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Mike Teavee

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Posts posted by Mike Teavee

  1. 1 hour ago, NilSS said:

    <SNIP>  Costa Rica is interesting, but I'm nowhere near retirement age. Opportunities are a must. I'm a family man, so whoring is not a priority.





    I believe Citibank is growing it's CSC (Citi Support Center) in Costa Rica including roles in Network Engineering & Operations, have no idea what the salary is like but there may be an opportunity there for you.


    I worked for them in Singapore so know they have an external site with their job opportunities for ASPAC, would imagine it's Global so any roles available in CR would show up on there.


    I still have friends at Citi, PM me if you're interested but can't find the site & I'll ask around for you.


    Good Luck 



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  2. 4 hours ago, garyk said:

    Thailand is ok. But, as an American it is on my avoid list now. Really, as an expat Thailand for me is only good for one thing.  The beaches and water are filthy. The air pollution is hazardous to your health. Trash everywhere. And as one of the three nationalities that have to deposit money in a Thai bank to retire there, I'll pass?   So, If I want a Thai woman I will go short time when the air pollution is not killing people. 

    I will be heading to the Philippines in a few months. A new adventure for me.

    But, Mexico is my retirement destination now. Expensive but worth it IMHO.

    12 years ago when I first went to Thailand it was pretty cool, now.  Pass

    I have been traveling in Mexico for over two months now and there are a lot of Europeans here. Next time I talk to one I will ask them whey they chose Mexico over Asia. 

    In case you haven't seen it, there's an interesting thread discussing moving to LATAM as an alternative to LOS... 



    I plan to retire in January & have already set-up up my "Life" in Thailand (Condo, recently did the yearly extension for my Non-O etc...) but am hoping to do a 3-6 month trip to South America (Cost Rica, Panama & Columbia), hadn't considered Mexico, would be interesting to hear your thoughts on why you chose it (perhaps you'd consider sharing them in the other thread).


  3. 40 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    For more than 30 years I have always gotten a TM6 card during the flight. WHY should I carry a spare one? Give me one reason! 

    I don't carry a spare one, but do complete the form before I head to the airport so have one with me


    NB, I visit Thailand on average 20 times a year & more often than not go to the airport straight from work (1 stop on the MRT) so it's no hassle for me to complete the form at my desk & take it with me. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Which I complete before going to the airport. Much better than filling it in on the plane. But it will soon be a thing of the past. Why they claim it will be "phased out" instead of simply ending in now is something only Thai bureaucracy would understand.

    Yep, always fill one in before heading to the airport & take a replacement one for the next trip when they hand them out


    Does anybody know when the TM6 will be phased out (At Swampy if it makes a difference), I see 1 post above saying "A friend" didn't need one when they entered last Sunday but would have thought there would have been reams of posts on TVF if they'd stopped needing them.


    Guess I'll find out next Thursday (I'll complete one just in case :)) 

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:



    Maybe you haven't read all the threads on this but they seem to use Bangkok Bank more than the other two


    My last 4 transfers to Bangkok Bank have shown up as Intrabank Transfers so either I've been very unlucky or it doesn't matter that I'm sending it to BKKB


    As an experiment, I'll make sure to use the "Funds for Long Term Living in Thailand" reason next time, followed by getting them to "Tag" my TW account to my BKKB account & using that reason.


    Unfortunately I've now done all the transfers I need (hope!) for the next 4-5 months so will (hopefully) be a bit of time before I report back





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  6. 8 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Dogs are not allowed in most condos.

    Sorry, I should have said that this was in Singapore where a lot of Condos will allow you to keep pets...


    In the end, it wasn't the dogs barking that caused me to move, it was the family in the condo opposite (approx 50-60 feet, could see balcony-2-balcony) who got their little girl a piano & she would practise the same few bars/notes for hours on end, the neighbour above thought this was a good idea so got their little girl one & did the same.  This was just about bearable, until they started building a new MRT station right outside & put up soundproofing to keep the construction noise out, but that works both ways, it kept the noises from within IN!!! 


    Touch wood haven't had the same problem in Bangkok, there the layout is such that the only thing I hear from my 1 joining neighbour is when I'm in bed & they use the shower or flush the toilet, can't really have a go at them for that.





  7. 45 minutes ago, tomgreen said:

    Its funny that you mention not wanting to look at your self in a mirror , I am just the same . When I see my reflection it only increases my ‘’ I’m on the downward slope ‘’ stress ????.


    I have a strange feeling that there may be others posting here that if they are honest ,  they to dread seeing themselves in a mirror ????










    I can't wait to look in the mirror...

    Cos I get better looking each day... 




    • Haha 1
  8. 43 minutes ago, battersea said:

    The funds come from a UK company to my Thai bank account every month for years.

    The average amount is 100,000 baht per month and it usually comes between the 17th and 25th of each month.

    It comes into my Krungsri account and is marked as an FX transaction.

    Is this good enough to satisfy the requirement ?

    It should be as long as it's > 65,000 and happens roughly the same day every month



  9. 24 minutes ago, CaptainNemo said:

    I still don't understand any of this tagging malarky.

    When you do a transfer with Transferwise you are asked to select the reason why you're transferring the funds (this is what is meant by tagging the transaction), recommendation is to use the last option "Funds for Long term Stay in Thailand"


    Edit to add screenshot 


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  10. 2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Another happy Transferwise user, except for the Deposit Marking issue. I use their borderless debit card too which makes my life a lot easier.

    I learnt from another thread... 

