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Mike Teavee

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Posts posted by Mike Teavee

  1. On 2/16/2019 at 9:06 PM, Thailand Outcast said:

    I know I will be going somewhere. Can you tell me some places in the Philippines?  Not a big city.  Not the jungle.  A beach would be nice but I will consider any place. 

    If I wanted to live near a beach in PI I would choose Coron (Palawan), Bohol (Visayas, just across from Cebu) or Cebu Island itself somewhere on the coast between CarCar & Oslob or around Moalboal on the other side of the Island.


    But my favourite place in Philippines is Davao, Beaches aren't great but I like the place though it seems to be rapidly being spoiled by the influx of foreigners so maybe somewhere 1-2 hours outside of Davao City.


    • Like 2
  2. I seem to recall reading a post from Ubon Joe about the retirement limit being set at $2,000 USD per month so if anything the amount should reduce rather than increase (But I can't see that happening).


    Also recall that the last time they "Grandfathered" people they had to have a certain number of extensions (IIRC 10) under their belt so a lot of people will still be in for a shock if it does increase.


    If I had to put money on it, I would guess it would increase to 1-1.2 Million but at this number (& certainly if it goes to 1.6 Million) some guys might as well go down the 20 year Thai Elite visa for 1 Million 



  3. For Nana, I'd stay at the Majestic Suites (Corner of Sukhumvit Road & Soi 4), Dynasty Inn or (IIRC) there's an Ibis/novotel/holiday inn down Soi 4.


    For Cowboy, I'd stay at Mermaid, it's a little bit of a hike in 29 for a nice hotel & handy for Soi 22 (Queens Park).


  4. On 3/13/2019 at 6:44 AM, Basil B said:

    You are wrong, They will have a chance tomorrow and I confidently predict the motion to leave without a deal will have the support of less than 60 MP's, Tories have a free vote on this.

    I'm shocked at how wrong you were & how close the vote was...


    I also would have put the number of MPs voting for No Deal in the 10s, I'd have probably put it lower than your 60...

  5. 5 hours ago, Loiner said:

    Who knows at this stage if the changes are legally binding or not. The AG opinion will be politically motivated, so suspect. How long will it take him to produce the report this time? He obviously didn’t want to with the last one. Will someone in his department give a clear analysis again, or be swayed to fit their agenda?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    ERG Lawyers will be going through it with a fine tooth comb so should have an independent view as to whether it is legally binding or not.

    • Like 2
  6. 55 minutes ago, vogie said:

    "P.S. I'm not a Remainer, Remoaner or Eumainer"

    You have to be something Mike, can I put you down as a 'reliever?'????


    You said "I personally think leaving the EU is going to hurt the UK," 

    I think the EU is going to try hurt the UK for wanting to leave, and being in that kind of relationship is neither healthy for both sides.


    "UK is fractured now & I honestly cannot see how we can get ourselves back together again, short of finding a common enemy we can unite against..."

    Maybe the UK was divided before the Brexit Referendum, but it took the referendum to bring it to the light.



    I guess if I had to choose I'm a Remainer (on the basis that I wouldn't have voted to leave) who accepts the result and just wants the best possible outcome for the UK.


    Maybe the UK was divided before the Brexit Referendum, but it took the referendum to bring it to the light.

    Excellent point and one I hadn't considered before (hardly surprising as I haven't lived in the UK for nearly 12 years) in which case Brexit bringing this out in the open so it can (hopefully) be healed is one huge positive coming out of it...

    • Like 2

      5 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    On 1st read I honestly read this as "Ultimately the Bus stops at Barniers door" and had visions of Boris driving it (the bus) right up there (Barnier's door)... 


    2 hours ago, vogie said:

    Don't worry about it, it is common knowledge that remainers struggle to decypher what is written on the sides of buses and usually offer their own interpretation of what is actually written.


    Oh the irony :)...  it seems that some people struggle to decipher what is posted and usually offer their own interpretation of what is actually written.


