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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Yes but is there a limit on that cover? There is on mine and it equates to about 90,000 baht. If I was allowed to isolate at a hotel, 90,000 would cover that but I very much doubt it would cover a 'hospitel'
  2. I gave up trying to understand the Thai authorities in any shape or form many years ago but since Covid struck, they have me completely baffled. The OP doesn't show the title for the insurance matter but its 'Recommended Medical Insurance for Thailand Pass Registration'. It then goes on to say 'While staying in Thailand, your insurance Must cover Covid 19 related cost as below'. Recommended and Must in this context simply don't go together. If they are trying to 'Recommend' the Thai insurers, I believe it was reported on this forum that Thai insurers will not have to pay out for for isolation and close contact isolation on Thai policies as of tomorrow?
  3. OP, how far in to the registration process is the item you are quoting? I've been part way and can't find it. I am talking with a TAT representative at the moment and they are trying to say that the close contact insurance is for Thai people. Somehow I doubt that. Edit: Forget that, I've just seen, its actually on the first page before you actually enter the application process. Nothing to do with Thai people.
  4. They are being bloody stupid now. My insurance gives limited cover if I am required to quarantine as a result of Covid 19. The exact wording is a but wooly but it doensn't say I actually have to have contracted the virus - ony as a result of it.. When I spoke to the insurers last year on this point, they told me I would be covered as long as I'd been ordered to quarantine by the authorities. I very much doubt that I would get my insurers to put in writing that they will cover a suspicion, created by a close contact. Given the OIC announcement last week that Thai insurers will no longer have to provide cover for quarantine and 'hospitels' as of tomorrow - it would seem impossible to obtain any insurance that offers the cover stated above. In which case they might as well shut down Test & Go permanently! Total bloody lunacy! They're expecting how many tourists? Absolutley wonderful news seeing as I booked my flights for March this afternoon.
  5. Long and complicated story but I'll try to simplify it as much as I can. The law in the UK is not as clear cut as a lot of people think. When considering settlements the courts take several things into account including: The length of time married, Property owned by each partner prior to marriage. The financial impact of each partner and how long it would take them to recover from it. There are other considerations such as children but we didn't have any. In my case, for once, the substantial age difference played in my favour - I had much less time until retirement than my wife did and so, less time to recover financially from any settlement (I knew about this from a previous divorce). Although we had been married for 4 years my wife had only been in the UK for 1 year so I suggested to her lawyer that a court would consider the start date for any financial consideration was when she arrived in the UK. I had considerable property holdings in the UK - all of which I had owned well before we were married so my now ex, brought nothing to the marriage, nor did she enable me to accumulate any wealth by taking care of the house etc. The only thing she might have been able to claim was that my holdings had increased in value since we were married. At a different time, she may have had some claim to that but this was in the middle of the recession and property values had fallen substantially - she'd have been welcome to share my losses. I ran my thinking past my lawyer before writing to hers and he agreed that my reasoning was correct. I wrote to her lawyer stating my case and suggested that the settlement would be somewhere between a small amount and zero but in order to expedite matters, a divorce in Thailand would be far easier and I would happily pay for my wife's ticket. I'm pretty sure that her lawyer would have advised her that she could fight my assertions but there would be a cost involved. My ex was a pretty smart cookie and was perfectly capable of weighing up her chances given my argument vs her lawyer's opinion - she backed down and accepted my offer. So I guess to be 100% accurate, it actually cost me £600 for her ticket, not zero. If a marriage is well established, children are involved and wealth has been accumulated after marriage, things can be very different but the age difference thing is something most are not aware of and for once, it plays in our favour. In a lot of cases its not the 50/50 nightmare many think it is - unless you roll over.
  6. When a woman asks you if you can lend her money, its just a polite way of saying "give me money". Whereas, should you ever find yourself, for whatever reason, asking her for a loan - you can be sure she won't forget it. The reason I gave one of my ex's her marching orders was that after 'borrowing' £600 from me during a trip back home which, when her usual pleas of poverty began, I did as I always had and cancelled the debt, only to find just 2 weeks later that she had accumulated £15,000 in her bank account. Suitcase in the wardrobe my love: adios! During the following divorce proceedings, she had the nerve to tell me she knew the law and was entitled to 50%. I knew the law a little better than the fool who told her that - she got 0%. Well actually she actually lost money - I presume she had to pay the fool (lawyer) that gave her the incorrect advice ????.
  7. Thank you for your offer. I have the part numbers: Full Lock set: 27045-5452 Ignition Lock Only: 27005-0552 The above parts fit all 2012 - 2016 models of both ER6n & ER6f Shipping not required, the bike's in Thailand. Thanks
  8. Well I have no intention of spending £400 on a set but I'll have to take a look at my locks before taking a chance on ordering something I can't make fit. The ignition lock on my bike is not on the top yoke, its fastened to the frame, right in front of the tank. Fortunately the one I posted eariler has a full list of measurements on it including the distance between the mounting bolts. On the minus side, the steering lock bolt appears to fire the wrong way. Not a lot I can do really unless I'm with the bike - hence the preference for a used OE set.
  9. No idea, I'm not going to try calling a shop in Thailand when I'm in the UK. The time difference and language problems will be too much.
