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Posts posted by underlordcthulhu

  1. 6 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Wow... dude... you should have slept on it.


    when did god (arguably a figment of your imagination, but that’s another story of ignorance) give people the right to carry firearms?


    Was it when he allowed the Chinese to discover gunpowder and invent projectile weopons?


    or was it when he allowed Europeans to gain the knowledge of explosives (intellectual theft from the chinese.. lol) and further refine gunpowder weopons of war


    or was it when he developed mass production and quality control, to make ownership available to more and more people


    Yer... ok... I don’t believe that rubbish, but may your dog bless you if you do


    now... stepping away from superstition for a minute .... people like me leaving our children undefended... well ... last year 17 australian children were killed... so... undefended by privately owned guns doesn’t mean undefended, but rather, better defended, if you really want to discuss that.. and (minute up... back to god) wouldn't your god prefer not to need to defend your children.... your argument seems to be that as god has given others the right to harm your children, he’s therefore given you the right to own guns.... (mmmm... that’s to stupid to be a correct assumption of your posting... or is it?)


    And... hundreds of years later... what? The NRA started pushing back in 1934.... once again, let me suggest that you read something other than NRA produced indoctrination material


    and... as you are now going to sleep,( if your conscience allows,) consider this over your morning Folgers,.... you still have gun rights because your willingness to legally or illegally shoot stuff up, (bottles or babies), is what is stronger than ours


    edit.... your gun rights are protected by the NRA “bribing” politicians, with money and votes.

    Why would I need to sleep on something I know to be true?

    That's as dumb as saying take some time to think about the answer to 2 + 2, the answer is always going to the same.

    The only thing I would have changed in what I wrote was that it's the right to self-defense that's given to us by God. So your little rant about gun powder and the Chinese is funny at best. 

    There's no need to call people who believe in God ignorant. It's not strong Christian countries that are currently bending over to Muslims , committing cultural suicide and embracing the evil ideology of social justice.

    I think we would all prefer our children didn't NEED protection from violence. But it's a dog eat dog world out there(that's just nature you don't need to believe in God to understand that) and only weak men would ever give away their rights to protect their own family and community.

    I wasn't talking about the NRA protecting our gun rights for hundreds of years, smart guy.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Rather than me providing examples of how Trump responds regarding these issues- you may want to Google-   Representative maxine Waters;  Rep Elijah Commings and othes of the Black Caucus.  They will provide you with many examples of why they feel Trump adheres to racist ideas and supports  White Supremacists.

    I might remind  that the issue is not about illegal immigration but about protect status- all these immigrants are legally in the US and Trump wants to  deport them after almost 20 years; He has done the Same to the Salvadorans and Haitians.  the majority of these people are working; paying their taxes and not taking jobs Americans would fill.


    If Trump were President when my grandmother and grandfather on both sides emigrated from Denmark and Italy- they would not have qualified for entry as they did not speak English and were poor.  They built America just as all the other Immigrants from all over the World.  You might want to read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty- I doubt Trump has ever read it.


    I bring up the point of Thailand and all the Westerners living here- we are in essence immigrants to Thailand (actually temporary immigrants as very few hold Permanent Residence).  Let's hope Thailand never speaks about us in the way Trump speaks about immigrants to America.

    Well you should be able to make a claim and argue that claim with direct evidence to support it. Nowadays especially university students and millennials consider a simple disagreement with a black person to be 'racist' so excuse me if I don't take these unsubstantiated claims very serious.

    So which races is he restricting? 

    And it's TEMPORARY protect status not just 'protect status. There are rules to follow, the same sort of rules that so many of these wonderful 3rd world countries implement but yet nobody ever brings up because you can't guilt those people into handing over resources and power..

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  3. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:



    the NRA screams it’s message, and the main stream media dutifully repeats it.... ergo... everybody heard about willeford, via the msm, with the NRA whipping up a pro NRA frenzy over the issue


    that I just needed to attempt to explain this, damages any arguments you might make


    that you believe normal law enforcement would not have caught the fleeing offender, is an issue with US law enforcement


    that you ascribe to vigilantism, which has no legal authority, and is most definitely not a hallmark of a civilized society, is a worry, especially to your nation’s children, apparently


    and most telling.... supporting actions which have no legal standing, whilst insisting on your legal right to own guns... hypocritical at best 


    I need to sleep now. Most of what you posted is just silly.

