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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Quite clearly I'm on here and can be contacted by PM
  2. I'm about as far away from being a conspiracy theorist, anti vaxxer or Covid denier as you can get and I agree with some restrictions but we cannot continue like this forever. As has been said a thousand times, we have to learn to live with the virus - there will be more variants and more waves. I wouldn't advocate vastly stricter measures - after nearly 2 years most country's economies are reeling. I would however, be for stricter enforcement of the basic measures that are in place. I can't speak for Thailand but in the UK, a lot of people are now ignoring mask wearing etc. They are rarely prosecuted and are often 'serial' offenders. People say its restriction weariness, I don't see the problem - if wearing a mask and keeping my distance for a few more months or even years will keep me Covid free, I don't have a problem. I've had Covid and its not something I want to experience again. I heard a woman talking today (the UK gov are advising not to have get togethers etc. over Christmas if possible - only advising mind), she was saying, I don't care, I'm having my mother over for Christmas and that's that. I only just resisted saying 'yeah, and it could be your mother's last Christmas. There's a strong case for being sensible but somebody needs to enforce it. Closing the borders would be a waste of time - as we have seen here, Omicron will get in and when it does it goes crazy. One of the problems with Thailand is that the healthcare system will get overwhelmed very quickly if the don't stop putting people with few, if any symptoms in hospital. A friend's mum was hauled off at the end of last week - positive PCR but the tiniest of cold like symptoms. My friend and her daughter had only just arrived in Thailand after over 2 years. Mother is in hospital, daughter and grandaughter have to isolate for, I believe, 10 days and should one of them sneeze, the'll be hauled off too. I really don't see the sense in hospitalising people with very mild cases of the disease.
  3. Probably not a lot without a closer look. I didn 't say there is. I said I wouldn't wear one and anyone willing to do so - well, that's their choice. Don't be stupid, of course there's no price tag on it - what difference does that make? I very much doubt the theives knew its value but just picking it up tells you there's a lot more to it than the cheaper brands common in Thailand. For your information they also took a 10 year old rice cooker - these guys certainly weren't just out for the big bucks items. In any case, I stand by my statements, I've never seen another in Thailand and consider it rare. I would ask anyone who's offered one secondhand to let me know. I will then pass the information on to the police who will decide what to do with it. That was the intention with my original post but I should have known it would get hijacked by idiots who's only quest in life is to attempt to ridicule and criticise. What such people don't realise is that in the eyes of balanced individuals - its them that appear ridiculous. Can we stick to the point now? If anyone's offered the helmet, I'd appreciate the info. Conversely, if you have info and want to keep it to yourself, that's your prerogative.
  4. Mine was very cheap actually but its bloody expensive if it never pays out. 4700 baht.
  5. Oh dear, yet another calling me a liar. Nothing had been changed on the camera settings. It sends messages to my phone no matter where its located if its connected to the router. If I brought it to your house, it would still send images to me in the UK. It is password protected so the e-mail and password are needed to make changes but not to the wifi connection. As far as I know (and I'm no expert) all that needs to be done is to pair it with the router by pressing the wps button or connect it via a LAN cable. The person who has it now would have to format the memory card and press the reset button on the camera (or have the password) to make changes to the e-mail address it sends images to. I know that for a fact as I have the exact same model in the UK and I've just reset it to see how its done. I'm pretty sure they have done that now as I haven't had any alerts and have not been able to access the memory card since 8 December. I presume they've either realised they've been rumbled or found a the set-up instructions online. Before you suggest that someone may be lying, you might want to consider they may have evidence. What possible benefit is there to me is there by falsely claiming I'm receiving images from my camera? How does that help with the search for my helmet? Do one buddy! Tired of stupid remarks - if you've nothing to contribute, stay out!
  6. Having read my FULL policy, I can't say I blame you. I doubt I'll be renewing.
  7. Precisely, and people can choose to ignore or otherwise. I've been a biker since I was a kid and we generally stick together and help other bikers where possible. This guy seems to think I'm asking for a nationwide manhunt. There were far more vaulable items in my house that were stolen - I picked on the helmet because despite the availability of similar fakes etc. in Thailand, I still think my helmet is very rare and just possibly might help in catching the thieves. Some people seem to think that's a huge ask.
  8. Understood but I don't think so. I haven't been home since March 2020 due to Covid. so I doubt anyone would remember me riding around wearing the helmet.
  9. Yes, I have to admit to not reading the entire policy in detail and quite frankly, I'm shocked at the amount of things that are not covered and this business of aggregate values. There are more 'get out clauses' than I've ever seen - my agent says its quite normal on Thai policies. My policy doesn't have any requirement to list valuable items but there are exclusions for 'bullion' etc. I've had home insurance long enough to know that certain particularly valuable items need to be notified and may require an additional premium or security arrangements but I wouldn't include a crash helmet amongst such things. Given the known 'get out clauses' and the fact that in this case the insurers are trying to exclude something that is not listed in their own exclusions, thereby creating an unlisted 'phantom clause', I'm not at all sure that its worth insuring. One point that might be of interest to a number of readers here is that my property is not covered if the premises are left unoccupied for more than 7 days. So if you go on holiday, a time when your property is probably most at risk, you may not be covered. My UK policy allows 30 days.