  10. Full set, ignition, tank, seat. 2013 ER6n. Is this the type of universal lock you got? I can get that in the UK for less than £40 but without having my lock off to compare the 2, I wouldn't risk it. Its Chinese and says it will fit my bike but try fighting with a Chinese supplier if it doesn't. Despite having the Union Jack in the photo, the selller is listed as being in Guangjiang City, China ????.
  11. There is only one big bike workshop locally and I've already asked him, he mainly specialises is Harleys and doesn't know any breakers. Yes I've seen those universal sets - don't fancy them. I couldn't believe how much Kawasaki in the UK want for a lockset - £400. My bike was built in Thailand so new parts might be cheaper than the UK but even if they are half the price, its still crazy for what's involved.
  12. I haven't read the small print but they market it as their own. In that case, if its underwritten by Zurich its unlikely that exactly the same cover will be available directly from Zurich. That is not to say it will be lesser, a direct policy could have even better cover. I can only relate it to a car policy I had that was 'own branded' by a major broker - that included some items that were not included by the underwriter direct and some levels of cover were different. Its quite common in the UK for the larger brokers to arrange these 'Own Brand' products with an underwriter. Yes, its only available to those legally resident in the UK.
  13. I guess like anywhere else, there will be bike breakers in Thailand. I've had a crazy quote for a lockset for my bike (no immobiliser so no ECU required) so thought I'd try to find a used set. Anyone know of a breakers that cover big bikes?
  14. That has not been my experience with most bike/car things I've bought so far. I think those who are saying its down to import taxes are correct. A couple of years back I had a brake master cylinder fitted to a Honda Civic at a Honda main dealer for less than the price of the part alone in the UK - I was going to fit it but when they gave me the price, I let them get on with it. I also bought a rear wheel bearing/hub unit (quality brand) for a different Civic for half what I could buy it trade in the UK. Clearly those parts were made in Thailand and not subject to import taxes.
  15. I don't believe a word of it - too many flip flops as usual. They have no idea who carried out the killing.
  16. Yes, they are good value but I prefer a fibreglass composite helmet.
  17. I have given this information in other threads but the cover is with All Clear Insurance and its their Gold Package (without cancellation cover). I paid £144 for 12 months multi trip cover - max 45 days per trip. The policy has medical cover for those unfortunate enough to contract Covid and £2000 of cover for additional accommodation expenses for those who are ordered to quarantine by authorities abroad. I don't think that's a bad price but it may be a little cheaper for most as I declared a pre-existing condition. Single trip was around £85 - much better value for the multi trip as I'll probably be travelling 5 or 6 times this year. Prices and cover accurate when bought in October 2021 - to start December 2021.
  18. No idea what the arrangement is with the USA which is where Bell helmets are made.
  19. I have just replaced my stolen HJC helmet. To save having to carry it from the UK, I looked into buying a helmet in Thailand, I also thought it might be cheaper as most things are - until I looked it up that is. I decided on a change in helmet type as in Thailand I do very little 'thrashing around' - most of my journeys are sightseeing - nice to have the 'door open' cruising around the mountains, taking in the views. When they first came out, flip front helmets that sort of converted to a full face when closed didn't appear to offer the same level of protection that a full face helmet would and looked a bit 'Mickey Mouse'. I wouldn't have entertained one then but they have come on a bit in the last few years and one that caught my eye was the Bell SRT Modular. The design I wanted was the 'Blackout Matt Gloss Black' which is actually grey and black and priced at £249 direct from Bell in the UK. It comes with both clear and smoked Pinlock visors and a carry bag. I located one in the UK for £200 (9000 baht) from a discounter but decided to check the Thai price out before buying it. I was shocked to find that the exact same helmet is priced at 19483 baht at a major retailer in Thailand. https://thai.webike.net/en/sd/24014863 Over double the price!! Its possibly available cheaper on sites like Lazada but there's no way I'm buying a helmet on there. Obviously I bought the UK one.
  20. Then I hope they are warning Test & Go applicants that visitors to Thailand could be saddled with a large bill - clearly they are not doing that as no right minded 'genuine tourist' would come to Thailand faced with that. Thankfully my UK issued travel insurance does cover me for such issues - at least for 90,000 baht worth. That should be OK if I do have a contact or are ordered to isolate in a hotel. Its unlikely but if they tried to force me to go to what they call a 'hospitel' and the cost was outside my cover, I'd just refuse to move - like the guys on Phuket. Basis? Well, they have no idea if I'm positive or negative when I first arrive and that's acceptable to the hotel so there would be no justification in moving me to a different facility simply because I now test positive or have had a contact.
  21. Seems to be faults on both sides. The bike should not have been overtaking on a crossing but - was he even aware the buggy was turning? I don't think they have indicators - right? If it does have indictators, were they being used? Should the buggy have been on a public road? Things may wll be different in Thailand but in other countries on the basis that the buggy was legal, they would both be held to blame as the bike should not have been overtaking but the buggy driver should also not have made the turn - if he'd checked his mirrors.
  22. This seems to be about long term health insurance for residents rather than Covid insurance for tourists - correct??
  23. I have a very good reason to 'stretch' myself. In any case, depending on your arrival time and how fast your test result comes, you can be away in a matter of hours - 6.5 for me last time.
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