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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. ??? There's no date of birth on my QR code, just my name, the QR, arrival date and Thailand Pass ID. Are you reading the QR to get your date of birth? I don't have a reader. Edit: I just downloaded one and read my QR - all correct.
  2. No idea myself. I guess it depends on how long you have before your flight. There is a 'hotline' I believe but people say they can't get an answer. The only way to see if you can register again is to try - my concern is that the hotel gives you a booking ID which you will have entered - the question is, will the system let you use that ID twice?
  3. Personally, I wouldn't go anywhere near the airport until everything is correct. The airlines are paranoid about getting things wrong at the moment.
  4. Hmmmmmm I wonder if it will let you do it again now that its completed?
  5. I'm doing a dummy run for a friend at the moment - nothing's changed, still picture files only. The date format for date of birth has changed annoyingly - its now is US format which wouldn't be a problem if you could simply type your DOB in as before, now you have to do a bit of scrolling. Could just be my browser though - its been a bit 'buggy' lately.
  6. Maybe they send it when the application is registered - before approval. It wasn't there before - possibly one of the updates?
  7. I'm refering to the TAT's 6 hour claim. Ignore the red box - wrong jpeg. Tried to correct it - can't. Mods, I still can't delete an image.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticising your post per se but I wonder how much good the Director General's replies would be when you're at check in or the immigration counter? He needs to put all of that in writing on their website and instruct all offices/embassies/consulates what is and what is not required.
  9. Well done but I'm not sure that's 100% true. Could you have done it without reading this thread and similar ones? Genuine tourists won't even know this site exists and that's who the Thai authorities are targeting.
  10. Just to point out that your post illustrates something I've seen on here many times - people asking where they can get a 'Certificate of Residence' to open a bank account or obtain a driving licence etc. That is not a 'Certificate of Residence' its a confirmation of address. The two items are very different.
  11. This is very true and they wouldn't even let you go to an ATM a few metres away. I also haven't heard of it for a while - we'll know things are back to normal when they start it again.
  12. It would be interesting to know what time you get your result when it comes - see if their 'Hospital Partner must report result within 6 hours' statement holds any water.
  13. Where? I thought it was done at the hotel by a nurse from the partnered hospital?
  14. I applied on 8 November around midnight and received my pass at 6.30am on 9 November. I am not flying until 29 December.
  15. So many people are saying this, I can't speak for other people's insurance policies but provided I'm instructed to quarantine by the authorities, my insurance (UK company) covers that. I'm sure I'm not alone and I believe this requirement is covered by the specific policies provided by Thai insurers.
  16. I only became semi-competent with IT as a RESULT of my connections to Thailand. Anyone who has a Thai wife and applied for a visa for her to visit their country will be famliar with converting and uploading documents etc. I had no choice but to learn. With Thailand Pass they seem to be unaware that most people don't do as they do - simply photograph everything with their phone and send it. The fact that everything is required in JPEG format is probably testament to that fact. It wohad uld not surpise me at all if a number of applications have been rejected/put on hold because of bad/shaky photos - its asking for trouble. I had everything sent to me in PDF format and could have uploaded the whole insurance policy booklet (around 50 pages) and only used 503kb if PDF's were accepted. Barmy!!!
  17. And that's for us...........imagine what it must be like for a real tourist that has never read Asean Now or any other forum. I'd give up just reading the entry requirements, never mind going as far as applying.
  18. One thing I noticed when applying for Thailand Pass: When these new measures were announced, they caused some confusion and speculation because in a change from the old COE requirements that specified Covid 19 insurance, they were now asking for 'Health Insurance'. That suggests a more comprehensive level of medical cover. Yet when I made my application, I can't remember the exact wording but it definitely said Covid 19 insurance, it didn't say 'insurance that covers Covid 19. This is in addition to the differing statements regarding Antigen Tests on Day 6 or 7. Will they ever be clear on what they want? Do they even know?
  19. That is wrong. My insurance states that I am covered if I am required to quarantine by the authorities. It has a fairly low limit though.
  20. Right, well - you may have noticed that when you start the Thailand Pass application. you are required to read the rules and tick a box stating ' I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and accept the above information'. That information states:
  21. Did anybody notice this when I posted it before? Test results within 6 hours............................hmmmmm. If correct, the hospital doing my test is Bumrungrad, almost next door to the hotel. I could be on my way home before midnight (pigs might fly too)................or is Soi Cowboy open? However, yet another contradiction - the statement (9) that you will receive an Antigen Test Kit!
  22. It seems to depend on where you live - some are told to isolate at home. You can bet your lucky stars we won't be allowed that concession.
  23. I also thought you needed to upload your flight details - don't know where I got that from, maybe a throwback from COE or maybe because the hotel wanted them. Anyway, you don't need to upload them - but you will have to submit them to the hotel so they can be included in the confirmation letter that you do need to upload.
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