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Everything posted by KhaoYai

  1. 200kg? No idea about Thai prices but in the UK that's approaching £1 million - wholesale! Quite a long sentence in the UK for that amount but in Thailand what will they get - 50 years?
  2. Its been a long time (thanks Covid) but I hope to be enjoying a Chang or 10 in December. Poster above - I thought it was only me that got 'Changovers'. Heineken no - Chang........................jeez they're bad.
  3. This guy needs rehab - he's definitely on something. I actually find his statement encouraging (slightly). He's been making announcments since Covid began and Prayuth's been slamming them down the next day.
  4. Totally agree with you but its not just the current situation. I don't know if its ignorance or arrogance but they have always had restrictions at certain times of year. I remember, quite a few years back now, it may have been the King's 60th anniversary (coronation), an election or something - don't remember. I arrived for my usual 2 week stay which this time was a little more - 16 nights I think. The bars are often shut for 2 weekends in December but this time I'm pretty sure they were shut for 3 weekends. My stay spanned all 3! Yes its their country and yes, as visitors we need to follow the rules but if they want to attract tourists, they would do far better if they didn't cheese those tourists off. Sometimes I think they actually believe tourists should consider themselves lucky to be able to visit Thailand - not that they are lucky to receive them. Its a long time since I could be considered as a 'tourist' but if I was and I arrived at a time when clubs and bars were shut, it would leave a bitter taste. Most Thai's I've talked to also dislike these laws and think they are antiquated and of no use but the law makers seem to live in the past. I'm not holding my breath but there's a slim chance that the closure of the country due to Covid will make the Thai authorities realise that they are dependent on tourism - not vice versa. I place strong emphasis on 'slim' though. Few of us here could be classed as normal 'tourists' - so we accept these odd customs because we have no choice. 'Normal' tourists may not.
  5. Boy they love bureaucracy. In normal times there is a clear list of requirements for entry - these are given to the airlines and if they fail to check the passenger is eligible, they can be fined. At the moment you have to apply for COE - involving checking your documents. The airline check your documents again at check in. Immigration check them again on entry. Check, check, double check, check again. No need for COE, no need for Thailand Pass - just make sure people know that if they don't fit the bill, they'll be sent home and let the airlines know they'll be paying.
  6. Code for "There will be some form of quarantine". Totally expected, you only have to look at the rational of 14 day quarantine actually being 15 nights. On that basis no quarantine will mean at least 1 night.
  7. I have an android box (not for sale) and it works very well I bought it so that I could watch F1 in Thailand but as I haven't been able to visit, its here in the UK with me now and still working fine. It came pre-loaded with movie channels (English with Thai subtitles) - lots of other TV and movie packages and most of the Thai TV channels. Its very easy to use - just switch on and 2 or 3 clicks gets you to where you want. With the movies, you are sometimes offered a choice of streams - some of which either don't work or are a different movie altogether. However, the wife brought it with her when she visited the UK and we managed to watch movies, many from this year, every night for 10 weeks. The Thai TV options don't have that problem as there's no choice of streams - it goes straight to them. There was one evening when none of the Thai channels would work but it was fine an hour later. Overall far better than a similar box I had in the UK. I'm no techie but I believe that with these boxes, it depends on who sets them up. The guy who supplied it said it needed a 100mb connection but I only have 10mb in the UK and its fine. I also seem to remember him saying that he'll put what you want on it - providing its available. PM me and I'll give you his number.
  8. I expect this is just the start of it - there will no doubt be several different versions - both official and otherwise. Although I didn't say as much, that was my point really. Then we also have the possibility of different Thai embassies imposing their own version. The Thai Embassy in London states that airlines are making specific requests regarding PCR tests for example - the airlines say its the Thai Embassy ????
  9. What's the betting COE and insurance will still be required?
  10. According to a major English Language Bangkok newspaper the CCSA has confirmed that Thailand will 're-open' from 1 November but only for a trial period and for people from 5 countries rather than the previously stated 10. No further details reported as yet. The trial will begin on 1 November and last until 31 December (phew, I arrive on 29 December) and will be open to people from The UK, the US, Germany, Singapore and China.
  11. I've booked for New Year and had already decided to book a test and stay in a hotel on the first night - I consider travelling high risk and want to do what I can to not take the virus home to my family. So I was doing what Anutin is suggesting already. However, I suspect his announcement will screw my pans up. I arrive on 30 December so should be able to travel home to Khao Yai on 31 December. I'm fully aware that traffic is usually hideous on that day - especially in the direction of Isaan so I'd planned to get off early - around 6am. The company I planned to use for my PCR test send the results by e-mail so as I'd be travelling alone, I thought I could get the results (hopefully negative) by e-mail whilst on the move. Now I can see what's going to happen - test results arrive in the afternoon on the 31st meaning a 9 hour (from previous experience) drive home. Does anything ever mean what it says in Thailand? 14 day quarantine involved 15 nights, now it looks like 'exempted from quarantine' means 1 day quarantine! 'Visitors from at least 10 countries including the United Kingdom, Singapore, Germany, China and the United States will be exempted from quarantine on arrival, Prayuth said in a televised speech.' https://aseannow.com/topic/1235090-thailand-to-end-quarantine-for-some-vaccinated-visitors-from-nov-pm/ Yes, I could have waited for the details before booking but flight prices have already started rising on the back of the announcement that quarantine is ending.