    P.S. I'm not a Remainer, Remoaner or Eumainer, I didn't get a vote & if I had, believe there wasn't enough information on the 2 choices at the time to make an informed decision so would have abstained - And before anybody says it was a simple In/Out choice, gracefully exiting with a comprehensive Trade Deal & the Irish Border issue sorted is a completely different Option than crashing out with nothing sorted. 


    I personally think leaving the EU is going to hurt the UK, but the UK voted to leave so also believe it will hurt just as much (if not more) & for longer if we don't leave, at least in some meaningful way...  


    UK is fractured now & I honestly cannot see how we can get ourselves back together again, short of finding a common enemy we can unite against...


  8. 15 hours ago, rixalex said:

    There will never be a consensus. That's not a reason for not implementing a democratic decision. General elections never result in a consensus, but the result still get delivered - well they do in functioning democracies.


    For democracy to work it relies on the losers accepting the decision. In this case the losers, which account for more than 80% of parliament, haven't. That's why things are in a mess. If the losers had won 52/48, the result would have been delivered a long time ago. Terrible things will happen if they are allowed to get away with this. This isn't democracy.

    Think about it a little bit... ... Picture the scenario where the "Losers" (Remain) had actually won...


    Now contemplate about what it is that they would need to deliver after winning... Nothing...


    So you're absolutely right, the result would have been delivered a long time ago (several decades ago in fact) because there would be nothing to deliver... 


    Obviously Remain didn't win and the problem now is there isn't a credible plan to deliver the "Winners" choice so we all find ourselves in this cluster <deleted> (NB I'm not blaming the Brexiters, I place the blame firmly on Cameron's government for not thinking it through & planning for Brexit from the moment they decided there would be a referendum, to not plan for both sides of 2-way vote is disgraceful & the fact that there were no plans needed if the result was Remain shows they didn't plan at all).


    • Like 2
  9. 16 hours ago, vogie said:

    It is no good having a plan if Barnier doesn't show any interest in it and his sole objective is to make it as difficult as possible for the UK to leave. But you are correct, the remainers in government have certainly not helped, but ultimately the buck stops at Barniers door, and nobody elses.

    So all we can do now is.

    Plan the derail, derail the plan.????

    On 1st read I honestly read this as "Ultimately the Bus stops at Barniers door" and had visions of Boris driving it (the bus) right up there (Barnier's door)... 


  10. 4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Thanks for the explanation Joe. Is the poster correct that 12 month multis based on retirement are available from Penang and Savannakhet though? I was under the impression they only issued them based on marriage - possibly a few other reasons but I didn't think retirement was one of them.

    12 Months Non-O Multi-Entry "Retirement" (> 50) visa is available from Penang (or at least was when I got mine last July).


    I did put a thread up about my experience on here but can't find it now. Key points were:-

    • I had 800k in a Thai Bank & a letter of income from the British Embassy in Bangkok (cannot get these in Thailand anymore so not sure what the requirement is now, if they're still required then I guess you can get one from the country you're living in or from the BE in KL)
    • I stayed at Chulia Mansion (Nice hotel) & used Banana Visa just down the street (Chulia) - Lady there was excellent highly recommend



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    • Thanks 1
  11. JT, obviously finances are a key part of this thread, as you've done so much research into LA, it would be great to get your view on the "Best" Country to move to (in terms of core living costs, rent, food etc...) if your income were:-

    • < $500 per month 
    • $500 - $1,000 per month
    • $1,000 - $2,000 per month
    • $2,000 - $3,000 per month
    • $3,000 - $4,000 per month
    • > $4,000 per month

    ... and at what point would you look elsewhere (maybe even back to Thailand)?



  12. 2 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    So now might be a good time to buy a ranch.  Warren Buffet quotes make a great case on why now is the right time to bet on Venezuela real estate!  https://blog.realtyhive.com/buy-land-venezuela-now/#.XIPgMLhS_cA

    When I was working in Kenya, there were serious troubles in one of the African countries & our Project Manager (local guy) was buying up big houses there for peanuts.


    I caught up with him on another project a few years later & he told me that most of the properties had been "Repossessed" (i.e. stolen from him) by whoever won the "Debate", but they did let him keep a couple of the smaller ones which he estimated were worth 100+ x what he's spent on all of the properties put together.


