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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. If new applications are suspended, I suspect you'll be stuck with that hotel Sheryl. I'm in the same boat - no way would I stay anywhere near my hotel normally.
  2. In reality, this is quite a simple decision for them so why has nothing been announced officially? I suspect that those who already have their passes will have to do some form of quarantine - that part may still be being discussed and may be why there's nothing official yet. Can only speculate at the moment - more finger-nail biting.
  3. That makes far more sense but if its confirmed officially, those who have a Thailand Pass for January may wish to consider the likelihood of their flight being cancelled. KLM & Qatar seem to have been the most reliable throughout the Pandemic, if I was coming after the Christmas/New Year holidays, I'd be looking to switch to them. Edit: Far more sense - depending on what those 'expected' details are.
  4. You're probably right, we can only hope you're wrong.
  5. Yes Sheryl, I agree with you and I know the Sandbox rules. However, going purely on the title of this thread - the proposal is to cancel Test & Go - there is nothing about the Sandbox Scheme. Having said that, I have just contacted my hotel in Bangkok to ask if they will allow me to change packages and they will - but they commented that they were under the impression that its the Sandbox Scheme that's at risk of being cancelled so god knows? Just sit tight and hope.
  6. I agree with that. If they do plan to cancel Test & Go it would do far less harm to them and us, if they simply suspended new Test & Go Thailand Pass applications. One thing I wonder, for those of us who really have to travel. All I've seen at the moment is the possible cancellation of Test & Go - nothing about Sandbox entrants. The African countries that were placed under new restrictions recently had to accept 14 day quarantine so we might also face the same. I believe under the Sandbox programme, you only have to stay put for 7 days - that would be a lot more palatable for me. Have to wait and see if Test & Go is actually cancelled.
  7. Not so much, must be paid for as must have a booking reference number which has to be entered on the Passenger Locator Form or you cannot proceed (although I don't know any testing company that will give you that reference number without payment). Anyone thinking of blagging that, the system only accepts valid reference numbers. My point in the above is not to correct the OP but I knew of someone who thought he could produce a fake booking - he soon learned he couldn't.
  8. Don't be so negative guys, you know the slogan.......................................................................................Amazing..........
  9. No, I am saying that many of us have been waiting for a long time and booked as soon as the great leader announced his Grand Re-opening on 1 November for a trial period until 1 January. Even On Saturday Anutin was proclaiming that Omicron was no match for Thai doctors, should we have had absolutely no confidence in those statements and expected them to consider ending the programme with just 11 days to go until the trial period finishes?
  10. I very much doubt that. Over the last few days there has been much talk about new measures to deal with the spread of the Omicron variant. Indeed a meeting of all 4 nation's head was held yesterday to discuss them. It is highly likley that there will be an announcement very soon but I am confident that any new measures won't include travel bans. Remember that having put several African countries on the Red List a few weeks back, they were taken off again in a matter of days. The government stated that Omicron was already spreading throughout the UK through community transmission so there was nothing to be gained by travel restrictions.
  11. Yes well, I live in Thailand but due to its laws, I work elsewhere. Much like others, I have pressing reasons to get back to my home. How would you have dealt with all the 'normal' issues that crop up from time to time? People all have different reasons but mine are family, home and dealing with an insurance company that's trying to gey out of paying for a recent break-in. Try doing that from 10,000 km away with a 7 hour time difference. If you're already in Thailand or have no pressing need to visit, its easy to have that kind of attitude.
  12. I don't think its mild, neither do I think its serious, we simply don't know yet but to repeat, what will closing the borders or imposing quarantine achieve?
  13. If they can publish deaths, infections and hospitalisations daily, I wouldn't have thought another couple of tick boxes would be so difficult.
  14. Being selective is a well known tactic of those trying to promote their own agenda
  15. Thanks for that, useful. I wasn't aware but a live version is what is needed.
  16. You shouldn't need reminding that its close to 2 years now. Even the WHO agree that travel bans are not the answer. Yes, there is a risk but what can people do? You try to book a flight on so called 'flexible booking' terms - the truth of which is yet to be seen, and you leave everything else as late as you possibly can. Many testing companies have no refund policies at all and neither do some airport parking companies. I repeat, this variant will spread in Thailand whatever they do but any further restrictions now will simply kill off much of what is left of the Thai tourist industry. What will be achieved by any further measures? Buy a few weeks?
  17. Just realised, if they change to 14 days quarantine, there's little point in me coming. I'd been banking on 7 days at worst but I've just checked what they did to African countries a couple of weeks back - 14 days.
  18. Yes, its about time the UK started giving us the correct figures. I'd like to know more about who's been infected, who's died and their vaccination status. Whenever the media talk to NHS staff in live reports from hospital wards, the staff know immediately who has and has not been vaccinated, their age and their previous physical condition - in every report I've seen so far, the vast majority have been unvaccinated. I'm sure the government has the figures but they don't make them public. If the figures given by NHS staff in those reports are a reflection of the bigger picture, publishing them would surely help fight vaccine hesitancy.
  19. Then I doubt you are one of those waiting to see your family. Its not the way it is, its the way they are making it. To repeat a now oft said phrase, one even repeated by Thailand's great leader 'We have to learn to live with this virus'.
  20. That concerns me also but I doubt an infection 6 to 10 hours earlier would show on a PCR test - could be wrong but I doubt it.
  21. So many times I've seen these thoughtless comments - how much time do you think he's allowed off work?
  22. So community transmission will follow and given the UK's experience, it will spread like lighting. So any such new measures will do what? Give them a month? I don't think it is worth it - far better to suspend new Thailand Pass applications.
  23. You seem to be ignoring the fact that many of us have planned this for months. Paid out significant amounts and jumped through hoops. I know fathers that haven't seen their kids for nearly 2 years. This is just one variant, there will be many more, should we plan on never being able to travel?
  24. Yes but Omicron will get in anyway - just as Delta did.
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