolutely sure she enters on her Thai passport as you state. I think you will have to wait until Tuesday to get details of Day 5 testing but I suspect that it will be the same as it was in November - the ATK will be given out by the hotel. Whether they will want your hotel confirmation to state that is probably the salient point. Are you the same Sythai that I used to know on another forum (T-UK)?
  2. No intention of arguing with you, you know exactly what I mean.
  3. You know exactly what I mean. There are Brits in Thailand living on Covid extensions - yet I've visited and returned to the UK.
  4. I didn't say it was - I just said I don't understand why. I believe it is my right to not understand?
  5. No idea of the OP's circumstances or eligibility but would the Smart Visa not be available for him? https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/86230-smart-visa?page=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072dd&menu=5f4b6eb3f6ae4b236972c562
  6. Conversely, I have no idea why they issued most Covid extensions in the first place. With a very limited number of exceptions, its has been possible to fly out of Thailand quite easily since, I think it was July last year. Given that literally thousands of people have visited Thailand and left since then, it seems very odd that extensions are still available.
  7. According to the Thai Embassy in London's website - STV's cannot be extended after 30 September 2021. https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/special-tourist-visa-stv?page=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072dd&menu=5f4b6eb3f6ae4b236972c562
  8. From the ones I know, no, they simply left at the end of their stay as normal. As I posted in another thread, I was unable to upload my Day 7 PCR test result during my last visit and nobody contacted me. However, I would not rely on that. Its just not worth the risk - I'm not sure what would happen if you were caught having not reported your test results but I suspect you could be deported. Remember, nobody gets deported immediately, they spend time in a Thai immigration jail first - and they are not known for their 4* facilities. The problem with the Antigen tests last year appears to have been a lack of training on the part of the hotels - they simply handed test kits to guests when they checked out and failed to tell them what to do with them. Clearly, the system (if any) for checking that those visitors had carried out their tests and reported them wasn't working but I wouldn't rely on that.
  9. It is within 72 hours before boarding your first flight. You will face some form of quarantine but there are differing views on what that will be. Some say hospital, some say at your hotel or if you have a home in Thailand, at your home. Until there is an official, published, announcement on that, I would prepare for the worst but hope for the best. Details of the Day 5 test from 1 March have not been officially announced yet but it is believed that it will be the same as last year - you are given the test kit by your Day 1 hotel. Whether it will be 'regulated' or not? Who knows? I spoke to several people last year who never did their second test (antigen) but you should not rely on that.
  10. Often can't even connect (from the UK using wifi) on video when the Thai mobile I'm calling is using mobile data. Swapping over to voice only is usually successful when that happens. Never had a problem when the Thai mobile is on Wifi.
  11. Can't agree with you on that. They've been publishing such 'grisly pictures' for as long as I can remember - has it made any difference?
  12. Picky picky. OK, you do not have to have the negative RT-PCR result to actually apply for a Thailand Pass but IT IS obe of the requirements - I quote: Obtain a negative COVID-19 test result (RT-PCR), issued within 72 hours before travel. RT-PCR result must be negative or not detected If RT-PCR result is positive or detected then a recovery certificate or proof of covid recovery for at least 14 days before travelling but less than 90 days from the first date of detection is required https://tp.consular.go.th/en/plan Therefore the RT-PCR test is part of the process. Try getting into Thailand without one clever cloggs.
  13. I think you will find that all available PCR tests are RT-PCR. There are plenty of labs and hospitals in Thailand that carry out such tests. If you're in Thailand now just Google it. I'm not there so Google doesn't list them as readily and I don't have time to look through them all. Depending on where you are costs that I've seen start at 1200 baht up to 4000 baht. I believe they are readily available in Bangkok for 2100. By the way - nothing obscure about the Vietnamese government wanting an RT-PCR - most governments that require a PCR want an RT-PCR - including Thailand. If you're returning to Thailand you will need an RT-PCR test for your Thailand Pass.
  14. I could be wrong but I think all the hysteria about Thailand legalising cannabis needs to be brought into perspective. Unless I've got this totally wrong, didn't Anutin state that the substance that will be allowed is that containing either 0.2 or 0.02% THC??? - can't remember which. THC is the element of cannabis that creates a hallucinogenic effect known as a 'high'. Given that most cannabis used these days has a THC content of 17 - 25% - I can't see people flocking to Thailand for a joint. I very much doubt anyone would feel any changes with a content of 0.2 or 0.02% - it certainly won't get them high. I also doubt that the average grower in Thailand has any form of equipment that will enable them to measure the THC content - that is done in a lab.
  15. See above. I repeat, I fully understand the need to generate income but I feel that actually including it in the text of a post is a step too far. It is however, better than those awful pop ups we used to get that on some browsers, wouldn't go away.
