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Posts posted by underlordcthulhu

  1. 25 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

    C'mon dude. He is clearly mocking all of them and especially insensitive in the case of the reporter. None of it mature or presidential...and certainly all of it in bad taste. This man is the epitome of uncouth, derisive, uncaring and insulting. He is a boorish buffoon. :post-4641-1156693976:


    You're welcome.

    Change your username, you clearly don't live up to it.

    Even I can admit when Trump makes a LEGIT mistake when liberals point it out or admit to some positive qualities about the opposition. 

    But I get it, the name 'skeptic' sure makes you look cool.

    • Sad 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    I have found that those who like to fulminate the most against the 'communist cancer' are remarkably tolerant when it comes to looking at the fascist tide in history. Or even for that matter historical statues erected for slave owners. Foaming only on one side.

    When did I claim the statue should be taken down? I say let them have it. And remember it's the socialists who claim tolerance yet their actions speak to the EXTREME opposite of that, especially regarding statues of historical figures. You only have to look at the last two years in the US to see really nice examples of all that 'tolerance'.

    And I don't know what fascism has to do with anything here, nobody seems to be defending that either.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    So much hot air when actually trading with China nowadays. And by the way this so-called evil was easily absorbed by the West supporting Pol Pot when it suited them so go easy on the evil label not boomeranging back.

    Evil is evil no matter who is taking part in it. I don't understand your point. 

    There's no doubt the West has a part to play in spreading this cancer.

  4. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."

    After all the dead bodies piled up in the 20th century(continuing into the 21st) as a result of socialism, attempt after attempt we can only assume socialists are absolutely insane. The only other way to make sense of it is that it's intentional which makes them evil. 

    Insane or evil, this world doesn't need more of either.

    • Like 1
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  5. 10 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    So enlighten me; what did you mean by 



    My comments are based on the fact that in my lifetime, if not yours, there was very little, if any, social justice for black people in America until the civil rights movement. Yet you call their efforts, and the rights and justice you now enjoy because of those efforts, an evil ideology!


    But the more you post, the more I think you live under a bridge and will stay there until the Billy Goats Gruff arrive!


    You have to be insane to think what MLK Jr fought for is the same thing that all these sick and twisted groups are fighting for nowadays.

    One fought for good, the other for evil. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Becker said:

    Well I just caught you in a lie. You claim I'm not worthy of your time yet you read and react to my posts. But I guess being a man-child supporter gives you a bit of leeway when it comes to the truth.

    But please do try to remember what the invisible man in the sky says; You should not lie.

    It's really getting to you isn't it? 

    Chill out hombre. Go meditate, exercise, watch some comedy just take it easy. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    I don't do research for other people- google is your friend.  Please refer to the members of the Black Caucus for a discussion on why they feel Donald Trump exhibits racist tendencies and attitudes.


    . Yes, they have temporary protected status- but after 20 years in this case- how would it benefit America to deport 57,000 people when most have homes; cars; jobs; children in schools and contribute to American values and society. The job of the President of the US is to protect America and its borders.  This is not doing that..... It is divisive- will cause hardship to these people and actually cause economic disruption.


    Take a look around America-


    -Who is driving the taxicabs

    -Who is doing basic labor on construction sites

    -Who is picking vegetables in the fields

    -Who is working in  poultry processing plans

    -Who is working in car washes


    All these jobs pay minimum wage.  Would you take these jobs if immigrants were not filling them?  Of course, we can deport all immigrants and ask the  business owners to start people off at $20 per hour which will raise the prices considerably for all Americans and force some companies out of business. I still doubt if you can find anyone other than immigrant labor to do these essential jobs.


    Trump needs to present a comprehensive Immigration Bill to the Us Congress which covers ways to enter the US legally for Immigrant labor; provide a way to legality for those already here; and streamlines  things like legality of children born in America; chain migration; the immigration lottery; investment Visas and more.


    He won't do it because he would rather vilify hard working immigrants and play to his racist base than solve the Immigration issue.

    Typical flimsy 'if the immigrants won't do the job then who will?!' argument. My mom and her brothers worked in the fields picking fruits and veggies and they aren't immigrants. 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Lol.... up again... but in need of coffee.


    you stated that the organization was pushing back for hundreds of years.... common wisdom has it starting during the Reagan years, I think, or at least no earlier than 1934... so your last comment is unwarranted, and a surprise given your post at 145, but hey ho... I’m sure Becker won’t care... lol


    and then there’s what you know to be true... that god has given you the right to own guns. Yes, that bits funny... but I’m still waiting to see a reference to when this god given right was granted... and I’m curious, did god also give the rights to own guns to atheists, apostates, Jews and Muslims.... if so, God’s a bit of a clown, isn’t he, intent on inflicting as much pain as possible on his creations. (Doctor Mengele in a robe, even)


    now... “it’s not strong Christian countries that are bending over to Muslims... etc etc”... what an appalling sentiment, as a Christian you should be ashamed.


    and... only weak men would give away there right to... etc etc etc..... this leads me to believe you don’t understand the point of belonging to a community... because to belong, you must comply with the laws of that community ( like thou shall not kill, for example)... to cherry pick the bits you like, is in contravention to belonging to a community... and usually a crime against the community


    lol... and tell me... as a Christian, whatever happened to believing in your lords assertion that the meek shall inherit the earth


    but fairs fair... I apologies for intimating that god botherers are ignorant, that was perhaps out of line....,although not as out of line as your assertion that Muslims are embracing an evil ideology.

    I never said that. I said we as in we the people have been fighting back against gun grabbers.

    Atheists and Muslims are humans which are Gods creations. Having a right doesn't absolve anyone Christian or not of responsibility for abusing said rights.

    I know you all like to laugh at religious folk around these parts. I understand I was an atheist for a long time myself.

    Sorry as a Christian I will never be ashamed of the truth. Go try to guilt someone else into cowardice and capitulation to evil. 

    I belong to a community of God's children. I don't bow to man. 

    I actually have some respect for certain aspects of Islam. But as a whole it has proven itself to be an evil ideology. 

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  9. 3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

     He certainly would be rolling in his grave to discover that anyone, let alone an African American, believed the social justice he and many others fought for to be an



    Are you really saying that your would be happy to be made to sit at the back of the bus,  be denied entry to many bars and restaurants, your children be denied access to the school of your choice etc. merely because of your skin colour? 

    Don't put words in my mouth and try to twist what I said.

    The fact of the matter is that YOU are the one with racial prejudices by assuming black people as a collective need to think a certain way. You are the ones keeping black people back by perpetuating this nonsense.

  10. 6 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    I take it that the photo in your avatar is not of you.


    I cannot comprehend how any black person of any nationality, especially an African American, could say that social justice is an evil ideology!


    Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.




    MLK Jr would be rolling in his grave today. It's disgusting that you judge someone by their skin color and assume they believe something based on it.

  11. 6 hours ago, Becker said:

    You should have just stopped right there. No need to read any more of what you're posting. You have inalienable rights given to you by an invisible man in the sky?? :crazy:

    Get some sleep and don't forget your meds.

    That's not nice. I realize your opinions just don't really matter anymore. Most of you people are going to end up dying alone in a house full of cats anyway with no children to pass on your values. We get the last laugh, bucko.

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