  10. I don't know if you're a biker or not but if you are, I very much doubt, when buying your home insurance you would have asked if your crash helmet was covered. If I owned a particularly valuable items such as art or jewellery, I would of course check the cover but a crash helmet? No way. You are simply trying to pick fault with my post - why? I know not, Lonely? Bored? Troll? Keyboard Warrior?
  11. You make a valid point but it would be up to the police to follow up any leads. I'm pretty sure they know what they can and cannot do. It is quite normal in any crime for sseveral leads on suspects to be followed up - many will be eliminated, others might be considered worthy of further investigation. For example: A reader here might have noticed a neighbour wearing a similar helmet recently. Given that most Thai's that even bother with a helmet usually buy the cheapest they can find, I would notice a neighbour wearing a brand I know to be expensive. That reader may pass the information on to me and in turn I would pass it on to the police. They may check the person out and they may turn out to be a known burglar, in which case I would think they might visit the suspect's home and look for any of the other items stolen from my house. I very much doubt there would be any consequences for anyone reporting thay had seen someone wearing a helmet as described. Seeing in not accusing and the police decide on what further action to take. The Thai police quite often post photos of suspects, some of whom will turn out to be innocent. I very much doubt they can be prosecuted for accusing them in the first place.
  12. Yes, there's quite a lot of stuff missing but my helmet, despite what others have said, is distinctive and might just catch them out. I've toured quite a bit in Thailand, visiting many of the places popular with bikers and attended race meetings etc., I've never seen another. It may well have been painted to disguise it but given these people were stupid enough to record themselves on my camera, they may not have even tried to hide its identity. For the benefit of those hellbent on turning even the simplest or requests into an argument, I am fully aware that there's only a tiny chance of these people being found but there'd be even less chance if I didn't try.
  13. I don't really care what you do or do not believe but having looked again, I am mistaken - its 42 pages long. Take a look at the page count!
  14. You clearly don't understand and possibly should read what I said about other items. I'm not about to turn this into a discussion about my insurance any further than it already has but since you and at least one other don't seem to 'get it', I'll try to explain further. There is a list in general INCLUSIONS but it is understandably not very long - its list the major groups and type of items that are covered and covers the rest by stating in (Definitions): 'and other property in the dwelling of the Insured or normal dependants (which are not specifically excluded in the Exclusions)' (direct copy and paste from the policy PDF). Under the section related to loss through theft using forcible entry the policy states: '2. Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings, Electrical Appliances and Household Contents.' (direct copy and paste from the policy PDF). The list of EXCLUSIONS in that section states: Excluding any mobile phones, laptop or computer notebooks and/or all portable electronic equipments, portable communication equipments, and/or cameras, video, and/or other recording devices or media. (direct copy and paste from the policy PDF). Now, reading that, why I should have known my crash helmet is not covered? I believe it is and the matter is ongoing. The quotes above state, in my opinion that all other property in the house is covered unless its specifically included.
  15. Just to make it absolutely clear, there is nothing in my policy, either the English language version or the Thai one, that excludes crash helmets or anything vaguely similar. There is a list of what is included which ends in 'and other personal effects normally kept with the house' and a list of what's excluded - no helmets there. In my opinion my helmet is covered in those 'personal effects'. No amount of reading of the policy would have alerted me to the fact that the helmet would not be insured and I am confident that the insurers will have to back down on this. Their stance at the moment is that the helmet is not in what they call 'the definitive list' of things that are covered. Well, given that said list only includes around 10 items, a hell of a lot of other things would also not be covered - hence, I'd guess, the author's INCLUSION of the phrase 'and other personal effects normally kept with the house', otherwise the 'definitive list' would have to run to several pages.
  16. The .reward is for information that leads to an arrest, note ARREST! I have not suggested that anyone do any 'detaining'! Jeez, I make a simple post in an effort to catch the people who broke into my house and people turn it into a major controversy
  17. And I do, or I thought I had - as explained above.
  18. They are £500 in the UK. If you want to trust your head with anything you buy on Lazada - that's your choice. You'd probably be safer with the usual Index rubbish.
  19. If I blur their faces there wouldn't be any point in posting them.
  20. Sorry but if I had a house without an earth system (and my Thai house was like that) I wouldn't be installing any earth wires around the house using 50 baht plugs. I'd rewire it with a proper earth to ground no matter what the cost (and I did). I value my life enough to justify the cost.
  21. I don't think I'd be allowed - Mods??
  22. I don't think they are that bright - they also stole my security camera and don't seem to realise that its sending me their photos and videos.
  23. You forgot their other 'excuse' for their theories. Post anything from a trusted news source that debunks their theories and they claim its propaganda.
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