    ... that you can ask Transferwise to use your Thai bank Account to receive the monies directly into & use the tag "Funds for long term stay in Thailand" so it shows up as FTT 


    Not sure it will work for all banks (I believe TW have 2 or 3 different banks they use) but worth a try




  11. 7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    General elections are not advisory only. Referendums are, and currently, cannot be anything more.


    The UK parliament should have taken the advice, explored all the options, remaining with the existing deal, leaving with a deal looking like .... various scenarios, and leaving with no-deal BEFORE invoking Article 50. All these options could have been explained to people and another advisory referendum held to determine the direction people want to go. 


    But, politicians jumped in and started to try and exploit things for themselves and their agendas. May thought she'd got a winner by trying to use the Royal Prerogative so that she and her executive could simply agree a deal they liked. All been downhill, steeply, since then.


    A real leader, with the best country's interests at heart would revoke Article 50. Call a GE and the country would move on. If a substantial (not a tiny %) still wanted to leave, things could be handled correctly. If not then it's end of.





    In order to have a national referendum, Parliament needs to pass legislation & as part of this they can state that the result is legally binding as they did with the 2011 "Alternative Vote" referendum... 




  12. Just now, john terry1001 said:

    What Thai bank do you use?


    Have you also contacted TW by phone to ask that they tag your Thai bank where you have your account as your preferred direct route preference?


    When you make a transfer is your tagged bank/account definitely the same one as you have you chosen to transfer to in your actual transfer application on TW?

    Bangkok Bank, but I've never contacted TW to ask them to tag the account so will do this as well as selecting the other option next time & see what happens.



    • Like 1
  13. 37 minutes ago, fusion58 said:


    Opposite for me, since July all 4 of my transfers (including the one today) have shown up as "Intrabank" (Internal Thailand transfer), however I did not select "Funds for long term stay in Thailand" (Last/10th Option), I didn't read further down than "General Monthly Living Expenses" (2nd Option) as that sums up what the money was for.  



    Will try the correct option next time. 

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


    I passed the plaza so many times and never went in for a beer, I don't think.


    But I always was a patron of Soi 22, mostly the main road bars.


    Soi 22 hasn't been the same since they moved Sportsman and all those other little pubs and built the mall. In general, the vibe of Soi 22 has change a lot in the past 5 years I have been upcountry (I was down at summer there and it was kinda disappointing).


    Anyway, I shall go into the plaza before they close it. Any little establishment you would recommend in there?

    I like Rumours (The big bar at the front) for a Sunday afternoon chill & watch the world go by beer, Hideaway for a game of pool & Olive Oyl for a laugh with the girls, but as always in Bangkok on any one night any given bar can be great or rubbish, fortunately it's easy there to just stroll to the next one..


    There's also a couple of nice bars down a small Soi on the right (coming from Suk) about 1/2 way down Soi 22 that might be worth popping your head into ???? 




    • Thanks 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Chivas said:

    Am totally bemused with this ongoing situation

    Surely but surely you bring the bank statement from (insert your thai bank) showing last 12 months or whatever showing incoming funds and alongside (insert your foreign bank) your statement showing the corresponding outgoing transfers....how simple does it need to be


    I simply dont believe that Thai immigration are that stupid

    it sounds simple on paper, but most people don't transfer 65,000 THB from their Foreign bank account, they transfer £1,750 or $2,150 or s$3,000 or a$3,100 which lands as approx 65,000 THB & I doubt the IO will want to sit there to match them up (especially if the Foreign Bank statement isn't in English), could you not get a letter from your Thai Bank confirming all of the transfers came from Overseas or use the Transferwise receipts? 


    FWIW, my last 3 Transferwise transactions since July (all Citibank SG - Bangkok Bank) have shown up as "Interbank Transfer via SMART" which I'm pretty sure won't show as an FTT, the ones before that (May & before) showed up as "International Transfer" & was marked as FTT, I use the money in the bank route so it's not important to me but I can see how lots of people could get caught out by this when it comes to their renewal.


    Have made another transfer this morning so let's see what this one arrives as... 


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  16. 2 minutes ago, moontang said:

    And that Thai lady named place that moved into the ground floor of the Holiday Inn, actually much nicer than sport corner, but good luck with the sports.. What's her name.. Darn, can't think of it.  Nice businesslike lady, friendly. 

    Will check it out the next time I go for a night out around there, though things won't be the same if the rumours are true and they really do close down Queen's Park Plaza ???? 

    • Sad 1
  17. 12 hours ago, moontang said:

    Usually, a post likes this gets a lot of scorn from the "I fly business class" crowd.  But, since nearly all of them have left, (because they ran out of money), the coast is clear.  Sports corner...hadnt been in a while...or the bars on soi 7-1 were about 80 for a small.  Even on cowboy street some decent happy hours, but I just dont do thimble pour, unless I need to sober up.  Lighthouse is consistent.  Robin Hood has a following..and aussie pub was doing 42 thb smalls, but it kind of sucked, and has ended.  I live on the purple line, which may be an easier trip to asok...2 large for 100 is a recent promo.  A case of Tigers is 620 at Tesco..the one in my other hand was born on 23 August, and brewed in Sai Noi...so I get all the thrills of supporting a local brewery without ripoff pricing.  Stickman covers a few happy hours...if they are advertisers, but at least you can see local trends.

    I was going to say Sports Corner (Sukhumvit end of Soi 20), IIRC beers in there are 75 THB during happy hour & 125 THB after, dito Otto Bar (Corner of Sukhumvit & Soi 22)

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