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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. All of them. Merge them into one document using: https://products.aspose.app/pdf/merger/jpg-to-jpg or similar. You may have to reduce the filesize if the result is over 5mb. From my post on another thread: Sent my application in around midnight last night - received the pass this morning around 6.30am. Its possible that they are pushing them through now due to the backlog. I separated my two NHS vaccine certificates (easy with a basic program like Paint) but as the NHS ones have a QR code on them, I didn't crop that and insert it into the additional QR code box. There's not a cat in hell's chance that my insurance documents will have been undertstood - I will have the full policy with me on entry though. I should note that it was recommended (by Salerno I think?) to use a merge program to join my insurance documents up - as the required information is spread over several pages. I did that but it resulted in a filesize of around 8.5 mb - the maximum allowed is 5mb. If you need to do the same and that happens to you, again a basic program like Paint will sort it out. Open Paint Click File then Open Select the merged document Click Resize In the Resize box make sure the Percentage tab is checked and change it to say 50 (that reduced mine to around 4.5mb) Click OK then back to File and Save - you're done. Most PC's have Paint and its not difficult - believe me, I'm not computer savvy at all. https://aseannow.com/topic/1238471-success-my-thailand-pass-qr-code-arrived-last-night/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-16965633 I merged 5 pages from my policy.
  2. Well its not much of a chance but given Prayuth's roots, you'd hope they'll find it easier to clamp down on this discrimination.
  3. And how would you suggest getting one if your Immigration Offices wants payment? Start throwing your weight around in there and you're going to find any future matters you need to conduct there, somewhat difficult. The norm is 500 baht, you won't get a receipt and you really don't have much choice.
  4. You should take possession of the car as soon as you pay the finance company and pay any balance to the curent owner at the same time. Don't worry about the Blue Book, the finance company won't trick you on that but doing it as you suggest, leaves the current owner able to de-fraud you, as you have recognised.
  5. That's because there is a code along the bottom of your main passport page and the fact that your passport contains a microchip containing your biometrics. In addition all UK passports (possibly all full stop) are laid out the same way. That would be very easy to mechanise but as has been stated before, we are being asked to believe that a system has been employed that can read insurance policies? I don't believe that. My passport is chipped yet many's the time I've arrived at Manchester and the machine has refused it - these systems aren't perfect.
  6. We had some discussion last night as to the whole system being automated - I know not whether that is the case but I have to accept it could be. Let's consider that it is though, I find it a little strange that they have employed an A I system (which won't be cheap) but restricted file types to just one. Having a QR code scanner in the system is far more believable - as they seem to love them and it would also explain your situation. As I say, I don't know if the system is fully automated or not but if it is, surely it would refer those without QR codes to some form of manual check and simply process the rest. Computers read things at lightning speed so (and this is not a complaint) why did it take my application 6 hours from receipt of the first notification to getting the pass? In terms of how fast computers can do things, 6 hours must be like a month. They said 7 days - hopefully your Pass will be along shortly.
  7. I guess that's possible but mine wasn't in minutes as some are reporting. Also, note I didn't separate my QR code off and put it in the additional box. Have you applied yet?
  8. Don't forget the at least 14 days before travel though.
  9. Interesting - they were carting them off to hospital at one time. I can't see a foreigner being granted the same leniency though ????.
  10. Sent my application in around midnight last night - received the pass this morning around 6.30am. Its possible that they are pushing them through now due to the backlog. I separated my two NHS vaccine certificates (easy with a basic program like Paint) but as the NHS ones have a QR code on them, I didn't crop that and insert it into the additional QR code box. There's not a cat in hell's chance that my insurance documents will have been undertstood - I will have the full policy with me on entry though. I should note that it was recommended (by Salerno I think?) to use a merge program to join my insurance documents up - as the required information is spread over several pages. I did that but it resulted in a filesize of around 8.5 mb - the maximum allowed is 5mb. If you need to do the same andthat happens to you, again a basic program like Paint will sort it out. Open Paint Click File then Open Select the merged document Click Resize In the Resize box make sure the Percentage tab is checked and change it to say 50 (that reduce mine to around 4.5mb) Click OK then back to File and Save - you're done. Most PC's have Paint and its not difficult - believe me, I'm not computer savvy at all.
  11. They shouldn't, the requirement for insurance comes from Thailand, not the airline and by the time you get there, your insurance will be in force.