    Be greedy when others are fearful 

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  13. 5 minutes ago, CaptainJack said:

    Whichever Latin American nation one might want to make a future home, I think it will be a potential mess getting the required documents from Thailand,

    At least (messy or not) you have the option for getting the documents from Thailand, after 10 years living in Singapore I'm screwed if they insist on getting Police clearance from every country you've lived in for the past X years as Singapore will only provide Police clearance for Citizens & PRs


    Yes I should have took PR years ago but it would have cost me a % of my salary for what to me at the time was worth nothing (much though I love the place, I wouldn't live here if I wasn't working & if I am working they sort my Employment Pass out)... Turns out that decision might bite me in the ass (am > 50 now, no chance of getting PR unless I marry my Singapore GF - So no chance of getting PR then) when it comes to looking to move elsewhere.


    Incidentally, when I looked into SRRV for Philippines, not being able to get Police Clearance for Singapore could present a challenge, heard similar for guys who are trying to move from SG to Aus.


    • Like 1
  14. 33 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    believe it or not but I am fully aware of that those are the planned votes


    however, revoking A50 is an available option for the UK that can be decided by parliament there and then without

    any referendum or GE, should MPs so desire


    But they cannot decide to do that without having a vote.... hence my point that there isn't a vote scheduled so I didn't mention it when posting about upcoming votes.


    The answer to the question What happens if the answer to all 3 questions comes back as "No"  is that the UK will leave with the EU with no deal (the default, do nothing option as written into law), which would highlight what a shambles parliament is as it would have voted (I'm guessing by a massive majority) against doing exactly that the day before.



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  15. 31 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    The embassies did not keep the records of their "customers" including the email addresses or the actual street addresses to send letters to

    It's recommended you register with your Embassy when moving overseas so if people have done so they would have your details, if they (as I) haven't then they can't really blame their embassy.


    IIRC the US Embassy sent a communication to all of it's registered citizens advising them off the change before the window closed for them to get 1 last Income Certificate, UK Embassy did nothing.


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  16. 34 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Nothing wrong with the way you worded it, Just that the new regulations do not specify a past/prior check on bank balance for 12 months in order to be approved. Simply a 3 month (or is it 2) seasoning of 800k. All the other stuff relates to checks after the extension has been granted. (Like probation).

    So in theory, each year you could Deposit 800K into a bank account, go to Penang get a Non-O SE then 2-3 months later extend it for 12 months which means you would get 15 months stay with the money only needing to be in the bank for the length of time between getting the visa in Penanag and getting the Extension (2-3 months).


    • Like 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Thailand said:

    So in theory those who do the monthly income route should also show the monies have been received every month?

    What a clusterf---k.

    No theory about it, that's the fact... you need to show 65K coming into Thailand every month. 


    If you went for an extension today, they would expect to see at least 2 monthly xfers of 65K+ to cover the 2 months since the rule was introduced. 


    Showing 1 x 130K (or 1Million) for January OR February won't cut it - got to be at least 65K & every month.


  18. 14 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Given they told him that 2 months foreign-xfers would be enough to get his 1-year extension (due to this year's "flexibility" and his familiarity with the IOs there), I think they meant a "Single-Entry Non-O" Visa.

    I read this "They both told me to go to Penang and get an O-A and with the one year, my bank changes will have time to occur." to mean that they were telling him to get a 1 year Non-O, which would be the Non-O ME.


    2 months foreign xfers would be enough today (i.e. would cover Jan & Feb xfers or each month since the rules were brought in), but if he got a Non-O that covered him March-May, I would expect him to be asked for 5 months when he went to extend in June.


  19. 15 hours ago, bunta71 said:

    My wife is a filipina...really have no clue as to why I do not qualify....and I was very clear as to the 65,000 income for a retirement ext. Lived here for many years and always did the same. I realize I don't qualify for the O-A, was doing a non-O, I was instructed by two immigration officials to go get an O-A in Penang....and who am I to argue with two of them



    Do you think that they meant go to Penang and get a Non-O Multi-Entry which would give you unlimited 90 day entries for 1 year?



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