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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. And on that point I would agree with you and yes, I could be wrong - as I've said from the start, its my opinion .
  2. And you assume that we should accept those studies are correct. I can't and won't speak for the poster you are refering to but I can make my own mind up on such matters without reading studies. I only revert to studies if I am considering a subject that I know nothing about. I don't need a study to voice an opinion or to see that something is against nature - despite the previous references to gay animals etc. The nature of human beings is male + female = children. Male + male or female + female cannot produce children and nor, in my opinion can they pass on the knowledge and behaviour that children get from a balanced and natural relationship. Yes, there are some bad male/female parents but lets deal with them, not use them as an excuse to promote same sex parents.
  3. There's a lot of credence being given to 'vast majorities' and 'overwhelming support' here, as if to say that makes them right. I believe a certain gentleman who started the largest conflict the world has ever seen and was therefore responsible for the deaths of millions of people, also had 'overwhelming support'. Was he right then? Are there not plenty of examples in history where the 'vast majority' have turned out to be wrong? Attitudes and laws change, so called progress, but that does not necessarily make them better. Progress in science? Well that's a double edged sword There have been many advances that have benefited the human race and other's that have done so at the expense of other species. Then again, another advance in science killed or seriously injured 200,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ten years ago I was told to cut all fat from my diet, 2 weeks ago my doctor said most fats are now considered to be OK - just avoid certain ones. Attitudes and laws change, science advances - its all called progress and people usually accept it as better when in fact, some of it is not. Attitudes towards gay people have become more liberal and I can't see any problem with them getting married but I personally and I repeat, personally, do not think they should be allowed to adopt children. As with other 'advances' that have turned out to be wrong, 25 years from now we may well find that the countries that allowed them to adopt, reverse that decision - nobody knows. Aliens looking down on this planet would probaly have a real laugh at the human race and our 'progress' - we invent machines to do our work and then we find we have to go to the gym to exercise! Bringing things bang up to date, we have polluted the air that we need to exist and are now killing our planet through climate change. We discharge raw sewerage into water sources and places where we swim ...........................and that's progress? Now, I expect a plethora of statements asking what this subject has to to with Hitler or nuclear bombs and that's because the protagonists of gay families either can't or won't see the point - so before you do and as I've said from the very start of this debate - its about people assuming that changing attitudes and so called 'progress' is always superior. You can call it 'antiquated', out of touch or whatever else you like but if you study the history of mankind, you will find we've made some glaring mistakes over the centuries. Some mistakes we have had to go back on - some we should have and some we are yet to tackle. What is (supposed) to be being discussed here is a matter of law, law our great leaders tell us, driven by changing attitudes and opinions. The law itself is not immune from mistakes and wrong decisions. I myself was almost the victim of a recently introduced draconian law a few years ago. Its a personal matter and not one I wish to discuss here but my case was dismissed.........why? Because the prosecution barristers realised that I was rasing some serious issues and if I won my case, their good little earner would be overturned by case law. That particular law will, I am absolutely sure, be overturned at some point - its wrong and its a mistake, not all new things are better. Progress is not always for the better but the one thing that is, is that much of the world has freedom of speech. That conveys the right to have an opinion. The gay adoption protagonists here might note that as far as I can see, those of us with the opposite opinion have made our points without resorting to slagging and name calling. Neither have we made ridiculous posts for the sake of it or twisted people's words. How much better this discussion would be if the same courtesy was shown by all.
  4. And that folks is why I say I'm done. Those with little else to contribute always resort to slagging. I think you will find that my beliefs are shared by a great many people - you simply think your have more relevance.
  5. I'm done here. I have no more to say. My views remain the same - no matter what you may think of them. Change is not always for the better or in the right direction - history teaches that if you read it correctly. My kids were brought up in a natural environment and I believe benefitted from that. Should one of my kids turn out to be gay/lesbian I would have no problem with that. Those who see my comments as anti - gay are very wrong.
  6. I am happy to debate but I'm not in the habit of continually repeating myself. Where did I say wet nurses were connected to religion? If you wish to continue then you will need to remove your comment that my statement is insane - we merely have different views.
  7. Twisting words again - I didn't say that. I said being gay is not normal. I also said it doesn't make you a lesser being than me. However, being gay is not a choice, its a genetic disorder.
  8. You ain't burst any bubble. I have stated my opinion and you have stated yours. Other than your apparent arguments with nature - there have been no revelations here.
  9. Who said I had any authority? For that matter. what authority do I need? If you know a way in which a gay guy can make another gay guy pregnant - please let us know. I thought most people know what's natural.
  10. I refered to that in an earlier post. I have never said that gay/lesbian people are bad - I have said that I believe its unhealthy for kids to be bought up in a same sex environment. I am happy to debate with you but please do not twist my words.
  11. Then stop reading. Out of touch............................yet another assumption that today's world is better in all ways.
  12. Correction - they have the biological child of one part of the couple.
  13. I don't really care about history, I stated what nature intended. I think my friends would find it amusing to see me being associated with any form of evangelism - ,me? I don't think so, I have no connection to religion whatsoever. What I do have is a conviction that nature knows best. Your connection to wet nurses etc. has nothing to do with any religious belief. Such pratices are carried out by human beings and may also be harmful to children.
  14. When you're taught to drive, you are taught to drive on the side of the road applicable to that country. Should you start driving on the wrong side of the road, you must accept the consequences. Nature provides for the creation of a child by people of opposite sexes. Gay and lesbian people are not lesser beings but they are the victims of a genetic disorder. That disorder by default, prevents them from having children naturally as part of a same sex couple. In almost all ways Gays and Lesbians can live a normal life and the fact that there is far more tolerance these days is to be welcomed, I do not tolerate any discrimination against them that is based purely on their sexuality. However, I will never accept that it can ever be right for a child to be brought up in a Gay/Lesbian environment and not be affected by it.
  15. That was not the issue raised in your post. You clearly stated: 'Who the hell are you to tell a gay couple that they can’t get married?' Which I did not and never have said. To answer your 'amended' post - I have a right to my opinion and my opinion is that a child should be brought up by both parents, male and female. That is what nature intended and if you have a problem with it - tough. I would go further and say that in my opinion, a child would be better off with a single parent than 2 of the same sex.
  16. Just in case you're having a few problems reading my post correctly ???? - here's the relevant line: 'I think that gay/lesbian couples should be allowed to marry each other if they so wish and in doing so, be afforded the same legal rights as hetrosexual couples - why not? ' In future, you might try reading things properly instead of 'skim reading' - it saves on embarrassment.
  17. As long as that? Much like the checkpoints around Surin looking for illegals - not manned during lunchtime, after 5pm or when its raining.
  18. I think you'd better read my post again - you got that 100% wrong.
  19. Like so many - presuming that todays thinking is necessarily correct. Being more liberal isn't always correct and successive generations do not always gain more rational thought.
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