  12. I left Thailand on 11 March 2020 and I have not been able to return there since. My home and my wife are there so its been a difficult time. I know its only a small chance but nevertheless its possible that I could pick up an infection whilst I'm there but have no symptoms. If that happens I'll be placed in quarantine and by the time that's over it will be time to go back to the UK. I signed up to the Exemption from Quarantine scheme because there are no further tests required. There will, I have no doubt, be thousands of Thai people walking around with the virus who are Asymptomatic - they are not required to take tests and although they'd also have to quarantine if they were and the results were positive, they would not be leaving the country afterwards. I understand what you are saying about taking a few tests but I'd rather not take one than lie about the results.
  13. I notice you haven't replied to my earlier question as to where I am wrong. Last night I completed my Thailand Pass application and received the pass this morning. As part of that process applicants are required to selected the method of entry; Exempt, Sandbox or Alternative Quarantine. You select your entry type and are then presented with a set of relevant terms and conditions for entry - obviously I accepted them. The terms and conditions that I agreed to contained a statement exactly the same as that which I posted last night: I acknowledge and accept that, upon my arrival and during my stay in Thailand: I shall be subject to entry screening measures for respiratory symptoms and temperature measurement for fever at the Port of Arrival through which I am entering Thailand; 2. I will directly travel from my port of arrival to my reserved accommodation via a designated sealed route; 3. I will be responsible for all relevant costs associated with COVID-19 diagnostic tests by RT-PCR technique at locations designated by the Thai Government. I shall undertake the first test upon my arrival in Thailand and should I stay in the Sandbox Programme for 7 days, I shall undertake a second test during the 6th-7th day or as required or deemed necessary by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand. 3.1 I will undertake additional test(s) from Clause no. 3 based on the basis of the condition below: ๐ If I stay in the Sandbox programme less than 7 days, I shall take the second test during the 6th-7th day of my stay or as required by the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand 4. For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme: 4.1 I shall be quarantine for one day. 4.2 After a negative (not detected) RT-PCR test result, I am permitted to travel without restrictions in Thailand. 5. For the Sandbox programme: https://tp.consular.go.th/en/policy Its clear to me that nowhere in the two conditions for Exemption from Quarantine does it state I will have to take a further test. It does however, state in 3. that those entering under the Sandbox scheme will have to take a test on day 6 or 7. I signed up for Exemption from Quarantine and as per the conditions above, I don't expect to be required to take any further tests. Some embassies, consulates and hotels also seem to have got this mixed up - hardly surpising given the variations in information that exist. I don't know if you're a drunk or a troll but you often come on here arguing with people, yet on the occasions you're asked to back up your statements, you simply go quiet - troll behaviour. I posted the information in an effort to help people - as many do on this forum. If your only contributions are to argue with people then I pity you.
  14. Haven't heard yet - the appeal was set for 30 November.
  15. I don't know if you realise it but you can edit your post as much as you like - it doesn't change the post where I quoted you. You are.... Wrong! Incorrect! Mistaken! Erroneous! Inaccurate So now I'm only wrong, incorrect and mistaken - we're getting there. Time for bed said Zebedee.......................................................
  16. And I thought it was just the Thai government that's childish. OK then, please show me the text and source that says I'm wrong. I've showed you mine, now you show me yours.
  17. Did you actually read my post or were you as usual, in a rush to try and appear superior? I said it was there at the bottom on the Washington embassy's website but the government's site: https://tp.consular.go.th/en/policy states otherwise. I'm not going to start yet another argument with you on this - I don't suffer fools, read the full post and the links. 4. For the Exemption from Quarantine scheme: 4.1 I shall be quarantine for one day. 4.2 After a negative (not detected) RT-PCR test result, I am permitted to travel without restrictions in Thailand NO ATK!!!
  18. I'm more convinced that I ever was that we are trying/hoping to deal with children. I don't know if you remember the case of the 2 Myanmar guys convicted of rape and murder. To any normal adult with a modicum of grey matter it was clear that the 2 poor sods were being railroaded. Reading some of the testimony from Thai police officers was like reading a child's bedtime story book. DNA was first lost, then 'all used up' so the defence couldn't get any independently tested - neither of the accused's DNA was found on the murder weapon. The above is way off topic so I won't dwell further on it but it all goes towards my feeling that whenever I have to deal with the Thai authorities, I should expect junior school tactics.
  19. To be fair I'm sick and tired of the whole thing at the moment - as my wife (Thai) says - only Thailand! To be fair to the hotels, we don't know what information they are given - probably as bad as that we get. They do this with everything they lay their hands on, sometimes you could scream - ITS NOT BLOODY DIFFICULT!!! How do they make it so? I don't travel until 29 December, I think I'm going to take a few days off from all this before my brain is totally fried.
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