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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. Last time I did it, I decided to do it for real. I bought a ticket to Singapore on Tiger Airlines for less than 1000 baht and decided, why the hell not. I had a day and a night in SG and came back on Air Asia for around 1500.
  2. Yes, I meant to say that - a throw away, the cheapest ticket you can find. I believe there's even a company that supply 'tickets' - I wouldn't recommend that. If I was doing that, I normally look around the Thai websites for what's on promotion and take it. There are often (used to be) 1 way tickets to Malaysia etc, for sub 1000 baht.
  3. There appears to be a new bug in the Thailand Pass system. I've just been talking to a friend in Norway (Thai) - she's made 3 applications today - all of them approved and all of them have every date 1 day out. Her date of birth is wrong, date of arrival, dates of both vaccines - all 1 day before they should be. She thought she'd done something wrong - hence trying 3 times but each time its come back the same. She's flying with her daughter and her Pass is the same - 1 day out.
  4. I used All Clear and even with a pre existing condition it was £144 but I did not take up the cancellation cover - maybe that's the difference? You will almost certainly not be allowed to enter on 30 day exempt if you have a ticket that returns 3 months later - you probably won't get past check-in.
  5. A fresh application might be faster. I have a hunch that their inbox may be slightly full at the moment ????.
  6. I'm guessing you are referring to the price in Thailand? I bought mine in the UK and its general travel insurance covering theft etc. as well as medical expenses - yes it covers Covid. I paid 6480 baht for 12 months multi-trip cover (45 days max per trip/unlimited trips) and I'm no youngster. Obviously that wouldn't cover a 90 day stint but you can ask for one off increases/variations to most of the cover. However, I fully appreciate that the Thai one might be better if you simply want it to gain entry. I actually wanted insurance.
  7. There you go again, attempting to put people down who've had real problems. I had a relatively easy experience with my Pass but I wouldn't claim that will be the case for everyone. Why don't you try being constructive for once - instead of forever criticising? Try helping people - being nice is free!
  8. Not sure on that - with COE it had to cover the period you were stamped in for so with a 90 day visa it was 90 days cover. For non-residents, I can't see it being any different. If you enter on a 30 day visa exempt and extend it, I don't think you will be asked to extend your insurance. Heads up though, my 12 month multi trip wasn't a lot more than 21 days single trip.
  9. I find that people who simply make comments for the sake of it are the ones that need help.
  10. You can certainly crop very easily in Paint - its just 3 clicks once you have the document opened. I was going to crop from 4 A4 pages, re-size them and paste them on to one sheet until I was told about merge programs that join jpegs.
  11. I don't need to - I was simply pointing out that Paint does not open PDF's
  12. I have it on good authority that a lot of the girls that used to work in Pattaya and returned home during the lockdown, are now in Phuket.
  13. I wonder how many of those genuine tourists (I very much doubt it will be many) that are prepared to accept the entry requirements are actually aware that much of the country is basically, closed. Being in the West, in a country that is basically back to normal and 'living with Covid 19' its easy to forget that much of the world is still subject to tight restrictions. I've been told I'll be shocked at the changes when I get back. When people have a good time on holiday, they often return year after year. How many of this season's tourists will want to come back? Yet another own goal Thailand. Open is open - closed is closed.
  14. Surely this makes a mockery of the system? For all the high tech and QR codes, they still want to check and check again manually. What's the point?
  15. Agreed - first time I used the VFS site it was a nightmare - however they do accept multiple formats. With respect, can you explain the 'confused' reaction to my previous reply to your post - the Paint program on my W10 laptop will not open PDF's, never mind convert them - as I showed in the attachment.
  16. And its not only the 'older' generation - my daughter asks me how to do things on computers simply because, as is common with the younger generation, she does everything on her phone. In fairness, once you have the basic knowledge (as I do - only basic) its not too difficult to lean how to use programs like Paint etc. But I agree - having to do all this will put many off.
  17. I'm on Windows 10 and mine doesn't - it won't even open a PDF
  18. Appreciated but would he give you a letter to that effect to show the check in staff - they're the ones holding all the cards as to whether you board or not.
  19. Strange. Have you checked their booking confirmation letter which you need in any case? Mine simply says 'This letter is to confirm that the guest has already paid the full amount in an Alternative Quarantine Package. My pass was approved.
  20. I have? really? 555 I honestly didn't know - checked and yes, its there. I rarely rely on technology - I can honestly say that its been useful on some occasions but it has also let me down at crucial points. In March 2020 I spent 5 hours trying to book a hotel and a flight online when my card, one I'd used the same day successfully, was rejected. To make 2 phone calls and book those items would have taken around 15 minutes but neither company offered that service (or should I say they tried their best to hide their numbers and when I did find them, they were 'experiencing high call volumes at the moment'. My (chipped) passport has been rejected at 'the E gates' at Manchester airport way more times than its worked - even for their staff. The result, I join the back of an even longer queue for manual scanning than it would have been. I now refuse to use 'E gates'. I worked for medium sized company not too many years ago and we had 2 technology outfits come and present their products to us. Barcodes were the thing then and I wasn't a fan of those either. All I can tell you is that far from being 'customer focused' their products were more about getting customers to do our work for us and in some cases getting rid of them altogether, thereby cutting down on the cost of staff. I have to be honest and say that this is not always the case but are you aware that on most occassions when you phone a company and are given a list of numbers to press for a particular queery (press 1 for X, press 2 for Y), that is actually a prioritising system? Calls to sales are the highest priority and it goes downhill from there. There's a display in the call centre that lets staff know how many calls are waiting and for what. With most of companies employing such systems, you will speak to the same person whether you are a new customer (priority) or someone wanting to know where their order has got to (time waster). The salesmen from these tech companies had no problem with telling us that anyone wanting anything other than to buy, was a cost! When I add someone to LINE, I prefer to just ask for their number or LINE ID - the old fashioned ways are often the best but thank you for letting me know I already have a QR code scanner
  21. Wait a moment - your wife's name was wrong on the written approval but correct on the code? I thought this was a fully automated system. ????????
  22. How many other people will not have checked their code - I never thought to. Another potential problem for people checking in who have the wrong date of birth etc.
  23. I have dowloaded the QR now, gone to the webpage and my details are exactly the same as yours - we received our codes on the same date. My date of birth is correct. Yes that covers you for entry before 2 February.
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