    I'll address your bit about children though. It's hard to imagine something more evil than leaving the protection of vulnerable children up to the state and trying to strip those rights from parents and community. 

    Not happening on my watch.

    • Sad 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     How many of those who have committed such mass shootings in the USA, of which up to 22nd April there had been 67 so far in 2018 (source), would have been able to obtain the weapon(s) to do so were it not for the lax gun laws so beloved of the NRA and the politicians they have in their pocket?


    67 mass shootings in less than 4 months; more since then (see here)!


    346 mass shootings in 2017; that's nearly one a day!


    What is your president's solution?


    Make more guns more easily available to more people! 


    And you and people like you agree with him; madness!

    Nice try avoiding the question. Our inalienable gun rights don't come from the NRA. We were always meant to have the right to own firearms. So don't give me this 'if it weren't for the NRA' nonsense.

    Tell me how many evil scary big bad NRA members have committed mass shootings?

    • Sad 1
  5. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:

    What are you talking about? Everybody in the worldheard about Willeford..... thanks to the most influential lobby machine in the world.... the one promoting gun ownership... you know the one.


    and yes... a good guy with a gun.... but what wonders did he do?. he chased down an armed offender who had already killed 26 people, so ... no real wonder achieved.... 


    however, by touting him as a hero (which he might be.) the NRA is actively endorsing and encouraging vigilantism.... a really responsible approach, when everyone else is trying to reduce this form of uncontrolled  “justice.”


    ”here lies George johnstow hanged 1882. He was right.  We was wrong... now he’s gone” tombstone cemetery.... have y’all not yet learned anything?

    Is the NRA now considered a MSM outfit? That's news to me!

    So had he killed another 26 people that's no big deal right?

    'Uncontrolled justice' aka defending yourself and community from killers. Gotcha. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    Most working people are provided medical care through their employer and pay a per cent of their salary for this.  If by chance, the company does not provide it- the worker signs up via Obamacare and again pays for the care based upon their income.  There is no 'free' medical care in America.


    All of  the people under  protected status are in the US legally and Trump's removal of the status will cause huge economic impact to the US; employers and of course the average Honduran who has been in the Us for almost 20 years.


    America is a country of Immigrants and was built on Immigrant labor.  If Trump wants to change the Immigration laws- draw up a comprehensive Immigration Bill and present it to the Congress and see if they will pass it.  They won't because they know a majority of Americans do not want to deport protected status immigrants or the DACA Immigrants.


    Trump and his alt right minions- are living in the 19th Century when they tried to exclude certain 'types' of people based upon race or ethnic background. It didn't work then and was found to be discriminatory and it won't work know. Trump just can

    t seem to understand- people have a right to due process.


    What is the 'alt-right' and which ethnic backgrounds and races did Trump try to exclude?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

     BS thoughts and prayers that will be forthcoming after the next school shooting (we’ve seen how we’ll thoughts and prayers work, right?)


    Thoughts and prayers? Not so much. A good guy with a gun can do wonders though. Like, say Stephen Willeford, who stopped the shooter in Sutherland Springs. Didn't hear much about him on the MSM did we? Hmmm wonder why, couldn't be because it went against their flimsy anti-gun arguments/agenda could it? Nah, theyre upright honest people who really care about the truth 555

    • Sad 1
  8. 47 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

    Truth hurts.


    You don't see the cowardly mass shooters attacking police stations or military bases.  Why? Because they know people there will fight back and kill them very quickly.  They'd rather hit the soft targets instead.  "Gun free zones" never stopped a spree shooter, ever.

    Gun free zones are safe spaces for murderers.

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  9. On 5/1/2018 at 2:18 AM, Tilacme said:

    "Spotty faced teen neo nazis" (your words not mine) are not responsible for the a stark rise in incidence involving hand grenades in Sweden's cities and, this is only one aspect of the rising crime, and utter chaos resulting from open broader madness. Sweden has gone to the dogs imo.

    I don't know about neo Nazi teens but I saw a documentary on Sweden's violent Leftist antifa-like groups wreaking havoc in the country and plotting violence against other citizens. Between them and all that cultural enrichment invading their country, I feel bad for the Swedes.

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