  12. I know exactly what you mean - I think some people just have too much time on their hands.
  13. Yes, I also have that problem. I did try an iphone once but I couldn't get along with it. I think that subconsciously you get used to the way things work on Android so even when there are major updates, you usually don't have many problems finding what you're looking for. Much the same with PC's on microsoft OS - years ago it was common (for me) to be totally lost following an update and changing from one OS to a new version was a nightmare. Now I sort of just know their way of working. I'm sure iphones are brilliant but when I switched, I couldn't find anything - for example, I just couldn't find the internet browser, I looked and looked to no avail. It was only when I go home, went on my laptop and Mr Google told me that the Apple's internet browser is called Safari. Silly me, everyone knows that - don't they? After using Androids for many years, I'd struggle with IOS.
  14. Yes, I do most of my online stuff on my laptop but I also have both personal and business phones. I rarely need to use e-mail on my phones but its there if I do. No, I prefer to keep everything separate. No, not from one gmail account to the other - from my main email to either one of my gmail accounts. Example, say I have a file on my laptop that I need to take out with me, I e-mail it to my mobile - should be very easy. Thanks for the suggestion but I don't want anything that links my accounts together. I am very security conscious and have as little as possible on mobile devices because I simply don't trust their security. I won't have eother my main e-mail or online banking on my phones for example. Overall I think this is a gmail problem, I may try installing a different e-mail client on my phones and using that instead. Another strange thing I sometimes get with my mobiles - and one that affects other Apps, not just gmail - my phones can be silent all day but the moment I pick one up, I either receive an e-mail or a message from other App etc.
  15. Which is precisely why I say people should check out the reviews.
  16. Maybe some of the techies can explain what's wrong here - in a way that a non-techie can understand please. I have 2 Samsung Android mobile Smartphones, one's my personal phone, the other I use for business. I rarely use e-mail on my phones but they I have a separate g-mail address on both of them in case I need to receive and e-mail when I'm away from my laptop. The problem is that I don't get notified of any incoming emails on either of them. I've been through the App settings in the phone's permissions and notifications are allowed. In the Gmail App itself, all the notifications are on. Gmail is also synced. What happens is (same for both) - sometimes I send files etc. from my main e-mail on my laptop to the gmail on one of my phones but they don't seem to have been delivered when I check. On some occasions the new e-mail is there when I open gmail on the phone but sometimes the new mail only appears after I've tapped on the last e-mail received. Very occasionally, I'd say 2% of the time, I am notified that an email has arrived both audibly and on my screen but I stress, its rare. What's wrong or is this just a regular gmail problem?
  17. Enough is enough. Their draconian laws are up to them but I can't support them anymore. I've just used up all of my air miles and booked my last flight with Etihad. I will lose my status, no longer be able to gain lounge access etc. etc. but so be it. I use CBD oil myself in my fight against cancer - it is totally harmless, its a cannabis extract, legal in many countries and it doesn't get you high. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10083977/British-man-jailed-25-YEARS-Dubai-friends-vape-containing-cannabis-oil-car.html
  18. My personal experience of the Home Test Kits offered by various providers was eventually, excellent. I say eventually because I had some real problems with other providers who I believe were nothing less than scammers. Although the tests were not required for travel (my wife's Day 2 & Day 8 tests) - my experience with Nataionwide Pathology was very good. On both Day 2 and Day 8 we posted the samples via a normal Royal Mail that afternoon and received the results by e-mail the next day - the first one by 9am!!! Well within the time limits needed for travel. I wouldn't recommend anyone uses a Home Test kit but providing my airline accepts home tests, I personally would have no problem using them. Should things go wrong, on the spot 3 hour testing is available at many major aiprorts. Having had a bad experience with a 'testing' company (posted at the time), the biggest single thing I would say to anyone needing to find a provider is - check out the reviews on sites like Trustpilot etc.
  19. Well obviously it wasn't clear to me or I woudn't be asking. How is my point 'quite irrelevant'? I was simply trying to warn people that PCR test results obtained via the use of home test kits are not accepted by some airlines - even though some airlines don't state that. Knowing Thaivisa readers I anticipated people replying that their results didn't state how the test was taken so I suggested that anyone going down that route should try to find out what's stated on the certificate. From reports and reviews I've read I wouldn't recommend anyone uses a home test kit unless they are close to a home test kit centre and can drop them in. Many of the home test kit providers didn't offer on site testing at the same location. I can fully understand why someone would look for the cheaper options - especially if they are travelling with a family, there is a significant price difference between home testing and on site. Other's may opt for home tests due to their location. I also looked at a great many providers earlier this year and found vast price/time variations. However anyone going down that route needs to satisfy themselves the test is acceptable and that the results will be available on time. I think you may be being a tad over-cautious - 24-36 hours is half the required 72 - plenty of time, although again, I'm not advocating the use of home test kits. I really can't understand why you have chosen to become adversarial on this - I think you misunderstand my points - I am not supporting Home Test Kits - I am warning readers that they may not be accepted. How is that irrelevant?
  20. Neither do fully vaccinated people from any non Red List countries. Odd that the post you replied to has disappeared yet your reply stands.
  21. Absolutely! The only 2 figures that matter. Just about the only thing I ever agreed with Donald Trump on (note to self, wipe your mouth) - the more you test, the more positives you'll find.
  22. You want to stay away from those clubs - people will talk!
  23. Just my opinion but I've had a few Covid/Travel related dealings with the Thai & UK governments in recent months and I've formed the opinion that all these matters are decided for political reasons. Given what's going on with China at the moment, the West is keen to maintain relationships in S.E. Asia. I think they'll find though, that Thailand will 'ride both horses' - as it always does.
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