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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. You know exactly what I mean. There may be schools that insist on a particular religious teaching - I didn't experience that, I could opt out. However, my wife's niece goes to a Catholic school in Korat, she's taught Catholic Christianity AND Buddhism, why? Because its the law in Thailand - every child has to be taught Buddhism. Overall, Thai children, especially pre-high school spend far too much time on non academic subjects - hardly surprising the standard of education is so low. English education has its faults and seems to have slipped backwards since I was at school but for you to try and equate Thai education with English is ridiculous.
  2. Because English is the International language. If Thai was the international language, we'd all be taught it at school. Learning English properly would give people far more advantages than just dealing with Expats. Singapore have recognised this, they don't just teach English, English is the only language allowed in their schools. However, I agree that if you go to live in a country, you should learn the language.
  3. Not taken as cocky at all. People can only generalise in their comments - a piece of land, of course has its own relevant laws attached but each plot is different, not only in terms of location but each has its own particular set of circumstances. For example, the previous 'owner' may have been well down the road to acquiring the next step towards full title. Equally they may know someone 'inside' the surveyor's office at the Land Department. Only you know why you bought it or why you paid what you paid.
  4. Holiday makers having a drink in the afternoon leads to a sick liver? Deluded.
  5. Does anybody know if they actually separate the nationalities or is it just where the flights arrived from? If it is flights, that would explain the high number for the UAE.
  6. Missed that earlier. The T8 form was in the list of requirements for COE but its not on the list of required documents for Exemption from Quarantine and is probably not required if using any other entry schemes. Maybe nobody bothered to tell the staff they're no longer required - they are probably still printing them.
  7. What? As well as: Love Thailand lessons. History lessons (that only involve Thailand and its Kings). Buddha lessons. Very little time left for learning anything beneficial.
  8. Agreed but I thought English was taught in all schools? All the Thai kids I know have English on their timetables, the problem is the quality of the teaching. English has been taught in Thai schools for many years but the standard doesn't seem to improve. Firstly, there seems to be very few real teachers and secondly a significant amount of the existing 'English' teachers are not native English speakers. Then there's the text books - I don't know if its because my stepson's English teacher is Thai but I had a read through his English text book - its written by a Thai and full of mistakes. When I told my stepson to point out a glaring mistake to his teacher, of course he said "cannot". That's another barrier - pupils can't question what they're taught and are often scared to use the language for fear of being laughed at and thus 'losing face'. I would expect an English text book to have been written by a native English speaker or at the very least, a Thai who is 100% fluent. I've met several Thai's who speak English very well but I can honestly say I've only ever met one who could be classed as 100% fluent in all aspects and he was brought up in the USA.
  9. Perhaps he could help with that by paying the wages that attract real teachers and actualy letting them teach. That involves failing pupils who need to work harder and don't reach the required standard in their exams - not requiring teachers to manipulate their results so they pass.
  10. Absolutely - you only have to look at the official name of what's become Test & Go - Exemption From Quarantine which is actually 1 night's quarantine.
  11. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (sucks through teeth) - and you wouldn't want that to happen would you lkn, naughty boy!
  12. The first thing you need to do is persuade your wife.
  13. If you stay up on that high horse too long you'll get vertigo. Just remember who this 'Grand Re-Opening' is supposed to be targetting - holiday makers. Holiday makers may or may not want a drink in the afternoon - what they don't want is to be told they can't. We know that many restrictions are still in place but I doubt tourists read Aseannow much. The 'Amazing Thailand' ads are back on UK TV and this time it truly is amazing - amazing if you can find anything open. The damage they are doing to future repeat trips will be significant - it would be better to just stay closed until they are actually ready to open. They announce the re-opening then slowly start introducing restrictions - how does that work then?
  14. Wow the 'thousands' of tourists that are on their way are going to have a ball in Thailand - Thailand Pass, tests, insurance, 1 night quarantine, antigen test kits..................................... Pay 100 baht for a test to enter Khao San Road (and god knows where else before long) Can't drink during the afternoon in Phuket. Yes, the Grand Re-opening - a real holiday to remember.
  15. A few years ago I went to register my Usufruct agreement on my property's chanotte. The Land Office manageress gave me a hard time - some I understood, some not. I knew what I was asking for was fully legal but I decided to leave before I got angry - which is just not done. A few days later I returned with my lawyer who said something to the manageress in Thai that I didn't understand any of, together with some finger wagging. 15 minutes later we left with the Usufruct duly registered. Lawyers must be higher up the pecking order than Land Office bosses.
  16. You need to carefully ask about this land before you build anything on it. To the best of my knowledge there is more than one variation of Por Bor Tor 5 land. At its worst it conveys less than squatter's rights and at its best it can simply allow a claim that you've used the land, paid tax on it and believe you have a right to stay on it. I believe some is designated as agricultural only etc. etc. That said, as far as I know, its not so long ago that most land in Thailand was categorised as thus and showing that tax had been paid each year was the start of the long process of making a claim for more secure titles with the eventual aim being chanotte. I'm not sure but I think you have to claim your rights to the land based on the fact that you've used it for x years (evidenced by the tax receipts) which of course, having just 'bought it' you haven't. Many Thai's have lived on such land for generations and have no intention of trying for a title deed - they rarely have any problems. The problems seem to start when the land is 'sold' and can come about through jealousy. The neighbours see a Thai woman come along with her foreign husband and all of a sudden, there's a new fancy house being built. You may well get the Poo Yai Baan's blessing to do that but if the brown stuff hits the fan, will he support you? Unlikely. If the land is needed for some infrastructure project under the compulsory purchase laws, you won't be entitled to any compensation. As you say you might need to sell it, I think the best you can hope for is someone like you that is prepared to take it on because of its 'hope value'. People have got rich doing that, some have lost but most know they're in it for the long run. Personally, I wouldn't touch anything less than Nor Sor Saam but as you've already bought it, good luck (sincerely).
  17. No way does weed make people do that - complete tosh! They might have found it but that's not what made him smash up his room - try testing him for Yabaa. 'Further tests at Koh Chang Hospital confirmed the presence of marijuana and methamphetamine in the man's system' - now that's more like it!
  18. I don't think you can. The original announcement said 'Health Insurance' , the TAT graphic says 'Insurance Policy' and when you apply for Thailand Pass it says Covid 19 Insurance...........T.I.T.
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