  16. Perhaps you failed to see this: Discover Cigna’s range of health insurance solutions created for expats and local nationals living in Thailand - click to view Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/37851/opinion-dont-go-down-the-path-of-vaccine-mandates-rather-show-anti-vaxxers-for-who-they-really-are/ -- © Copyright Thai Enquirer 2022-02-24 - Aetna offers a range of visa-compliant plans that meet the minimum requirement of medical treatment, including COVID-19, up to THB 3m. For more information on all expat health insurance plans click here. - Follow ASEAN NOW on LINE for breaking COVID-19 updates
  17. Yes, Ukraine is not a member but is there anything in NATO's constitution that prevents them from helping a non-member? Like you I fear that in the immediate short term they will be left to fight alone whilst other nation's leaders and world groups continually make speeches condemning Russia actions and telling us what we already know. The UN - as usual just a talking shop Nato - holding a summit tomorrow, Putin could be having dinner in Kiev by then. EU - talk Thailand - silent, as they were on Burma Johnson - talk All I've heard for the last month is talk, condemnations, threats of sanctions....... etc. etc. etc. Pointless, repetitive dribble. Putin laughs at sanctions, he's already done a deal with China. Unlike you, I think that Western nations will be forced to intervene at some point but if that's not in the next 2 days, it will be too late. Putin says the Ukranian people will be free to choose who runs the country after his attack - yes, as long as its one of his puppets like the one in Belarus. His ultimate aim is the re-unification of all the former Soviet states - his excuse about Ukraine's potential NATO membership and therefore a NATO member on his border is just rubbish. If he takes Ukraine, as looks likley, he will immediately have several NATO members on his borders. The West seems to be a shadow of its former self - I understand the reluctance to get involved with something that could become a World War - a Nuclear World War but what's the alternative? Let Russia (and China next) run amock and take whatever they want? Whoever decided that it would be a good idea to buy gas supplies from Putin as a way of planning energy policy for the next few decades? They need putting in a lunatic asylum. Now, the world has to face massive price increases and possibly severe supply shortages and why? Because they got into bed with a crazy megalomaniac.
  18. The brake lights on many Japanese cars work without the ignition being turned on - whereas with most European cars, the ignition has to be on for them to work. Your problem is almost certainly the brake light switch at the top of the pedal. Cheap and easy to fix.
  19. I think you know very well how they generate income. We don't have to pay a subscription to be a member here and so we must accept that the site places adverts as a way of making money and being able to provide the platform that they do. However, my personal opinion is that disgusing an advert as a post and ensuring its read by using a known controversial subject is the wrong way. I seem to remember when such posts were clearly marked 'Advertorial'. I'd like to think its OK for me to express my opinion this way. It is only my opinion - others may disagree.
  20. Guys, you've fallen for it. What better way of getting exposure for your advertising than to include it in a provocative post? Take a look at the OP!!!
  21. At the moment I'm not in Thailand full time and unusually, my annual travel insurance includes medical cover whilst riding a motorbike. As I understand it, most travel insurance excludes bikes. So, for the moment, as long as I stay for 45 days or less each trip, I actually have £15 million (pounds) of medical cover. That will end at some stage though - certainly by September 2023 so I will need to find cover. Is the AXA cover you mention stand alone accident or is it part of a health plan? I have a problem with health plans as I have a pre-existing condition. Never tried so I don't know if it would also affect accident cover - it didn't affect my travel insurance.
  22. Understood guys. I am waiting for the quote from my previous insurer - as I don't know what their valuation is yet. The quote I've already had seemed quite clear that the valuation was none negotiable. I might not go for 1st class now, as long as I can get decent medical cover - that's what I'm more interested in to be honest. If I could get a realistic valuation at a reasonable cost, I would but at 63k, it doesn't seem worth it. I also have to take into account that it can be difficult to get 1st class insurance on a bike older than 5 years. If you have owned it since new (or nearly) and the insurance has been continous then its not normally a problem but a change of owner or a break in cover changes that. It took me a long time to find an insurer that would give me 1st class when the insurance that was with the bike when I bought it expired.
  23. My bike insurance (Ist Class) expired in March 2020 and as it was unclear when I was going to be able to come back due to Covid restrictions, I didn't renew it. The bike has been locked in a secure garage so I wasn't too bothered about having no theft cover. The renewal valuation was down from 120,000 baht to 100,000. Clearly that will have gone down since but I don't know by how much as I've only just asked for a renewal quote. In the meantime I have obtained a quote from a discount insurer that regularly advertises on this site and their valuation is 63,000 baht. Granted, the bike has covered around 33,000 km but its in good nick and has always been well maintained. Some aspects of the cover can be increased - such as medical cover but the valuation cannot be changed. I would like to see the insurance company buy a 2013 ER6-N in good condition for 63,000 baht!! What do they use for their valuations - is there anything like Glass's Guide in Thailand? I'm not surprised they can qoute such cheap premiums - they are only insuring 65% of the replacement cost. It will be interesting to see what valuation my previous insurer gives. Anyone else have this problem or have you even looked at the valuation on your policy? Maybe you should.
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